Tag Archives: chiropractic adjustments

The Goal of the Chiropractor

If you spent the day in our waiting room you’d meet people coming to see us who have all kinds of health problems:

  • allergiesthe goal of the chiropractor
  • asthma
  • headaches
  • migraines
  • vision and hearing problems
  • digestive problems
  • immune system issues
  • pain in all kinds of places: back, hip, neck, shoulder, legs, arms;
  • people who’ve had sport injuries
  • so many others

But the ultimate goal of the chiropractor is to keep people so healthy that they don’t get sick in the first place! 

Good Health Is Easy: Sickness Takes Work

We are born with such wonderful bodies designed to last us over a hundred years in perfect physical and mental health. But a lifetime of physical, mental, and chemical stress and abuse wears us down, weakens us, and causes our body to malfunction. 

Chiropractors are the only professionals that are trained to locate and correct a serious deep stress most people have inside their body that can damage their ability to fight disease and stay healthy: a subluxation. It is usually painless and usually found in your spine.

When your body is free of subluxation stress you are better able to function at your best, to heal at your best and to think at your best because stress that has been sapping you of your life energy is now gone or reduced. Chiropractic promotes balance, resistance to disease and improved function. (1)

No matter what the disease or condition, you need a subluxation-free body to keep your healing ability at its optimum. That’s why you’ll find people with all kinds of health conditions in a chiropractor’s office. (2)

Call and schedule an appointment today! 517.627.4547

  1. Blanks RHI, Schuster TL. A retrospective assessment of network care using a survey of self-rated health, wellness and quality of life. JVSR. 1997;1(4):1.
  2. Marino MJ, Phillippa ML. A longitudinal assessment of chiropractic care using a survey of self-rated health wellness & quality of life: a preliminary study. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. 1999;3(2):1-9.

Are people under chiropractic care healthier?

Answer: Not only healthier but happier too!happy man

Making chiropractic care a regular part of your life will help you and your family on many levels. Keeping your spine and nervous system free of subluxations (nerve interference) is good for your brain, organs, and entire body and mind.

Studies reveal that people under chiropractic care experience wellness in many areas of their lives. For example, chiropractic patients in two studies reported improved physical and mental/emotional health, better ability to deal with stress and more life enjoyment. (1-2) 

Another study revealed that chiropractic patients reported improved physical functioning, less bodily pain, improved general health, greater vitality, better social functioning and improved mental health. (3) 

Chiropractic has been especially effective with improving the life of the elderly. In one study of people 75 years of age and older, those under chiropractic care enjoyed better overall health, fewer chronic conditions, less days in nursing homes and hospitals, more mobility and were less likely to use prescription drugs than non-chiropractic patients. 87% of chiropractic patients described their health as excellent compared to just 67.8% of non-chiropractic patients. (4)

What can YOU expect?happy woman

Chiropractic care is individualized; the care you receive will be unique for your body and needs and the benefits you receive will be unique for you. Be sensitive to your body and communicate with us – tell us what changes you experience after your visits.

  1. Marino MJ, Phillippa ML. A longitudinal assessment of chiropractic care using a survey of self-rated health wellness & quality of life: a preliminary study. JVSR. 1999; 3(2):1-9.
  2. Blanks RHI, Schuster TL. A retrospective assessment of network care using a survey of self-rated health, wellness and quality of life. JVSR. 1997;1(4):1.
  3. Owens EF, Hoiriis KT, Burd D. Changes in general health status during upper cervical chiropractic care: PBR report. Chiropractic Research Journal. 1998;V(1):9-16.
  4. Study associates chiropractic with better health in the elderly. Today’s Chiropractic. November/December 1996. Originally published by the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research. 

The Magic of Chiropractic

The magic of the chiropractic adjustment 

At the moment that you receive a chiropractic adjustment to correct your subluxations, hundreds, if not thousands, of your body functions and activities are affected. The flow of nerve impulses over your brain, spinal cord, spinal (and other) nerves to your internal organs and tissues is normalized, and your body begins to re-balance, renew, and rebuild itself.

Many patients report a feeling of relaxation, or a warm soothing feeling in various parts of their bodies. Some feel very relaxed or energetic, or both! Most people find that the health conditions that brought them to their chiropractor soon begin to lessen. Some people however, may initially feel no difference. A person may initially feel muscle soreness or some other uncomfortable feeling after an adjustment. 

What causes these reactions?

Some reactions are a detoxification; it’s good to drink a lot of water afterwards. Sometimes weak, underused muscles may become sore for a brief period as they strengthen. 

Old injuries that haven’t healed completely may “reawaken” for more complete healing. Memories and feelings associated with the original injury may also come to the surface. This phenomenon is known as “retracing” and is part of the healing process. 

Some people are in such good general health that they may feel no difference, while others may feel no difference for the opposite reason – they are so ill or toxic that they have lost sensitivity to their body.

As you continue your care…

You may begin to notice: 

  • Better balance, smoother movement and more energy.
  • Increased awareness of your spine and body stress.
  • Increased ability to breathe more deeply.
  • An increased desire to exercise, go for walks, and play.

The most important benefits

The true benefits of the adjustment are usually found below the level of consciousness. It is when the nerve communication to the heart, lungs, joints, sexual organs, skin, eyes, ears, and the brain itself are improved that the true benefits of chiropractic are experienced.

Schedule an appointment today and start an incredible journey to feeling the best you can possible be!


happy people

Chiropractic and Disc Problems

discsYou have discs – spongy pads found between most of your vertebrae (spinal bones), in your jaw joint (TMJ) and between your pubic bones (in women, they separate a little during the birth process). 

The discs help give your spine its curves and flexibility and make it better able to withstand stress. Discs also prevent your vertebrae from crashing into each other (that would hurt a lot!). And they also help create spaces (foramina) through which your nerves travel on their way to your internal organs.

But there are times your discs can cause you pain. If your discs flatten out, are twisted or bulge or are otherwise distorted, you can suffer from a lot of neck, back, leg and other pain. 

Do You Have a “Slipped” Disc?

A disc cannot “slip” since it is knitted into the vertebrae from both above and below. What sometimes do slip are the vertebrae, which may stress the disc and contribute to its damage. Many “slipped discs” would be more accurately called slipped vertebrae or subluxations.

Disc damage may be due to an accident or fall (called macro-trauma) or from doing the same thing over and over (called micro-trauma). In addition, long-standing subluxations (tiny spinal distortions) can cause disc damage. 

Disc damage may cause pain. The pain can get so bad people have resorted to surgery. But there’s another approach to disc problems – chiropractic!

Chiropractic has been a blessing to millions of people with spine and disc problems, often saving them from neck or back surgery (which has a very high failure rate, meaning the patient is as bad or worse after the surgery). (1) 

Chiropractors have various techniques to restore the natural curve to your spine, take pressure off of discs and begin a process of healing. Before anyone you know considers back surgery, please tell them about chiropractic care. (2-3)

  1. Amirdelfan K, Webster L, Poree L et al. Treatment options for failed back surgery syndrome patients with refractory chronic pain: an evidence based approach. Spine. July 15, 2017;42:S41-S52. 
  2. Robinson GK. Reabsorption of a herniated cervical disc following chiropractic treatment utilizing the Atlas Orthogonal Technique: a case report. Abstracts from the 14th Annual Upper Cervical Spine Conference, Nov. 22-23, 1997. Life University, Marietta, GA. Chiropractic Research Journal. 1998;5(1).
  3. Ben Eliyahu DJ. Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations. JMPT. 1996;19(19):597-606.

Can a chiropractor see things that I can’t?

Questions and Answers About Chiropractic

Question: Can a chiropractor see things that I can’t?

Answer: Yes! 

Chiropractors are always “checking people out.” We can’t avoid it because we know what it means and we know we can help!

When you see people walking down the street, do you notice if their shoes are pointed in the same direction or does one stick out or in more than the other? 

feet pointing

Do you notice if their heads are balanced front to back, side to side, on their necks?

head tilt

Do you notice if one hand seems to be a little lower on the body than the other hand?


Do you notice if one arm swings a little more than the other?

If the hip swings more on one side than the other when a person walks? If, when lying down, one leg appears shorter than the other?

These, and other seemingly minor differences are common and can be very important. Yet most people don’t notice or appreciate them. But your chiropractor often notices them and sees the tremendous importance in body balance and symmetrical movement.

Now you know why top professional and Olympic athletes visit chiropractors – for better balance, coordination and movement plus more energy and efficiency of motion.

If you notice any of these things in you, or in someone you know, we can help!


Researching Chiropractic: Bed wetting, Seizures and Dizziness

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? Probably most of them.

Bed wetting in 17-year-old teenage boy

A 17-year-old male presented for a chiropractic consultation and possible care with his parents. He was complaining of low back and upper back pain. The patient’s pain complaint was attributed to sports injury from hockey. However, he mentioned that he also suffered from chronic nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting) since early childhood. When he would go to sleepover he would have to wear Pull-Ups® but they would soak through during the night. 

Medical care and acupuncture were ineffective for addressing his bed wetting. He was cared for with various types of chiropractic techniques to reduce his vertebral subluxations – especially to C-1 (atlas), T-10 and sacrum.

After his 12th visit, he acknowledged that he did not have any wet nights since starting chiropractic care. He had a total of 24 visits over a four-month period. He was free of all his back pain by the 12th visit. (1)


Seizures in a 15-month-old.baby male

A 15-month-old male infant had a traumatic birth including Cesarean section and epidural. At six months of age he had his first seizure. He experienced another one eight months later and began to experience two to three seizures a week, each one lasting one to two minutes.

When the child was 15 months old his parents brought him in for chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments were directed at subluxations of the cranium and all areas of the child’s spine. The child had 17 visits over the period of eight months. The child’s seizures completely resolved. (2)


 Dizziness, neck pain and headaches in a 44-year-old woman. 44 woman

A 44-year-old woman with a three-year history of dizziness, neck pain and headaches, which began immediately after a motor vehicle accident, presented for chiropractic care. She was stopped at a red light and struck from behind. She suffered with vertebral subluxations, vertigo, facet syndrome with ligament sprain and tendon strain, as well as headaches. These are common whiplash symptoms. 

Chiropractic care was used where indicated to correct the subluxations that were found. The patient was also advised to do balancing and vision exercises. 

Her symptoms markedly decreased, including the frequency and duration of her vertigo with a significant improvement in balance measurements, in addition to the decrease in severity of her neck pain and headaches. The patient’s frequency of vertigo went from a nightly occurrence, lasting anywhere from five minutes to three hours, to once a week lasting no more than five minutes. (3)

  1. Shtulman I, Miller H, Alcantara J. Resolution of nocturnal enuresis, dysponesis & dysautonomia in a 17-year-old male following chiropractic care for vertebral subluxation. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. December 10, 2018:155-160.
  2. McCauley N. Resolution of chronic seizures in an infant undergoing chiropractic care for vertebral subluxation: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. December 27, 2018:161-164.
  3. Coppus JA. Resolution of vertigo, neck pain & headaches following chiropractic care: a case study & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. January 10, 2019:1-9.

Emotions and Your Spine

When we explain that physical, chemical and emotional stress is the underlying cause of subluxations, many wonder how emotions can cause spinal misalignment.

Yet, our language reveals some common connections.

“I just can’t stand it.”
“He’s a real pain in the neck.”
“She’s cramping my style.”
“My feet are killing me.”Emotions and Your Spine

Our emotions are linked to the meaning we give to situations or circumstances.

For example, for some of us, just the sight of a snake produces fear or aversion. But for others, the same snake is a beautiful reptile to be picked up and held—two very different emotional responses to the same thing!

The Fight or Flight Response

The relationship is complex, but simply put, when we become stressed, our body releases a “fight or flight” hormone called cortisol, influencing muscle tension throughout the body.

When muscles supporting the spine tighten, they can misalign spinal bones, affecting the spinal cord and adjacent nerve roots exiting the spine. After all, bones don’t move unless acted on by muscles, and muscles don’t contract unless commanded by the nervous system.

Our emotional health affects our immune system, increasing our susceptibility to colds and infections during or following emotionally difficult times. And while regular chiropractic care won’t eliminate stress, it may help you to better accommodate it.

Call us for an appointment today!

Emotions and Your Spine

Your Brain and Spinal Chord: An Important Connection

Did you realize how important the connection is between your brain and spinal chord?brain and spinal chord

Your brain extends down your back as your spinal cord – a collection of billions of nerves wrapped in a tight bundle.

Messages from your brain travel down nerves through your spinal cord, branch out and reach all your muscles, glands, joints, ligaments and organs. This communication is essential for ideal health.

It’s so important that your spinal cord is surrounded by bones – your spinal column – permitting movement plus providing protection. Sometimes your spinal bones lock up or subluxate and irritate the very nerves they are supposed to protect. The result can be dis-ease or body malfunction.

The goal of your chiropractor is to locate these areas of stress – subluxations – that cause body malfunction, and correct them. DC means more than Doctor of Chiropractic – it means Doctor of Cause.

Do chiropractors help with more than just back problems?

Spend some time in a chiropractor’s waiting room (such as ours) and you’ll see people with lots of different problems coming in for care:

  • babies with ear infectionsSciatica
  • kids with asthma
  • pregnant women wanting an easier labor and delivery
  • people with colds and the flu
  • Folks suffering from digestive issues
  • People with headaches and migraines
  • Women with menstrual problems and/or fertility problems
  • People suffering from elimination problems
  • Those with hearing and vision problems
  • (And of course) people with back, neck, arm, leg, shoulder, hip and other pains

Why? It’s because the nerves that come from the spine go to all your internal organs and if there is a blockage where the nerves emanate in the spine (a subluxation) it can and often does affect the function of the organs, and even the function of the entire body.

So, do chiropractors help with more than just back problems? The answer is YES! drawing of spinal column and nerves

It’s understandable that people think that chiropractors are “back doctors” because they work on the spine. However, chiropractic care is for the whole person and chiropractors work on the entire body – they just do it through the spine because that’s where many health-damaging subluxations appear.

It doesn’t matter what conditions you have – you always need a healthy spine to maximize your healing potential. That’s especially true if you are dealing with serious health concerns.

Call and schedule an appointment today and start feeling better!


Chiropractic and Stress: How it helps!

chiropractic and stressWhat do chiropractic and stress have in common?

Life is full of ups and downs that are stressful. Even good events such as marriage, the birth of a child, buying a home, family reunions, vacations and many other joyful activities register quite high on the stress meter – as high in stress as when really bad things happen.

The difference is whether you hold on to your physical and emotional stress or you let your stress go once the event is over. If you had a bad event (getting fired, losing a big game, a bad relationship) it’s totally understandable that you experienced a lot of stress. But if you always carry around the hurt (stress) then it’s chronic stress and that ultimately wears you down.

If only the good feelings, the happy events, the exciting times stayed! But we’re not supposed to be high all the time, that too would be draining! We’re not meant to be on highs and lows all the time.

Many people are walking around with lots of painful memories – layers and layers of emotional and physical traumas they don’t need to hold on to anymore. One of the powerful miracles of chiropractic care is that it interrupts painful stress responses. Sometimes a chiropractic adjustment is referred to as a “pattern interrupt.” That is, the memory may continue to exist but it doesn’t eat you up inside. Technically speaking, you are no longer somaticizing your emotional stress. This frees up energy for healing and happiness.

When chiropractors address your body for subluxations, they are locating and ultimately releasing deep mind-body stress that can have powerful healing repercussions. The emotional benefits of chiropractic are so powerful that in the US alone many mental institutions were founded that used chiropractic care.

For that reason alone, everyone should have a periodic chiropractic checkup (and adjustment) in order to release stress that’s burdening them and affecting their physical and mental health.

Contact us today and be on your way to a less stressful day!


Happy Patient Jaimie reports that she has noticed that her feeling of stress in the body has dropped dramatically since starting chiropractic care and that she actually finds herself have GOOD days at work!!!!