Tag Archives: sublaxations

Question: What is Chiropractic Care For?

chiropractic careAnswer: Ask different people what chiropractic care is for and you’ll hear:

  • Chiropractic Care is for menstrual problems
  • Chiropractic Care is for ear infections
  • Chiropractic Care is for a better golf swing
  • Chiropractic Care is for headaches
  • Chiropractic Care is for better concentration and higher grades
  • Chiropractic Care is for asthma
  • Chiropractic Care is for autism
  • Chiropractic Care is for low back pain
  • Chiropractic Care is for disk problems
  • Chiropractic is for neck pain
  • Chiropractic Care is for infertility …

 Get the point?

The list can go on and on because people often think chiropractic is locating and correcting subluxations to help their condition or problem. But in reality….

The purpose of chiropractic is to make your body function closer to its full potential. Chiropractors do that by locating and correcting areas of spine and nerve stress called subluxations. Subluxations can weaken or damage every tissue, organ and gland in your body.

What do you use Chiropractic Care for?

Each one of our clients is very different with a unique set of issues that we treat. Sometimes people come in with one complaint and after chiropractic care, several issues are better. We want to hear what you do use (or could use) our care to treat. We want to help you today!

The Three T’s: Trauma

Let’s Discuss Trauma

The 3 T’s of chiropractic are thoughts, trauma and toxins.

In this article we cover trauma.

DD Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic in 1895 said that dis-ease or body malfunction is utrauma repetitive motionsually caused by three things: toxins, thoughts and trauma.

Trauma is any force that the body cannot resist or adapt to.

When people think of trauma they often think of something violent – a car accident, a fall, a sports injury, a difficult delivery, sleeping in a weird position, collisions or other sudden disruptions.

What is micor-trauma?trauma repetitive motion sports

But there’s also micro-trauma – doing the same thing over and over so that it eventually wears down and damages the body: typing in the same position, laying carpet or even playing a sport using the same motion over and over.

The Result is Sublaxation

Whether it is a macro-trauma or a micro-trauma the result is often a subluxation – a distortion in your body structure creating dis-ease. As a result, your body struggles to re-balance and function ideally. Your nervous system is under-working or over-working. There is muscle, organ or tissue weakness, sub-optimal functioning and lack of health (wholeness). This dis-ease sets the stage for disease.

Chiropractic Care can Help

Chiropractors are specially trained to locate and correct subluxations in your body whether trauma has occurred today or at birth or any time in between. That is why everyone, from infants to the elderly, needs a chiropractic checkup and adjustment.

Can Chiropractic Care help with Colic?

YES! Chiropractic Care helps with colic and infant vomiting

colic and chiropractic care

Although a lot of people associate chiropractic with low back, neck and hip problems or headaches and migraines, chiropractic care doesn’t “treat”a particular disease. Rather it corrects a dangerous form of spine/nerve stress called the subluxation. This may be causing an infant’s colic.

Infants may suffer from subluxations as a result of a difficult birth (especially when forceps or vacuum extraction are used) or a fall, in which case the child begins life with subluxations in his/her body and the potential for serious health problems any time in their life.

In fact, any time an infant has any health problems it is essential they be checked for subluxations. We’ve reported on case studies showing that babies and toddlers with colic, projectile vomiting, failure to thrive, sleeping problems, eczema, vision and hearing problems and many other conditions respond to chiropractic care.

Every baby and child should have a chiropractic checkup.

They may not be able to complain about pain or a problem now, but we can locate and correct subluxations in them before they are able to verbalize their problems.

happy baby no colic

This is What You Were Born For

You are born to live a lipainfe of vitality, strength, peace and happiness! It is your birthright, your natural state. That life should be long and full of joy, excitement, pleasure and fulfillment.
But it doesn’t always seem that way. Too many people are not living to their potential; too many people are living lives wracked with physical and mental disease and pain.

Remove Obstacles and Pain

In order to discover physical and mental health you need to remove anything interfering with your proper function.
The chiropractic profession has discovered a serious condition that interferes with your proper function. It is an back paininternal distortion of your spine and body structure – a subluxation. Subluxations are structural distortions that stress your nervous system – your brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves and related structures.
Subluxations are caused by any stress your body cannot handle: a difficult birth, a fall, an accident, emotional upset, chemical toxicity, overwork, or a combination of stresses (i.e. physical, chemical or emotional stress while you are tired, overworked, malnourished, etc.).

Chiropractic subluxation correction improves your health in many ways.

 In over a hundred years of clinical experience, millions of patients have praised chiropractic for helping  them with menstrual problems, a more comfortable pregnancy and labor/delivery, ear infections, high blood pressure, fevers, asthma, colic, eczema, headaches, migraines, back pain, arthritis, stress, sleeplessness, dyslexia, vision, learning disorders and so much more.
But it’s more than pain and sickness. Chiropractic is an excellent way to maximize sports performance, improve overall health and enhance balance, strength and fitness.
Subluxations are epidemic in our society; most people have them in their body and don’t know it. For that reason, everyone needs periodic chiropractic checkups to locate and correct (adjust) their subluxations.

Make an appointment to have your spine checked today!

Questions and Answers about Chiropractic: Round 2

photo2Question #1: How old is chiropractic?

Answer: Chiropractic was discovered (or really rediscovered) in 1895 in Davenport, Iowa by Dr. D.D. Palmer. Dr. Palmer learned that the owner of the janitorial service in his office building had been deaf for many years after an accident. Dr. Palmer analyzed the man’s spine and located a displaced vertebra. He laid him down on a bench and gave him the world’;s first chiropractic adjustment.

The man’s hearing returned. Dr. Palmer thought he had discovered the cure for deafness but shortly thereafter Dr. Palmer had a patient suffering from heart trouble. He found a spinal distortion (subluxation) in the man’s spine, corrected it, and the heart trouble was relieved.

How could two conditions so different as deafness and heart trouble be helped by spinal adjustments? So began the birth of chiropractic. Dr. Palmer’s successes attracted people from far and wide and in time he opened the world’s first chiropractic school – The Palmer College of Chiropractic – which is in existence today.

Question # 2: What’s the #1 nutrition mistake?

Answer: Not eating nutrient dense foods. Some foods give you an abundance of life-sustaining nutrients – these are known as “nutrient dense” foods. Other so-called “foods” have no nutritional value or even negative nutritional value – they drain you of nutrients. These are processed “junk foods”manufactured with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and white flour.

chiropractic questionsSoda (pop), margarine, canola oil are toxic and artificial sweeteners such as NutraSweetT (aspartame), Splenda and Equal are linked to brain tumors, memory loss and vision damage.

GM or genetically-modified foods are to be avoided. Soy is especially unhealthy because it is often genetically modified, difficult to digest and affects the thyroid and hormones. Exceptions are fermented soy products such as soy sauce, natto, tempeh and miso.

Nutrient dense foods include healthy fats and oils (olive oil, coconut oil, butter, tallow, duck fat, lard), grass-fed beef and non-pasteurized raw milk and raw milk products. Bone and chicken broths are excellent sources of minerals and trace elements. Also make sure your food is certified organic. Organic foods have far less toxic pesticides, fungicides and herbicides than conventional foods.

The #1 Question Asked of Chiropractors

An age old question that we get time after time is:

“Why should I return, especially if I feel fine?”

Delays have dangerous ends. –William Shakespeare

You entered our office feeling terrible and now you feel great. So why does your chiropractor suggest coming in again?”Why can’t I return when I’m feeling bad?” you may ask.

“I Feel Fine” Health Carei feel fine

We’ve all seen people looking like death warmed over who say they “feel fine”; yet they have no energy, sleep poorly, are tired, depressed, have aches and pains, headaches or backaches.Too many people who “feel fine” have a sudden heart attack, stroke, debilitating pain or are diagnosed with a serious disease.Sadly, too many people have lost touch with how they really feel. They’ve lost sensitivity or ignore their body’s subtle signs of dis-ease. Don”t make that mistake!

Why More Visits?I feel fine, car accident

Most people first visit our office after they’ve had years of long-standing subluxations. By that time “gunk”(scar tissue or fibrosis) builds up around the spinal discs, nerves and joints and prevents complete healing. That”s one reason why 86% of those in automobile accidents still have symptoms ten years later. (1)

I feel finePosture

Long-standing subluxations also cause postural changes and tender muscle areas (trigger or tender spots). (2)You may “feel fine” but when someone touches a “hot spot”you jump! Scar tissue may require months or years of adjustments before your spine is strong again. (3) The longer you wait, the more scar tissue “gunk”builds up. (4) Because of that there’s a good chance that you”ll be back in our office in the not-too- distant future with symptoms that may take longer to go away (“I don’t understand it doc, the last time I felt better after a couple of visits”).

Why settle for less?

Many people visit chiropractors only when they’re sick or in pain. That’s a lot better than using drugs or surgery, but chiropractic has so much more to offer. Keep your body free of subluxations so it may continue healing; so that it may promote a healthier body, with less stress, more energy and greater resistance to disease.Why be content to be merely free from pain when you can also ensure better health, vitality, and strength for yourself and your entire family for their entire lives?Are you and your family carrying the silent killer, the subluxation? Only a chiropractic check up can tell; come in for a checkup – and bring the family too!



  1. Watkinson A et al. Prognostic factors in soft tissue injuries of the cervical spine. British Journal of Accident Surgery. 1991;22(4):307-309.
  2. Hiemeyer K et al. Dependence of tender points upon posture – a key to the understanding of fibromyalgia syndrome. Journal of Manual Medicine. 1990;5:169-174.
  3. Dishman R. Review of the literature supporting a scientific basis for the chiropractic subluxation complex. JMPT. 1985;8:163-174.
  4. Kelman Cohen I et al. Wound healing, biochemical and clinical aspects. New York: W.B. Saunders
Co., 1992:110.

Pregnancy and Chiropractic

pregnant womanIf there’s any class of patients that need chiropractic care the most it’s pregnant women.

Pregnancy changes a woman’s life in many ways. One way is a special chemical called “relaxin.”

Relaxin is a hormone produced by the ovaries and the placenta that effects the female reproductive system especially during pregnancy. In preparation for childbirth, it relaxes the muscles, joints and ligaments in the pelvis, softens and widens the cervix and relaxes the smooth muscle in the uterus. It does even more by increasing heart and kidney blood output.

In males relaxin enhances the motility of sperm in semen.

Sometimes there’s a down side to relaxin. If the spine and pelvis are unbalanced, or subluxated, then the relaxin can make the subluxations and distortions worse! The result is spine and pelvic pain which is too common in pregnancy. Additionally, the unbalanced body needs more energy for walking, standing, sitting and moving causing fatigue and exhaustion.

Chiropractic can help

Chiropractic can help ensure that the pregnant body is balanced and that the pelvis is relaxed and open to its maximum so the developing baby has the ideal amount of room in which to develop. That is why clinical reports reveal that breech presentations have been corrected, with the fetus turning into a healthy position, as a result of chiropractic adjusting procedures. Clinical reports show chiropractic also helps with breastfeeding and the return to a pre-pregnancy figure. (1-7)


  1. Thomas JC. The Webster Technique in a 28-year-old woman with breech presentation and subluxation [case report]. JVSR. April 7 2008:1-3.
  2. Brynhildsen J, Hansson A, Persson A, Hammar M. Follow-up of patients with low back pain during pregnancy. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 1998;91(2):182-186.
  3. Phillips C. An effective drug-free approach to premature contractions. ICA Review. 1998;54(5):76-81.
  4. Phillips C. Back labor: a possible solution for a painful situation. ICA Review. 1997;53(4):51-56.
  5. Cohen E. Case history: premature labor. Chiropractic Pediatrics. 1995;1(4).
  6. Reynolds JP. What is the role of osteopathic manipulative therapy in obstetric care? JAOA. 1974;74.
  7. Guthrie RA, Martin RH. Effect of pressure applied to the upper thoracic (placebo) versus lumbar areas (osteopathic manipulative treatment) for inhibition of lumbar myalgia during labor. JAOA. 1982;82(4):247-251.

Questions and Answers about Chiropractic

Chiropractor treating a patient

Q: Where did chiropractic come from?

A: Chiropractic was rediscovered and named in 1895 in Davenport, Iowa by DD Palmer, a magnetic healer and teacher who performed the first chiropractic adjustment on his deaf janitor. When the man’s hearing returned Palmer began to investigate the relationship between health and the spinal column.

Q: Why “rediscovered?”

A: Spinal healing had been practiced for thousands of years in nearly every civilization on earth. It has stood the test of time, having been a blessing to millions of people for millennia. But its ancient techniques and principles became lost as humanity became enthralled with drugs and surgery. Dr. Palmer revived and began to teach this old/new healing art.

Q: Was chiropractic accepted at first?

A: People flocked to the first chiropractors. Here was a non-drug, non-surgical approach to healthcare that was safe and effective. The number of Doctors of Chiropractic grew from one man in the American Midwest to thousands in a short time. Chiropractic especially grew in popularity during the 1919 flu pandemic when people under chiropractic care had almost no mortality while people under medical care suffered many deaths.

Q: Did the medical profession accept chiropractors?

A: The medical profession saw chiropractic’s drug-free approach as a threat to their monopoly in healthcare and attacked chiropractors claiming they were practicing “medicine and surgery without a license.” Many chiropractors were actually jailed, fined or imprisoned – but they refused to surrender. Eventually the laws were changed to permit more freedom for non-medical healthcare professionals.

Q: So there is peace now between the healing arts?

A: Not exactly. As more and more people turn to non-medical practitioners the medical profession is finally accepting competition. The medical monopoly is slowly but steadily breaking.

There are different philosophies of health and healing; chiropractic/natural healing approaches and medicine are on opposite sides of the spectrum and disagree strongly on many healthcare issues. The result is that people have access to more information from other perspectives, are often better informed and can make better decisions.