Tag Archives: newsletter

The Latest From Charmaine August 2021

Greetings all,photo3-300x198

Trust you are enjoying summer and perhaps starting to see the fruits of your labors in the gardens.

As I write this Mid-July, I am, like many, cursing the damn mosquitoes that are trying their hardest to carry us away/bite us till we look like we got measles!.  I seem to be a target for the pesky things and have no love of this time of the year.  May they be gone ASAP!

We are currently in a holding pattern regarding traveling to see the kids in Norway.  As soon as we get the go-ahead, we plan to make a speedy exit before governments change their minds, and dash over for a 2-week family immersion!… if all goes to plan it looks like we will be gone sometime in early September…so watch this space!

Meanwhile, I quilt and yoga on with a dash or two of powerlifting thrown in and have recently had a breakthrough with my bench press, and have now got PB’s in both bench and overhead press!!  The squat is under reconstruction as I have been dealing with a shoulder problem and the deadlift and I are having serious chats as I slowly ramp up for the “winter” “Senior” Olympics scheduled for November.

So, I trust you are all keeping moving, and hydrating, and eating well from all the fresh garden bounty.  (I have included a couple of quickie recipes this month, oldies but goodies with a nice twist for a fast meal in all the heat).


Call us to make an appointment today! (517) 627-4547

Latest News from Charmaine: July 2020

Greetings all,photo3-300x198

We now can officially say it’s summer. All the hoopla of hot muggy days along with dry days that worry our farmers and the darn mosquitoes all mixed with the ongoing coronavirus that has life at a standstill for so many people   As we await some degree of resolution, to allow us to try and get  back to “normal”, lets plan on making the best with what we got!!

This past June, Dr. Ray and I celebrated 40 years (each) in Chiropractic  having graduated together in the summer of 1980.  We, however, never got to go to homecoming  this year to celebrate with our classmates, which was a bummer. Daughter Damaris graduated 10 years ago and has settled down in Norway, with her man, Anders and is in a great practice, and has our first grandchild Alfred  (3 ½) and a baby girl due October.

I finally got to the Farmers Market and oh how I missed the talks with the farmers and  their  fresh veggies…I am having a hard time at           Meijer where everything is wrapped up in  awful polluting plastic and you are  obliged to buy more than you need or not at all. As produce ripens, this is the time, in all this heat, to really think of  keeping cooking to the minimum…so maybe cook extra rice, veggies roast extra potatoes etc. that can be thrown into salad bowls and make hearty, minimum effort, minimum heat and maximum nutritious meals.


Drs. Ray & Charmaine

Click HERE to contact us or call 517.627.4547

The Latest from Charmaine: February 2020

Greetings all!photo3

Well the countdown to spring and greenery and impending  warmth is on, and I am for sure looking forward to it!

We have a hectic month or two coming up especially in April, what with the family coming over from Norway and College reunion (40th!) Also some continuing education thrown in the mix as well.  These two events sandwich my yearly yoga retreat. So if I am looking a smidge frazzled in April -forgive me!

On the powerlifting front, I am coming off a double whammy of injury (that was caused by a silly fall way back!) and I am seriously hoping to be competition ready by the last part of the year. Senior Olympics in August only competes in Deadlift and Bench Press…so I am good there. 

I have decided that should I not be ready to do a decent squat by October, that I will try next year. It has been a frustrating year of kinda marching in place and I know it may take longer to get back to the weight I want (180+) in squat than I might like…but I know that my body needs time, chiropractic care, training and massage.

What training goals have you set for yourself this year and how can we help keep you healthy on the road to success??

Is there anything we can help you with?

Give us a call at 517- 627-4547

The Latest from Charmaine: March 2019

Greetings all,February 2019

Spring is playing coy with her “springy” days and smells (let’s pretend we didn’t see the mud, shall we?) It is a time to enjoy the first bird sightings, listen to the birdsong, and watch the gentle greening of the world around us.

Garden dreams will slowly begin to take shape and it is always important that you don’t dive head first (literally and figuratively, LOL) into you projects.  Plan them out so the right tools are handy and remember- that while the temptation is there to kill the project …..ROME was not built in a day and weekend warriors pay a heavy price for wayyyyy too much enthusiasm!!

This newsletter talks about the evils of diet pop/soda pop drinks…..something to think about. It’s always interesting to hear someone order fries and a diet pop as that is probably a pretty lethal combination there and no calories are saved in the effort in reality.

Also,  read an interesting article about how chiropractic promotes wellness.

As a newish grandmother I love the piece about the way grandparents are perceived by their grand kids and this Grammy loves her Face Time with her little man (he sometimes demands that Mom call us so he can talk, which I think is a hoot!)

Meanwhile, enjoy the arrival of spring in all her wonderment.

Make sure you get checked and adjusted so that you can enjoy spring and see you in the office, on the yoga mat or under the barbells!


March 2019

Latest News from Charmaine: March 2018

Latest news February 2018Greetings all!

In light of some recent comments made in this office, I felt it was time to remind you


What do I mean by that?  My question to you is – what are you doing to help yourself?

Chiropractic adjustments can only be fully effective if you are helping us to help you.

You need to be exercising, walking, swimming, yoga, running, strength training, etc.

You need to be drinking water…lots of it…easier in summer because you feel thirsty, not so much in winter and probably more important to help with the digestion of heavy comfort food.

You need to eat a life affirming diet, not a life depleting diet…that is more fresh fruit and veggies and minimally processed, close to nature food rather than stuff that you need a chemical degree to be able to decipher the labels.

You need to spend some quiet time every day, whether it’s reading, meditating or just alone in the garden to help recharge your batteries.

Chiropractic is an awesome means to getting your body to function better BUT if you don’t do your part, the chair cannot stand on one leg alone!


Latest News From Charmaine: September 2017

From the September 2017 Newsletter

Greetings all,Latest news

Well we really need to accept the fact that Fall is upon us.  The cooler weather is making for better sleeping and, I must admit, working out is more pleasant.

Having set a State record at the Mi Senior Olympics in my age group,  I am now working towards my final meet for the year at the end of October…I need goals to keep me motivated ..how about you??

The farmers market are currently full to the brim with the most amazing produce, so happy canning if you do that, and just enjoy all the deliciousness of eating as close to home grown as you can get, with all the attendant vital goodness the fruit and veggies offer.

Remember, there is NO FLU SEASON contrary to medical advertising, there is usually just a decrease of exercise, lack of hydration, lack of fresh air and far too many carbs all working together to compromise the immune system !!!



September 2017

Latest News From Charmaine: August 2017 Newsletter

Greetings all,

Some of the women from today's Senior Olympics..,great job ladies!

Some of the women from today’s Senior Olympics..,great job ladies!

By the time this newsletter gets into the hands of most of you, my MI Senior Olympic Powerlifting event will be over (yay for aging up). I took first in my weight and age class.

The solar eclipse is on it’s way (Monday, August 21) and the kids are headed back at school and summer is slowly winding down.

That’s a lot of mile-markers to pack in such a short time.

On the upside, fresh produce is abundant, the weather is glorious and Mr. Alfred is growing like a weed and smiles abound.

Of special note in this newsletter…. Read the article about food dyes and let’s all try and make a commitment to eat a cleaner, more natural diet. It’s good for the planet and for our bodies!!!

See you in the office, on the table, under the barbells or on the mat…Happy Day y’all!

Latest News from Charmaine: May Flowers!

Greetings all,Latest news

It is just so wonderful to hear the birds in full voice early in the mornings and we are spending time in the garden observing all the activities of the neighborhood birds.  Now that we no longer have Sally Cat, the birds are out in full force on the lawn digging for worms, creating nests and chatting with their friends.

Garden work is back! And, as usual, I will remind you that Rome was not built in a day and to take it easy on all the “Honey-do” garden chores/projects…nothing quite ruins the fun like a back out of whack from being overly ambitious.  Plan ahead, make sure you have the right tools, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Our trip for Alfred’s christening was fun and we look forward to them visiting in July.  We will take a week off in July to be together as a family up north and young Alfie should be in full crawl mode by then.

I will be participating in the MI Senior Olympics again in August.  I have “aged” up so need to set some records for the next age group.

See you in the office, on the table, on the mat, at any of the various Farmers Markets that are opening up now or under the barbells. ~Charmaine

Latest News from Charmaine: December Newsletter: Body, Mind & Spirit

Body, Mind & Spirit Greetings all,

As we plow our ways thru’ the snow, literally and figuratively, give thanks for the winter in all its wondrous beauty.  We all know we need the four seasons of the year as part of the natural cycle, and wishing it away only creates unnecessary tension in body, mind and spirit.

Health is a vital part of our ability to adapt and live within these natural cycles and it behooves each and every one of us to make sure that we are sparking on all possible cylinders to be the best we can be.

As I mentioned, body, mind and spirit “is us” and if just one of those aspects is out of kilter, it will, like a low pressure tire, cause you to be out of balance.

So start your day with a SMILE…the physical act causes a chemical change in the body and a positive chemical change creates less stress on the body as tensions are released….so one simple act can make a huge difference.  I am reminded of a bumper sticker I once saw, that said:


See you in the office, on the table, under the barbells or on the mat!!!

The 3 T’s: Thoughts (mental health and chiropractic)

thoughts and mental healthThe Connection Between Mental Health and Chiropractic Care

Dr. Daniel David (DD) Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic, was a man ahead of his time. He had an impressive library of scientific insights. Drawing from his studies he came to the conclusion that dis-ease (body malfunction) was caused by three T’s: Toxins, Thoughts (mental health) and Trauma.

Today’s scientific community is verifying those profound insights. Last month we discussed toxins. Now let’s look at thoughts.

Thoughts (emotions) are Powerful

The body affects the mind and the mind affects the body. Years ago it was believed our thoughts had no bearing on our health. During the mid-20th century the term psychosomatic illness was used to refer to a few conditions believed to be caused by emotional stress. But that was only just the beginning.

Today, many healers agree that it is rare to find a physical illness that cannot be affected by our emotions and just as impossible to find an emotional illness that has no physical effects. Mind and body interact in all circumstances.

Today the term mind/body or body/mind is used to describe this complex interrelationship.

From a physical standpoint we know that emotional stress affects our hormonal system and our immune system. Wemind and body connection also know that physical stress and changes in body chemistry can cause or contribute to changes in brain chemistry.

Life-threatening, even terminal illnesses such as cancer, have been reversed when individuals have had an emotional catharsis or an experience inspiring great hope and optimism. Emotional illness has reversed when people have experienced a physical healing.

The Chiropractic Connection

Chiropractic is a mind/body or body/mind healing art. The mind healing (psychotherapeutic) effects of chiropractic care were observed over a century ago and resulted in the creation of the Clear View and Forest Park Sanitariums devoted to caring for people suffering from mental and emotional disorders such as anxiety, “nervous disorders” (as they were then called) and more severe forms of emotional illness such as schizophrenia.

In fact, over a forty-year period, Doctors of Chiropractic and chiropractic schools operated nearly two hundred hospitals demonstrating that chiropractic care, with proper subluxation correction, along with a nutritious diet, exercise, fresh air and sunlight, had powerful healing effects.

Both Clear View and Forest Park Sanitariums consistently reported greater success than the state mental hospitals. The results so impressed North Dakota circuit court judge A.W. Ponath, that he consistently refused to send a patient to the state mental hospital unless they first spent time in the chiropractic institution. (5)

Why? Because without drugs, surgery (pre-frontal lobotomies) and electric shock therapy, chiropractic promoted real brain health and had a greater healing success rate.

Today chiropractors see many patients suffering from anxiety, depression, addiction, ADD, ADHD, autism and other conditions.

mental health

References and research for this article were obtained from the following sources:

1. Regan B, Hirshberg C. Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibiliography. by. Sausalito, CA: Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1993.

2. Quigley WH. Pioneering mental health: institutional chiropractic care. Chiropractic History. 1983;3:68-73.

3. Goff PJ. Chiropractic treatment of mental illness: a review of theory and practice. Research Forum. 1987;4(1):4-10.

4. http://www.chiro.org/Plus/History/Persons/Mental-Health_in_Chiro/Mental_Health&Chiro- chrono.pdf

5. Glenther GC et al. Improvement in depression following reduction of upper cervical vertebral subluxation using orthospinology technique. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. November 7 2005;1-4.