Tag Archives: sublaxations

What is Health?

So many people use the word “health” in different ways. We want to answer the question, “What is health?”

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession – a profession whose goal is to help you regain and maintain health. How does it do that? First, we need to explain what health is all about.

Health is your body functioning at 100% efficiency on every level.

That means:

  • you have lots of energy
  • you can digest foods to obtain nutrients
  • your immune system is keeping you free from invaders and toxins
  • your muscles and joints are balanced
  • your brain is working to keep you awake, alive and happy and communicating with all your body parts

Communication is importantbrain

Your brain sends nerve messages to coordinate the function of every muscle, gland, bone, joint and body part. Your body parts also send messages to your brain so everything knows how things are going.

Chiropractors have recognized a serious communication disorder that prevents your body from working at its optimum: subluxations. Subluxations are areas of spinal, structural and nervous system stress that interfere with your internal communications – interference between your brain, spinal cord and internal organs. 

Without good communication, your body begins to malfunction. A subluxation undermines your health, interferes with your ability to function at your optimum and causes dis-ease or body malfunction.

How do Chiropractors Help?

Chiropractors specialize in locating and correcting/adjusting subluxations. Subluxations are often painless – you and your children may have many and not know it – until disease symptoms occur. Make sure you and your family members (especially if they are pregnant) are functioning without subluxations. Come in for a fun, pain-less, drug-free chiropractic checkup. 

Call Today! 517.627.4547

How many nerves come out of your spine?

Questions and Answers About Chiropractic

Question: How many nerves come out of your spine?drawing of spinal column and nerves

Answer: A lot. About 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) are in your spinal cord. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit and receive electrical impulses. They are like wires and can be as much as a few feet long or a fraction of an inch long. All 100 billion are packed into your spinal cord that is a little thicker than a pencil. Your spinal cord goes down your spine or backbone. 

Your nerves inside the backbone branch off from your spinal cord and travel through little holes between your spinal bones (vertebra). These nerves connect your brain to your heart, lungs, kidneys, muscles, intestines, glands and all your other body parts. 

Your brain and nerves coordinate the function of all the organs in your body so you function as a whole – so your organs all communicate with each other and all your systems work together. 

But if your nerves are stressed by your spine being out of proper alignment then you will have nerve interference; messages won’t travel properly through your body. Chiropractors refer to this as a subluxation.

As a result of subluxations, your body won’t be able to function at 100% efficiency and you’ll suffer from dis-ease: your resistance may be lowered; your muscles may not work properly; your balance, brain, vision, hearing, digestion and hundreds of other things may be adversely affected.

Chiropractors are specially trained to locate and correct (adjust) subluxations. Come in for a checkup, and bring your family to make sure they are subluxation-free. Call today! 517.627.4547

Do chiropractors help with more than just back problems?

Spend some time in a chiropractor’s waiting room (such as ours) and you’ll see people with lots of different problems coming in for care:

  • babies with ear infectionsSciatica
  • kids with asthma
  • pregnant women wanting an easier labor and delivery
  • people with colds and the flu
  • Folks suffering from digestive issues
  • People with headaches and migraines
  • Women with menstrual problems and/or fertility problems
  • People suffering from elimination problems
  • Those with hearing and vision problems
  • (And of course) people with back, neck, arm, leg, shoulder, hip and other pains

Why? It’s because the nerves that come from the spine go to all your internal organs and if there is a blockage where the nerves emanate in the spine (a subluxation) it can and often does affect the function of the organs, and even the function of the entire body.

So, do chiropractors help with more than just back problems? The answer is YES! drawing of spinal column and nerves

It’s understandable that people think that chiropractors are “back doctors” because they work on the spine. However, chiropractic care is for the whole person and chiropractors work on the entire body – they just do it through the spine because that’s where many health-damaging subluxations appear.

It doesn’t matter what conditions you have – you always need a healthy spine to maximize your healing potential. That’s especially true if you are dealing with serious health concerns.

Call and schedule an appointment today and start feeling better!


How Can You Tell if Your Child Has a Subluxation?

There are many simple things that can tell you. Let us count the ways….How Can You Tell if Your Child Has a Subluxation

  • Does one foot turn out or turn in when she walks?
  • Does he have trouble concentrating?
  • When she is laying face up (supine) does one leg appear longer than the other?
  • Is one shoulder higher than the other?
  • Does one arm appear longer than the other when touching palms together and placing hands in front of the body?
  • Is he fidgety? Clumsy? Unable to stay still?
  • When she stands on one foot for a few seconds, then switches her feet, does she have trouble balancing?

But there’s much more to consider too; children exhibiting any neurological or immunological condition need to be checked by a chiropractor for subluxations (and adjusted if any are found).

Subluxations relate to:

  • allergies
  • asthma
  • ASD
  • ADD
  • poor immune function
  • headaches,
  • even cancer (see below)
  • colds
  • heart conditions
  • eye/vision problems
  • ear/hearing problems
  • digestive problems
  • poor energy
  • and much, much more.

Got it? Your children get their eyes, teeth, etc. checked – how about their spines? All children need to be checked for subluxations. Bring in the whole family.

Researching Chiropractic: Fainting

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.


A 57-year-old woman complaining of sudden blackouts (fainting) was diagnosed with “vasovagal syncope” (VVS), a sudden, brief, temporary loss of consciousness (LOC).

She also had constant neck pain primarily on the right and inability to turn her head fully to the right.

She had tried prescribed medication and her MD recommended surgically implanting a pacemaker to regulate her nerve function. She refused.

Chiropractic examination and X-ray analysis revealed vertebral subluxations of the upper neck or cervical vertebrae (C1 and C2).

Her VVS completely disappeared and never returned after her first visit. By her fourth visit her neck pain and limited range of motion greatly diminished.

Friedman R, Friedman A. Resolution of vasovagal syncope (VVS) following upper cervical chiropractic care: a case study & review of the literature. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. February 8, 2018:1-12.

Researching Chiropractic: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

A 21-year-old woman began chiropractic care complaining of low back pain and of radiating numbness into her legs and feet. X-ray and other analysis revealed a left-sided scoliosis (her spine was twisted to the left) plus an exaggerated mid-back (thoracic) and lower back (lumbar) curve.

She was analyzed for subluxations. Her chiropractic care addressed and corrected her subluxations and over a period of five months of care (a total of 62 visits) her left-leaning scoliosis reduced from 20° to 12.5°. Additionally, her mid-back curve reduced from 63° to 40° and her low-back curve reduced from 70° to 65°.

By seven months of care she experienced improvement of over 50% in well-being and a 50% reduction of her physical complaints.

Fox M, Tveitnes E-B. Reduction of idiopathic scoliosis and musculoskeletal complaints & improved state of well-being in a 21-year-old following chiropractic: a case study & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. January 25, 2018:12-22.

Researching Chiropractic: Crohn’s disease

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Crohn’s disease and chiropracticCrohn's disease

A 60-year-old man diagnosed with Crohn’s disease was suffering from abdominal pain and cramping, stiffness all over his body, diarrhea and a generalized feeling of sickness and malaise. His symptoms had begun six years prior and developed gradually.

When he began chiropractic care, he was taking multiple medications for his condition that he felt were not helping. He was unable to go more than one hour without experiencing symptoms.

Chiropractic examination revealed subluxations at multiple levels as well as a poor diet. Subluxation-centered chiropractic care was initiated and his diet was addressed to restore proper intestinal gut flora. The patient reported immediate relief following his first and second adjustments with complete resolution of Crohn’s disease over the course of care. He was able to stop taking all medications after nine months of care. The patient’s complete remission was confirmed by his endocrinologist.

Phillips MA, Wilt TB. Complete remission of Crohn’s disease following subluxation centered chiropractic care: a case report & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research.March 10 2018, 2018:38-47.

If I’m feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care?

Questions and Answers About Chiropractic

Question: If I’m feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care?

Answer: More than ever. Why? If I'm feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care

By the time a person has symptoms they may have been in a weakened, dis-ease state for a long time. Don’t wait until you have serious symptoms; chiropractic can locate hidden blockages or interferences to proper function (subluxations) now before they become more obvious and painful or disturbing later.

It’s sometimes helpful to think of chiropractic as you would dental care. For example, you may have dental cavities, an infected root canal or other dental infections and yet you may feel no pain. All the while, there is a problem silently festering, sometimes for years, that may be affecting your entire body and can ultimately ruin your health. You get your teeth checked periodically – what about your spine and structural system? That’s where chiropractic comes in.

You can also think of chiropractic care as similar to good nutrition – always important to maintain good health and absolutely necessary if a person has a health problem.

Want to make sure you are healthy?

Visit your chiropractor for a checkup on a regular basis.

So even though you might be feeling fine you may be carrying in your body serious stress causing dis-ease preventing you from functioning at your potential.

So, do you really need to come in for chiropractic care if you aren’t in pain or suffering from a disease? Absolutely. Don’t wait until there is long-standing stress and possible damage. Make an appointment today.

517-627 4547

Tell your friends too!

What causes back pain (subluxations)?

Questions and Answers About ChiropracticWhat causes back pain?

Question:  What causes back pain?

Answer: Back pain is usually caused by subluxations in the spine.

Have you ever developed back pain and had no idea what you did?

The following things can contribute:

  • A difficult birth or delivery
  • An auto accident
  • A fall no matter how long ago (even as a toddler)
  • Bad posture
  • Eating junk food (chemical stress)
  • Using the same body position over and over at work or play (repetitive strain injury)
  • Emotional tension
  • Pushing yourself too hard
  • Being a couch potato
  • Dental work
  • Drug use, medications
  • Working in an awkward position
  • A mild jar when you’re unprepared
  • An emotional shock when your energy is low
  • Long car rides

If y0u are experiencing back pain or have any other of the above listed things occur please call us today. We can help!

Your Inner Healer – Let It Out

I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop…was not. Why? What difference was there in the two persons that caused one to have [disease] while his partner…escaped? Why? (1) D.D. Palmer, Founder of Chiropractic

Are you healthy if you feel good? If you said, “Yes,” ask yourself if you ever felt good one day and then came down with a cold, the flu or some other condition the next.

Are you in tune with your inner healer? inner healer

There is a part of your body that is especially intimate with your inner wisdom: your nervous system, composed of your brain, spinal cord and the billions of nerves that emerge from them. Your nervous system touches every nook and cranny of your body, and your innate intelligence uses this vast communications system to organize your billions of parts into a healthy, adapting, living being. (2) True health or adaptation can only emerge when your innate intelligence can communicate to your body parts without interference or “static.”

A complete loss of communication happens in death; a partial loss results in a general deterioration of health – or “dis-ease” – you are less alive and less able to cope with life’s stresses. Eventually a dis-eased state turns into disease conditions. (3)

Subluxations are a common, often painless condition that stresses your spine and nervous system and causes “static,” dis-ease or body malfunction. Doctors of Chiropractic spend years of training learning how to locate and correct your subluxations, freeing your body from dis-ease and helping you better reconnect to your inner healer.

Make sure you are free of subluxations – visit your chiropractor today!

  1.   Palmer DD. The science, art and philosophy of chiropractic. Portland, OR: Portland Printing House. 1910.
  2. Ornstein R, Sobel D. The brain as a health maintenance organization In R. Ornstein & S. Swencionis (Eds.), The Healing Brain, A Scientific Reader. New York: Guilford Press. 1990;11.
  3. Selye H. The Stress of Life (Rev. ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. 1976.