Tag Archives: latest news

The 3 T’s: Thoughts (mental health and chiropractic)

thoughts and mental healthThe Connection Between Mental Health and Chiropractic Care

Dr. Daniel David (DD) Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic, was a man ahead of his time. He had an impressive library of scientific insights. Drawing from his studies he came to the conclusion that dis-ease (body malfunction) was caused by three T’s: Toxins, Thoughts (mental health) and Trauma.

Today’s scientific community is verifying those profound insights. Last month we discussed toxins. Now let’s look at thoughts.

Thoughts (emotions) are Powerful

The body affects the mind and the mind affects the body. Years ago it was believed our thoughts had no bearing on our health. During the mid-20th century the term psychosomatic illness was used to refer to a few conditions believed to be caused by emotional stress. But that was only just the beginning.

Today, many healers agree that it is rare to find a physical illness that cannot be affected by our emotions and just as impossible to find an emotional illness that has no physical effects. Mind and body interact in all circumstances.

Today the term mind/body or body/mind is used to describe this complex interrelationship.

From a physical standpoint we know that emotional stress affects our hormonal system and our immune system. Wemind and body connection also know that physical stress and changes in body chemistry can cause or contribute to changes in brain chemistry.

Life-threatening, even terminal illnesses such as cancer, have been reversed when individuals have had an emotional catharsis or an experience inspiring great hope and optimism. Emotional illness has reversed when people have experienced a physical healing.

The Chiropractic Connection

Chiropractic is a mind/body or body/mind healing art. The mind healing (psychotherapeutic) effects of chiropractic care were observed over a century ago and resulted in the creation of the Clear View and Forest Park Sanitariums devoted to caring for people suffering from mental and emotional disorders such as anxiety, “nervous disorders” (as they were then called) and more severe forms of emotional illness such as schizophrenia.

In fact, over a forty-year period, Doctors of Chiropractic and chiropractic schools operated nearly two hundred hospitals demonstrating that chiropractic care, with proper subluxation correction, along with a nutritious diet, exercise, fresh air and sunlight, had powerful healing effects.

Both Clear View and Forest Park Sanitariums consistently reported greater success than the state mental hospitals. The results so impressed North Dakota circuit court judge A.W. Ponath, that he consistently refused to send a patient to the state mental hospital unless they first spent time in the chiropractic institution. (5)

Why? Because without drugs, surgery (pre-frontal lobotomies) and electric shock therapy, chiropractic promoted real brain health and had a greater healing success rate.

Today chiropractors see many patients suffering from anxiety, depression, addiction, ADD, ADHD, autism and other conditions.

mental health

References and research for this article were obtained from the following sources:

1. Regan B, Hirshberg C. Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibiliography. by. Sausalito, CA: Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1993.

2. Quigley WH. Pioneering mental health: institutional chiropractic care. Chiropractic History. 1983;3:68-73.

3. Goff PJ. Chiropractic treatment of mental illness: a review of theory and practice. Research Forum. 1987;4(1):4-10.

4. http://www.chiro.org/Plus/History/Persons/Mental-Health_in_Chiro/Mental_Health&Chiro- chrono.pdf

5. Glenther GC et al. Improvement in depression following reduction of upper cervical vertebral subluxation using orthospinology technique. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. November 7 2005;1-4.

Do Antibiotics Increase Allergies and Asthma?

Growth of Yeast in Digestive System May Be to Blameantibiotics cause allergies

University of Michigan researchers claim that antibiotics alter intestinal microflora and  can lead to changes in the entire immune system. The findings were presented a few years ago at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, but we feel they are worth repeating.

Antibiotics play a big part

Mice were first given antibiotics, and then given yeast fungus to create a fungal colony in their digestive tracts. The lead researcher, Gary Huffnagle, described the lungs of the treated mice as “shredded,” making them unable to breathe.
antibiotics in gut
Antibiotics increase the growth of the yeast Candida albicans in the gut, Noverr explains. It is a common side effect of antibiotic use and previous studies show that this change in the gut could increase allergies.
“Over the past four decades there has been an explosive increase in allergy and asthma in westernized countries, which correlates with widespread use of antibiotics …,” said researcher Mairi Noverr, with the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, in a news release.

How do you treat Candida in your Digestive System?

Besides an increase in allergies and asthma, an abundance of Candida can also cause the following symptoms:antibiotics cause allergies

  • Exhaustion
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Bad breath
  • White coat on tongue
  • Brain fog
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Joint pain
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Chronic sinus and allergy issues
  • Digestive problems (gas and bloating)
  • Weak immune system
  • UTI
For more information on how to treat Candida Overgrowth Syndrome (COS) check out this article.

Latest News from Charmaine: June 2016: Changes

charmaine at tournamentGreetings all,

This has been a time of great changes just in the last couple of weeks.  What with the children getting out of school…some of them graduating, others moving up a grade level and the deaths of several great icons with whom we all felt a personal connection– it has been a little unsettling.
Making changes to one’s daily overall health regime is generally uncomfortable until we settle into a routine; but in this day and age of such a sedentary lifestyle and very often, our daily job…it become vitally important that we get out and exercise…whether it is walking, running, cycling, yoga or Tai Chi or anything else.  We need to keep our joints and spine supple so that we can be as healthy and pain free as possible for as long as possible.
How do you fit in your exercise? What is you favorite thing to do? Let us know in the comments. Who knows, maybe you will inspire someone else to get out there and start moving!
exercise latest news

Latest News from Charmaine: May 2016

This has been an interesting spring this year for sure…and just as we think we have a handle on where the weather is going to do/think spring is FINALLY here, Mother Nature says “Just Kidding!!”…..Just take one day at a time and shortly you will be talking about the summer heat!!

But the calendar moves on and the gardening chores await. Make a conscious effort to plan ahead…have the right tools too!… diving in head first can only cause grief (literally and figuratively).

Plant Some Vegetables

vegetablesThis year, even if you have only a patio for a garden, think of planting something “vegetabley”…your body will thank you…I know I am planning potatoes, tomatoes and a variety of lettuces…and supporting the Farmers Markets for the rest.

If you are looking for some new recipe inspiration, check out our recipe section on our website. Lots of good stuff there!

I must admit I am also enjoying playing with the micro greens and also this year I am going to try growing some edamame beans (green soybeans).

So Much Yoga

Currently, I have started teaching a 6am yoga class 3 days a week along with the 5 regular classes I teach…..so it’s gonna be an interesting summer!

Support Farmers’ Markets

As I said earlier, I am supporting the local Farmer’s Markets and if you have not visited Peckham Farms on Grand River, or the Grand Ledge Farmers Market at Bridge Street Plaza..you are missing out on the good stuff. Locally grown crops have a MUCH smaller carbon footprint than the store bought products that are shipped crazy distances and thus have less nutritional value.

HAVE A FUN REST OF SPRING!! See you on the table, in the office, on the yoga mat, or under the barbells.

Latest News From Charmaine: April 2016

Greetings All

Trying not to hold my breath…but dang it looks like Spring has FINALLY arrived!

daffodilsSpring Has Arrived

If you look around you will notice the first harbingers of spring…crocus, daffodils, forsythia and a very light green to many of the trees as they slowly start budding.  Hopefully the most recent freezing weather does not affect the fruit crops of the state or the trees that blossom early, like magnolias, etc.

With all the gentle Spring days here, there are lots of wonderful days to get out and walk, or maybe even bike before we can really get into the garden to plant anything new…also time to finish that fall cleanup that didn’t happen!

Think thru a task before jumping in

While I am not a fan of timidity or overly cautious attitudes…please think thru a task before jumping in and possibly ruining your back/ day/weekend.  Happily, we are available to get you out of that pickle, although our first choice would be prevention- not “fixing”.

Quick Spring Trip

The last few days of April, 4/28 thru’ 30th we will be heading down to S.C.  for our college “Homecoming” or Lyceum as it’s called.   So, we will be open in the am on that Thursday 4/28 as a schedule change…signs will be up in the office as a reminder.

Sophia heading off soon

Meanwhile, Sophia is on countdown to graduation and will continue to work with us for a few more weeks before heading off to Northwestern.

Congratulations to Allen

Congratulations to Allen H who has received an Artistic Scholarship to NMU……we have talented people in our midst.

Share your story with us!

OH YES this comes to mind…we have several patients who are state or national or even world champions in a variety of activities/sports….or have received special recognition (like Hall of Fame recognition)….we would love you to share your story with us and the greater Chiropractic Community if you are willing…..talk to me or Dr. Ray.

See you in the office, on the table, on the mat or under the barbells!!