Here is a real story about a real dog who just couldn’t poop. Find out how chiropractic can with constipation in dogs.
A constipated Boston terrier
A 14-year-old female Boston terrier was brought in for chiropractic care, referred from a veterinarian. The dog had constipation for six days, constant drinking (polydipsia), generalized weakness, a history of impacted anal glands, dry skin and obesity (46.10 lbs.). The dog had been prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug as well as Chinese medicines. There was no change in her condition.
She was brought in to the chiropractic clinic in a wagon because she was unable to walk by herself. She had to be lifted out of the wagon and placed on the floor. And was unable to even stand without her hind limbs collapsing. Subluxations were found in the upper neck, mid-back, lower back and sacrum. Immediately after the adjustment the dog could stand and walk a couple of steps without assistance, was taken outside and had a large bowel movement. By her second visit she was healthier than she had been in years.
If you have pet who isn’t pooping, give us a call at 517.627.4547
Research: Sullwold P, Lavallie N. Resolution of constipation, polydipsia and generalized weakness in a 14-year-old canine following chiropractic adjustment: a case report & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. September 3, 2018:135-144.