Tag Archives: latest news

The Latest From Charmaine August 2021

Greetings all,photo3-300x198

Trust you are enjoying summer and perhaps starting to see the fruits of your labors in the gardens.

As I write this Mid-July, I am, like many, cursing the damn mosquitoes that are trying their hardest to carry us away/bite us till we look like we got measles!.  I seem to be a target for the pesky things and have no love of this time of the year.  May they be gone ASAP!

We are currently in a holding pattern regarding traveling to see the kids in Norway.  As soon as we get the go-ahead, we plan to make a speedy exit before governments change their minds, and dash over for a 2-week family immersion!… if all goes to plan it looks like we will be gone sometime in early September…so watch this space!

Meanwhile, I quilt and yoga on with a dash or two of powerlifting thrown in and have recently had a breakthrough with my bench press, and have now got PB’s in both bench and overhead press!!  The squat is under reconstruction as I have been dealing with a shoulder problem and the deadlift and I are having serious chats as I slowly ramp up for the “winter” “Senior” Olympics scheduled for November.

So, I trust you are all keeping moving, and hydrating, and eating well from all the fresh garden bounty.  (I have included a couple of quickie recipes this month, oldies but goodies with a nice twist for a fast meal in all the heat).


Call us to make an appointment today! (517) 627-4547

Latest News from Charmaine – July 2021

photo3-300x198This is a combo of “latest news” from June and July since July is almost here.

Summer seems to have just leapfrogged over Spring…I am not such a fan of hellish hot days…I worry what the heck we might experience in August?

Our local Farmer’s Market is open and we will continue to enjoy a  bounty of yumminess. Check out our article on the importance of eating the rainbow and what better time to explore with all the wonderful veggies available right now.

Check out our recipes section on our blog for new recipes, including two salads that are a variation on the classics and will keep well in the fridge too. So, when it’s too hot to cook, a nice salad goes a long way. (And, as I read recently, salads, provided they are not dripping in oily dressings, are great brain food! Double bonus for the win!)

Summertime is a chance to perhaps sneak in some R&R and we love to throw the bikes in the back of my van, pack a picnic full of farmer’s market goodness, and head for a nearby trail… a triple win- fresh air, good food, and exercise.

We had great pleasure in celebrating the 41st anniversary since we graduated and by some strange coincidence, we arrived in Grand Ledge  32 years to the same day 6/14!  (Cosmic message?  Also, we joke that we were meant to be here…Ray’s family is from Sparta, Greece…we went to Chiropractic College in Spartanburg SC, and arrived here in the land of the Spartans!)

My powerlifting meet has been postponed till November..out of the extremes of heat in a sweaty gym like we had to endure last time!


The Latest from Charmaine – March 2021

Greetings all!

Spring is in the air, the Worm Full Moon is around the corner, and the muddy conditions will be trying our patience.

Yet, I am sure all of us are reveling in the thought of Spring blossoms, birdsong, garden work(?) and more sunshine in our lives.

Spring is a time of rebirth/fresh beginnings. Time to get out and be more …your body craves movement and if you were a couch potato because of winter/Covid….there are no more excuses. I have to say that last year we saw so many “dog (people) walkers” out as the lockdowns went into effect, but the enthusiasm seems to have lagged and fewer people have been walking their pooches!

Enjoy the various fun events that are slowly coming back to life.


Latest News From Charmaine: February 2021

Well, we are well into the heart of winter! Trust you are making time to enjoy it, even if it is only from behind a window.photo3-300x198
But seriously, getting out into the “chilly” weather is good for your immune system and also helps to fend off the very real weight gain that happens when you combine major sports events, the ritual eating that goes along with such events, chilly weather, and being somewhat sedentary.

I am back to playing with heavyweights after a long covid layoff and I must say the body does thrive with being challenged.

Please watch out for the ice that is to be found at this time of year because, as one practice member said, his wife was stargazing in broad daylight! I really love Yak Trax or similar gadgets that give you a little more traction right now…but it definitely does not mean you are fireproof (or fall-proof!!)


Drs. Ray & Charmaine

Click HERE to contact us or call 517.627.4547

The Latest from Charmaine: Early Fall 2020

Greetings all!photo3-300x198

Well, that was summer, wasn’t it? In the year of Covid did we actually have a summer?

Please know that, as the medical professions keep reminding you that the flu’ season is upon us, you really need to work on eating healthy to stay well.

That means less junk/processed food and way more fruits and veggies. That will keep your system more alkaline so that the cold and flu “bugs “don’t find a home in your body.

Norway has a great approach to the Fall and Winter weather…they actually actively seek opportunities to get out and breathe the fresh air!  Whoa, a novel concept!  This from a country that lets their little ones nap snug and warm, in a sheltered place, in the fresh air.  Norwegians are one of the happiest people on the planet and it’s because they embrace their environment, not bemoan it!

As Fall settles in (one of my absolute favorite seasons), and as we prepare to settle the garden in for winter…please plan carefully, hindsight is great but doesn’t take care of the aches and pains of foolish actions.

We await the arrival of Miss Lanjopoulos-Smedsrud in early October. I hope to be able to go and help out after she arrives, but if not, we plan on being over there for the christening over Christmas.


Drs. Ray & Charmaine

Click HERE to contact us or call 517.627.4547

Lastest News from Charmaine: June 2020

Greetings all!photo3-300x198

SIZZLE! SIZZLE! SIZZLE! From an icky half-assed Spring straight into full melty, squelchy Summer!  Gotta love Michigan in times of climate change!!

Hopefully, my veggie garden and yours survives this heat and hopefully doesn’t drown with all this rain.   At the present time, with all the COVID 19 hoof-fla-fla, veggie gardens along the lines of the old Victory gardens seem to be sprouting up…and I say hurrah to everybody planning on eating yummy fresh healthy food…a positive from a negative…gotta love it!

Needless to say with everything going on, I have not been able to train for 3 months at the gym, and the puny weights at home don’t give me the same workout (duh!). However, I will say that the distance yoga teaching has really led me to more depths and insights that have been magical. Working out alone has actually proved to be beneficial.

Just got word that travel to see our grandchild and his parents in July is off for now..hoping that at least I can make it there for 2 weeks to help out after the little one is born in October.

Meanwhile, stay safe, wash your hands (but not too much), drink lots of water, let your dog take you for regular walks, and make the best of what you got!

Contact us   517.627.4547 to make an appointment.

Latest News from Charmaine: May 2020

Greetings all,photo3-300x198

Well, I think Spring has decided that the odds of it happening are finally settled.  We have had some delicious days recently, which, hopefully has taken a little of the edge off the Stay at Home- Stay Safe Cabin Fever so many are suffering from.

Essentially, as I sure you have come to realize is that a NEW NORMAL is settling in and we can now forever be guilty of saying “Before Covid 19- we did…”  

Trust you have all enjoyed the tulips that Brenda worked so hard to get planted and I am sure, that after she visits Holland, Michigan- we are in for more.  I must say, their Tulip Time is always a glorious display.

I see that our Farmer’s Markets will be opening soon.  Big YAY!   for that…  I love my Saturday/Sunday ritual that involves getting fresh veggies and other delights straight from the person who was involved in the whole process…another great way to connect to the land.


The Latest from Charmaine: February 2020

Greetings all!photo3

Well the countdown to spring and greenery and impending  warmth is on, and I am for sure looking forward to it!

We have a hectic month or two coming up especially in April, what with the family coming over from Norway and College reunion (40th!) Also some continuing education thrown in the mix as well.  These two events sandwich my yearly yoga retreat. So if I am looking a smidge frazzled in April -forgive me!

On the powerlifting front, I am coming off a double whammy of injury (that was caused by a silly fall way back!) and I am seriously hoping to be competition ready by the last part of the year. Senior Olympics in August only competes in Deadlift and Bench Press…so I am good there. 

I have decided that should I not be ready to do a decent squat by October, that I will try next year. It has been a frustrating year of kinda marching in place and I know it may take longer to get back to the weight I want (180+) in squat than I might like…but I know that my body needs time, chiropractic care, training and massage.

What training goals have you set for yourself this year and how can we help keep you healthy on the road to success??

Is there anything we can help you with?

Give us a call at 517- 627-4547

The Latest From Dr. Charmaine and Dr. Ray: January 2020

Greetings all,photo3
I am sure that many of us are scratching our heads at this winter….but it is happening in its own way and at its own time. We can make some changes in our lives to accommodate the change to the new year and to the weather.

Get plenty of rest. Winter is hibernation time for our four footed friends and we would do well to remember that.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. We all have our heaters and wood fires going to keep us warm but that draws a lot of moisture out of the body…so drink LOTS of H2O.

Watch your posture. I notice that so many people walk with their shoulders hunched up around their ears this time of the year…NO TURTLING PLEASE…. it messes up the neck and shoulder areas…get a scarf/two and wrap it around the neck and chest area and walk tall!!!!!

EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE. It is terribly important that we keep moving thru’ the winter months…If you are not an outside weather fan, find some way to incorporate exercise. Look at no commitment gyms and get in there and do something. Go to open swim, go to the mall or GLHS and walk. Keep your circulation working and the winter weight gain down.

WATCH THE WINTER DIET. We tend to eat too much “comfort food” in winter and a) gain weight and b) are subject to more colds and flu. The body needs to be more alkali and so more fruits, veggies and less stodgy comfort food is better. Keep the dairy and meats to flavoring status and eat 5-9 servings of veggies/fruit daily. Clementines are a great handful, quick to unwrap and loaded with Vit C.


Remember your body does not have a check engine light!!


The Lastest from Charmaine: November 2019

Greetings All!!photo3

November seems to have rushed in with unseemly haste, bringing the month of weird weather and the constant question…Just where the heck did this year go?

Not sure I can answer that one, but I am trying hard, as I am sure many of you are, to get all the stuff done that we wanted to get done before the end of the year.

Please note: We will be out of the office from November 20th to December 2nd to be with our family in Florida.  Alfred is just shy of 3 years old (!) and we are looking forward to spending some quality time with them.

I have taken the liberty of sharing some of my favorite Thanksgiving dishes in this newsletter (we get the question what dishes do you, as a vegan/vegetarian prepare for this time of the year?).

This will be the final newsletter of the year…..so, we will take the opportunity to say -Thank You for trusting us with the opportunity to get you and yours on the road to health and may 2020 be TOTALLY AWESOME!