Tag Archives: chiropractic care

Researching Chiropractic – Food Intolerances, Seizures, Ear Issues

There seems to be no end to the conditions that respond to chiropractic care – physical as well as psychological conditions.

That is because chiropractic does not “treat” a particular condition. Chiropractic care “corrects” a serious interference to the brain, nervous system, and energy function known as the subluxation. 

No matter what condition you or a loved one may have, you and they will always function better when free from subluxations. Chiropractors are uniquely trained to locate and correct subluxations. Enjoy this month’s cases and see more next month. 

Resolution of Food Intolerances in a 24-Year-Old Male

A 24-year-old male with low back pain and food intolerances to wheat, garlic, onion, and dairy began chiropractic care.  In the past, he had been hospitalized due to digestive issues, abdominal pain, bloated abdomen, excessive hunger, and depression.

Chiropractic analysis revealed subluxations at C1 and C5 (neck/cervical vertebrae).  The patient had a series of corrections/adjustments. By his 9th visit, after three months of care, he had no more digestive issues and was able to eat foods that were previously deemed intolerant. In addition, his mood had also improved. (1)

Seizure Reduction in a Two-Year Old

A two-year-old boy with seizures, and hypotonia (weak muscles or lack of muscle tone), diagnosed with MMPSI (similar to infantile spasms) was brought in for chiropractic care. He was on numerous prescription drugs.

He was having 15-20 seizures per day and exhibiting poor eye gaze/tracking, arms flailing, screaming, and uncontrolled movements. He was not able to hold up his head, sit up, and vocalize. 

Spinal and cranial examination revealed multiple areas of vertebral subluxation that were addressed (adjusted).

Over the 13-month period of being checked and adjusted for vertebral subluxation (22 office visits), there were significant improvements his quality of life and function. A 24-hour EEG reported ZERO seizures, and under the guidance of his primary care physician, he stopped all medications. (2) 

Ear Surgery Scheduled for A Four-Year-Old

It is estimated that approximately 40% of children suffer from ear infections (otitis media or OM) before the age of five. OM is often recurrent, and pediatricians often put the suffering child on numerous antibiotic prescriptions and sometimes do ear surgery and put tubes in the child’s ears (which often fail).

In this case, a four-year-old boy with a history of failed ear-tube surgeries, and numerous ear infections was scheduled for yet another surgery. His parents decided to first bring him in for chiropractic care. 

The chiropractor located vertebral subluxations and adjusted the child’s cervical and thoracic spine. 

After the first adjustment, the child felt immediately better. He was also sleeping better and in a better mood. By the 3rd visit, the mother canceled her son’s scheduled surgery her child’s ear pain, fever, and hearing resolved. (3)

If you know anyone who may be experiencing these issues, please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us. Call 517.627.4547 today!

  1. Herman D, Allen T. Resolution of Food Intolerances in a 24-Year-Old Male Undergoing Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Report & Review of the Literature Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ August 4, 2020 ~ Pages 15-27
  2. Turo D, Demczar C. Significant Motor Development and Quality of Life Improvement in a Rare Seizure Condition (MMPSI) Following Vertebral Subluxation Reduction: A Case Study.  Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic Vol. 2022.
  3. Feranti, M, Alcantara J, Brinkley C. Chronic Otitis Media, Failed Tympanostomy Tube Surgery & Resolution Following Adjustment of Vertebral Subluxation. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2016 ~ Issue 1 ~ Pages 5-8  

Chiropractic for the Entire Family?

Absolutely! Infants, babies, pregnant women, young, old, athletes, students – everyone can benefit from chiropractic!

It’s easy to see. Walk into the waiting room of a busy Doctor of Chiropractic and you’ll notice a surprising variety of people coming in for care; people suffering from nearly every condition under the sun.  

You may meet a woman telling you her headaches, migraines, or menstrual problems cleared up or that chiropractic helped her with fertility. You’ll meet others whose neck and back pain, digestion, and elimination were helped.

You’ll hear parents tell you their child’s asthma, ear infections, dyslexia, allergies, attention deficit disorder, or other conditions improved or completely resolved!

Others may tell you their athletic workouts are easier, and they have better balance and coordination. (Note: That is why many professional athletes including golfers, tennis, football, soccer, etc. Chiropractic improves their game, helps prevent injuries, and speeds recovery from injuries.)

Why do so many varied conditions respond to chiropractic care? The reason is that chiropractors do not treat individual conditions. Chiropractic works on your entire body to release deep stress from the nervous system. The result: your body functions betters, your brain works better, you heal quicker, have more energy, and are more connected. It’s been said that DC can also stand for “Doctor of Cause” as well as Doctor of Chiropractic.

Now you know why chiropractic has become the most popular drug-free, non-surgical healing profession in the world today. Most people notice positive, even dramatic changes after their very first visit. If you feel no change that does not necessarily mean you are not receiving any benefit; healing may be occurring under the surface. 

Millions of people visit their neighborhood Doctor of Chiropractic for hundreds of different reasons. Is anyone you know missing out on this safe, effective, and gentle art, science, and philosophy? Please have them contact our office. 

Call us to make an appointment today!

(517) 627-4547

Researching Chiropractic – High BP & Poor Posture

There seems to be no end to the conditions that respond to chiropractic care – physical as well as psychological conditions.

That is because chiropractic does not “treat” a particular condition. Chiropractic care “corrects” a serious interference to the brain, nervous system, and energy function known as the subluxation. 

No matter what condition you or a loved one may have, you and they will always function better when free from subluxations. Chiropractors are uniquely trained to locate and correct subluxations. Enjoy this month’s cases and see more next month. 

High blood pressure, pain, and loss of smell after auto accidents.

A 58-year-old woman developed high blood pressure as well as right shoulder, right shoulder blade, and mid-back pain after a car accident a month before her visit. The case history revealed that she also had lost her sense of smell (anosmia) nine years earlier, after a previous auto accident. 

She was under chiropractic care for six months during which time she had 84 visits. Her sense of smell returned after five months of chiropractic care. In addition, she reported a significant decrease in pain from her original chief complaint of right shoulder, right scapular, and mid-back pain since her previous auto accident. (1) 

Poor posture in an 85-year-old man.

An 85-year-old male patient presented to a chiropractic office with a chief complaint of difficulty walking and poor posture. He had difficulty standing up from a chair with no arms and was also unsteady on his feet. The patient was receiving medical care from various physicians for pre-existing health problems. 

Various chiropractic techniques were used to analyze and correct subluxations found in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. Over the course of chiropractic care, the patient was able to get up from a chair with ease and had noticeable improvements in posture, gait, balance, and coordination. He was able to decrease his prescription medication usage. (2)

If you know anyone who may be experiencing these issues, please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us. Call 517.627.4547 today!

  1. Carney CL, MacCarthy M, Girdis DC. Resolution of post-traumatic anosmia following Network Spinal Analysis care: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. February 27, 2017:8-14.
  2. Moseson N. Improved gait, balance, and coordination in an 85-year-old male undergoing subluxation-based chiropractic care: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. February 9, 2017:1-4.

Why stay subluxation-free?

Questions and Answers About Chiropractic

Why stay subluxation-free?

The chiropractic profession that was founded by Dr. DD Palmer in 1895 is based on the fact that internal structural distortions called subluxations can cause serious health problems. 

Subluxations stress your nervous system and interfere with communication among your organs, glands, muscles, and other body parts – including your brain and your immune system. 

Subluxations can be caused by any trauma: difficult birth, falls, accidents, emotional upset, chemical toxicity, overwork, or a combination of factors (i.e. physical, chemical or emotional stress while you are tired, overworked, malnourished, etc.).

 People sometimes ask how chiropractic can improve their health. The answers depend on whom you ask. For example, a woman now free of monthly pain may say, “Chiropractic is for menstrual problems.” A pregnant woman may say, “Chiropractic is for a comfortable pregnancy.” A mother whose child was helped may say, “Chiropractic is for ear infections (or fevers or asthma or colic).” A teacher may say, “Chiropractic is for dyslexia, vision, and learning disorders.” Another person may say “Chiropractic is for headaches,” while still others may declare chiropractic is for backaches, hearing problems, disc problems, arthritis, high or low blood pressure, or a host of other problems.

Others use chiropractic as a way to maximize sports performance, improve overall health, and enhance balance, strength, and fitness. 

In addition to all of the above, chiropractic can help everyone live a drug-free, healthy lifestyle.   Subluxations are epidemic in our society; most people have subluxations and don’t know it. For that reason, everyone needs periodic chiropractic checkups.

Call us to make an appointment today!

(517) 627-4547

Chiropractic – Many Levels of Healing

Chiropractic care can help your body function in many ways. Chiropractic can help promote detoxification, relaxation, emotional healing, and a deeper connection to oneself and others.

Chiropractic care helps people become more physically balanced. This often increases their energy and permits them to relax – both physically and emotionally.

The mental/emotional benefits of chiropractic have been noticed since chiropractic’s inception. Correcting subluxations was noticed to improve mental function and relieve depression. 

One of the most powerful phenomena of healing is retracing, – where old pains, diseases, or trauma come “to the surface” to be released. Retracing is one of the signs of complete healing and even though it may be (temporarily) uncomfortable, it leaves in its wake a stronger, healthier, happier person.

Start (or jump-start) your healing journey with chiropractic to begin a healthier all-around lifestyle. Let your chiropractor be your healthy lifestyle coach.

Call us to make an appointment today!

(517) 627-4547


Researching Chiropractic: Balance, trigeminal neuralgia, & lower back pain

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? 

Probably most of them.

Balance, coordination, and neurological problems

A 65-year-old retired man was suffering from balance and coordination problems. He was given neurological tests that confirmed nervous system stress.  

He sought out chiropractic care where he received a spinal analysis. It revealed the presence of vertebral subluxations. The patient received chiropractic adjustments to release/reduce his subluxations and began to show immediate improvements in balance, coordination, and ability to complete neurological tests. He had been unable to complete the tests during the initial exam. (1)

Woman with trigeminal neuralgia

A 30-year-old woman was suffering from trigeminal neuralgia (also known as tic-douloureux). Trigeminal Neuralgia is an extremely painful condition in which the facial nerve is highly inflamed. It has been called the “suicide disease” because the extreme pain has led some sufferers to take their own lives!

The patient visited a chiropractor that reduced her vertebral (atlas or C-1) subluxation. The patient reported that by her tenth visit she was no longer suffering from TN. (2) 

Lower back pain and degenerative joint disease

A 59-year-old man diagnosed with degenerative joint disease and suffering from chronic lower back pain visited a chiropractor. The Doctor of Chiropractic used various spinal adjustment techniques to correct his subluxations. The patient showed improvement in all his subjective and objective findings within six visits, better immune function, increased energy as well as an increase in his disc height at multiple spinal levels. (3) 

If you know anyone who may be experiencing these issues, please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us. Call 517.627.4547 today!


  1. Scheer A. Improvement in Balance and Coordination in an Elderly Patient Following Chiropractic Care: A Case Report & Review of the Literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ Volume 2021 ~ December 6 ~ Pages 68-75.
  2. Sweat M & McDowell B Reduction of Trigeminal Neuralgia Symptoms Following Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Care: A Case Report. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ June 23, 2014, Pages 34-41.
  3. Syn G, Harper JD, Fedorchuk C. Increase in Disc Height and Autonomic Function in a 59-year-old Male Undergoing Chiropractic Care. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ April 13, 2015, Pages 34-38 

Do babies benefit from chiropractic care?

Absolutely – all children (including babies) benefit from a chiropractic check-up, and, if needed, adjustment/correction. What can cause a child’s spine to have subluxations? Let us count the ways: first, there is the stress of being in the womb. If the mother’s pelvis is not properly balanced the baby may not be able to turn and a breech presentation may occur. That’s why pregnant women find that getting chiropractic care can help turn the baby, so it is in the best possible position for a healthy delivery.

Then there’s the trauma of birth. Some deliveries are not as natural as they can be. Sometimes forceps are used or too much stress is placed on the baby’s spine. Chiropractic care should be employed immediately after birth.  

Of course, there’s the stress of learning to walk, falls, accidents, and life’s bumps – childhood can be a very traumatic time. For these and many other reasons, all children need chiropractic care. Why wait until adulthood to correct their spinal subluxations?

Chiropractic & Exercise: Perfect for Fibromyalgia

Regular chiropractic visits can actually help fibromyalgia patients adhere to long-term physical-therapy programs, thereby ensuring that patients receive the full benefits of exercise.

In a 2009 study (1), 55 women with fibromyalgia ages 21-59 years old were divided into two groups: some completed resistance training and the others received chiropractic adjustments in addition to doing resistance training.  Both groups improved significantly with increased upper and lower body strength, decreased pain and tender points, and an improved ability to perform everyday tasks. But the patients who received chiropractic care were more likely to follow the exercise program consistently. They also had more significant improvements in functionality, balance, flexibility, and endurance.

This study confirmed the power of exercise and resistance training to ease the pain of fibromyalgia. At the same time, it demonstrates that combining chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy may enhance the benefits of both treatments.

  1. Panton LB, Figueroa A, Kingsley JD, et al. “Effects of resistance training and chiropractic treatment in women with fibromyalgia.” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15.3 (2009): 321-328.

Researching Chiropractic: ADHD

There seems to be no end to the conditions that respond to chiropractic care – physical as well as psychological conditions.

That is because chiropractic does not “treat” a particular condition. Chiropractic care “corrects” a serious interference to the brain, nervous system, and energy function known as the subluxation. 

No matter what condition you or a loved one may have, you and they will always function better when free from subluxations. Chiropractors are uniquely trained to locate and correct subluxations. Enjoy this month’s cases and see more next month. 

Low back pain, headaches and fibromyalgia

A 31-year-old female with low back pain, headaches, and fibromyalgia began chiropractic care; she was seeking an alternative to pharmacological pain medications.

Spinal analysis established the location of the patient’s subluxations and she received five specific adjustments in the span of 18 months. The patient reported a decrease in fibromyalgia symptoms after two months of care and recently reported that she is no longer taking any medications. (1) 

Chiropractic and ADHD, depression and learning disabilities. 

An eight-year-old boy was brought into the chiropractor’s office for care. The child was diagnosed with ADHD and a learning disability regarding working memory and processing speed. The patient’s mother said that his medications were ineffective, causing nausea, heart palpitations, and low appetite. She brought him in for chiropractic care for an alternative treatment plan to manage these concerns.

The child was analyzed for subluxations and care was initiated to reduce and correct them using spinal and cranial techniques. He had significant improvements in irritability, mood swings, social interaction, temper, energy, memory, and immune function. After eight months of care, he continued to progress as evidenced by positive reports from his teachers and parents. (2)

If you know anyone who may be experiencing these issues, please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us. Call 517.627.4547 today!

1. Soriano W, Apatiga A. Resolution of fibromyalgia & polypharmacy concomitant with increased cervical curve & improved quality of life following reduction of upper cervical subluxation: a case study. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. October 21, 2014:61-67.

2. Zielinski BA, Mankal K. An epidemiological approach to the effects of subluxation-based chiropractic care on the management of ADHD, depression and learning disabilities in an 8-year old: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. September 15, 2014:153-160.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Chiropractic care is made up of two parts. First, a subluxation, a physical distortion causing nerve interference or stress, is located in a person’s body. This is done using various instruments and tools that may range from the highly sophisticated, such as X-rays and MRIs, to the relatively simple (body measurement and various tests). In the hands of an expert, a simple tool can be very accurate.

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Now comes the specialized procedure to correct, release or (the most commonly used word) adjust the patient’s subluxation. This is done to undistort the distortion in a person, to correct the hidden stress, to release nerve stress. There are many chiropractic adjustment techniques, over 100 are taught today. 

Typically, the adjustment involves introducing force or energy to the part of the body where the subluxation resides to unlock it, to put the part in motion so that the body will reposition the offending part. 

An adjustment may take a moment, but its beneficial effects may be lifelong.

Feel free to ask us what techniques we are using on you and why. Remember, we are partners in your healing journey. The more you learn about our practice and our approaches to your health, the more satisfying, complete (and fun) your journey will be. 

Call us to make an appointment today!  (517) 627-4547