Tag Archives: chiropractic adjustments

How Will I Feel After Getting a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Why is chiropractic the most popular non-surgical, non-drug healing art in the USA and the world? Because it works!  People feel better and get better under chiropractic care. The adjustment that is meant to correct subluxations (blockages/distortions/stress) can benefit your entire body, all your organs, even your brain and nervous system as well as body structure.

How do people feel after chiropractic care? It depends. Some feel an immediate difference, some feel different over time. Here are some common responses: 

  • I feel taller
  • I feel lighter
  • I feel more stable, more balanced
  • Wow, walking is easier
  • The pain is gone!
  • I can take a deeper breath
  • Why do I feel like crying?
  • I can walk straighter
  • I can sleep better
  • I feel more connected
  • I feel like a weight just lifted from my body
  • Can I bring in my wife/husband/children?
  • and the list goes on and on.

Sometimes healing doesn’t always feel great – sometimes as you heal you release old injuries or detoxify to release poisons. You need that for complete healing (referred to as retracing). If you experience retracing, you may feel yucky (for a relatively short time). Be patient and as a general rule, do not take drugs to relieve symptoms because that may prevent complete healing.  

Uncomfortable symptoms may include the pain of old injuries finally healing completely, fever, diarrhea, skin eruptions, rashes, and even vomiting. If retracing does occur (usually on the initial visit) don’t worry, it is good for you, and don’t worry, it is usually temporary.

Schedule an appointment with us today!

(517) 627-4547

Survival – Ashes to Ashes….how to make the space between awesome!

For a while onlookers stand about the corpse marveling at its silence, its stillness, its apparent peace, it is performing its own ancient ritual of death. Its complex systems, organs, tissues, and cells are decomposing, disintegrating, and returning to the simpler forms from which they arose.

There is no stopping this process for the great force, energy, and wisdom that kept this body in constant organization, complexity, and regeneration are gone. What remains is the universal tendency of the complex to return to the simpler, like a delicate house of cards collapsing upon itself.

Now there is no resistance to the onslaughts of the elements. The dead no longer shiver from the cold of night, nor perspire from the heat of the day. The sun dries the skin to dust, and the wind blows the dust away. Our body returns to the earth from which it sprang forth to become part of a greater whole. As a Navajo proverb declares “The earth is a mother who never dies.”

Yet we die. Inevitably. It is no miracle that death ultimately overtakes us; the miracle is that life can, even briefly, flourish, that we are able to resist the law of entropy, the tendency of the organized to irreversibly become disorganized; to return to the earth.

What buoys us up on this hostile sea of existence and mocks the universal forces around us? How do we maintain our inner uniqueness, our multitude of complex molecular and biological forms and activities, and stubbornly refuse to merge into the elements?

That is the miracle of life. All living beings possess the ability to maintain inner complexity, to adapt to the environment.

How is this done?

We are filled with adaptation mechanisms. For example, body temperature must hover around 98.6 degrees F. for our chemistry to function properly no matter what the outside temperature or how active or inactive we are.  

On a torrid 110-degree August day you walk into a frigid 65-degree supermarket, yet your body temperature remains the same. How is this done?  Adaptation mechanisms such as shivering, or perspiring keep our body temperature within a safe range.

Adaptation mechanisms keep us floating upon the sea of existence. They balance blood sugar, blood pressure, and hormone levels, and respond to thousands of physical and emotional stresses every day. They all say the same thing – survive! Survive and thrive amidst life’s challenges.

You’re at war

Your world is constantly assaulting you with physical, emotional, toxic, environmental, and chemical stresses. We are fighting a constant war of adaptation. It is a war of high stakes – your life and health! Life requires constant adaptation.

How is this war fought?

Symptoms are the mechanisms your body uses to bring you into balance (or homeostasis). Symptoms may be uncomfortable, but they are necessary. These include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sneezing, coughing, sweating, shivering (as mentioned above), mucus and pus, skin eruptions, fatigue, lack of appetite (natural fasting), and many more. These are natural ways you cleanse, detox, and heal. 

Symptoms are not diseases; they are the cure for diseases. Suppressing symptoms can lead to deeper health problems. Whether or not you’ll get symptoms and how quickly they go away depends on your ability to respond to and adapt to challenges. 

Adaption is Emotional as Well as Physical

Two people may experience great emotional stress such as divorce or death in a family. One will grieve for a short time and recover while the other may fall into a long depression. Why? It depends on how well they can adapt.

Chiropractic for Adaptation

Your nervous system: brain, spinal cord, and billions of nerves that travel to every nook and cranny in your body continuously transmit information. Adaptation is dependent upon this communication. You need a healthy nervous system so it may send messages all over your body so you may adapt most efficiently, 

Structural subluxations can interfere with your nervous system, weakening you on many levels. Subluxations may stress your brain, spinal cord, and outlying nerves. Chiropractic care is dedicated to locating and correcting your subluxations, permitting your nervous system to operate with less stress – helping you adapt physically, chemically, and emotionally.

Keep yourself and your family adapting at their peak – get regular chiropractic care for your brain, spinal cord, and nervous system health.

Make an appointment with us!

(517) 627-4547

Researching Chiropractic: Meniere’s Disease, Autism, Allergies

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care.  How many people suffering, on drugs, and facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

A 59-year-old woman with Meniere’s Disease

This woman had left ear hearing loss, extreme vertigo (dizziness), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), brain fog, and pressure in her forehead area.

Medical doctors gave her three steroid injections, but she had no relief.  She sought out chiropractic care as a last resort. 

Upper neck (cervical) subluxations (atlas and axis) were found on analysis. An atlas correction (adjustment) was performed.  She did not need another correction for 72 days!

Her vertigo resolved immediately; her tinnitus went from a 10 to a 2 on a scale of 0-10 with 10 being the worst. Her brain fog and forehead pressure went away, and her hearing was restored. 

She was soon able to go for long walks, drive, exercise, and work. Her overall health and well-being greatly improved after being under care. (1) 

Improvement in the language of an autistic boy

A 17-year-old boy with autism, altered behavioral patterns, language deficits, sleeping problems, constipation, and earaches was brought in for chiropractic care. 

He was under care for 24 months during which time chiropractic adjustments to reduce subluxation were administered.  

The patient responded favorably to chiropractic care. He demonstrated a decrease in the frequency of earaches, normalized sleep patterns, and improved language development, behavioral patterns, and digestion. (2) 

Allergies and asthma in a 38-year-old

A 38-year-old woman was suffering from allergy-induced asthma since she was a teenager. She also complained of allergies, chronic sinus issues, headaches, and numbness in her right leg. 

Adjustments were delivered to subluxations within the spine over the course of six months. Various analysis procedures such as surface electromyography (EMG) and thermography (heat reading) were used to monitor her progress. 

After six months of care, the patient reported complete improvement in her asthma and allergies as well as improvement in her other complaints. (3

Do you know someone with any of these issues?

Please encourage them to make an appointment with us!

(517) 627-4547


  1. Belcher J, Barnes N. Resolution of Meniere’s, and Restoration of Hearing Following Reduction of Vertebral Subluxation Utilizing Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment: A Case Report. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ Volume 2022 ~ December 19, 2022. Pp. 13-15
  2. Herring RD, Marcell JL. Reduction in Autistic Behavior & Improvement in Language Development, Sleeping, Constipation, and Ear Infections in a 17-Year-Old Male Following Chiropractic Care:  A Case Study. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ December 1, 2022, Pp. 114 -118.
  3. Wozniak J, Kim S. Resolution of Allergic Asthma in a 38-Year-Old Female Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of Literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ January 3, 2023, ~ Volume 2023 ~ Pages 1-10

Chiropractic for Change in Seasons

What season causes people to get sick the most? The answer may surprise you – it’s not any particular season, it’s the change of seasons.

When seasons change, we must adapt to changes in temperature, humidity, light, energy levels, activity, and more. Adaptation requires a healthy nervous system. That is why you should especially see your chiropractor when the seasons change. Chiropractic keeps your nervous system free of stress so you can adapt to your fullest.

Chinese medicine for winter change

The change of seasons affects our health, and each season has its own way of affecting us. Did you ever wonder why you feel more tired in the winter? 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), winter is a time of cold, darkness, dampness, and inactivity.  It is a time of rest and restoration. In winter you should recharge your batteries as you prepare for Spring. Early to bed and late to rise is best, as is a minimum of spending energy.

TCM considers the kidneys as a source of all energy (Qi) within the body. Your kidneys store all your reserve Qi so that it can be used in times of stress and change, or to heal, prevent illness, and age gracefully.

So during the winter months, it is important to nurture and nourish your energy. If you are less active it’s wise to reduce the amount of food you eat, to avoid gaining weight. Avoid raw foods during the winter as much as possible, as these tend to cool the body. Warming foods for winter include warm hearty soups, whole grains, and roasted nuts to warm the body.  Sleep early, rest well, stay warm, relax, and stay warm by the fire.

Need a Chiropractic Adjustment Tune-Up? Call us today for an appointment! 517 627-4547


Researching Chiropractic: Tremors, Breech Baby, Headaches

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, or facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? 

Probably most of them.

Essential tremors in a 75-year-old.

Essential tremors are one of the most common forms of involuntary movement disorders. They are most noticeable when eating and writing. This is not to be confused with Parkinson’s Disease where the patient’s movements occur while they are resting. According to some sources, approximately 5% of people over the age of 65 suffer from essential tremors

In this case, a 75-year-old man was suffering from essential tremors that were getting progressively worse over the prior four years. A chiropractic examination using radiographs (X-rays) and neurologic and orthopedic tests revealed vertebral subluxations in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.

The patient’s subluxations were addressed (adjusted). He had three visits a week for four weeks and then was reevaluated at the 12th visit. 

At the reassessment, the patient reported that his tremors had improved by 50% since beginning care. The patient stated he was now able to write more efficiently and was now able to eat cereal with a spoon more easily. He continues chiropractic care with the hope that his tremors will eventually completely resolve. (1)

Breech Presentation.

A 30-year-old woman who was 39 weeks pregnant had a breech birth presentation (confirmed by ultrasound). She came to chiropractic care. She had never been to a chiropractor before but was referred to a pediatric chiropractic office because of the positive results another patient had seen from getting adjusted while pregnant. 

The Webster Technique was administered to her which consisted of a sacral adjustment and round ligament trigger point release.  The mother noted significant movement from the baby after the second adjustment. The fetal presentation was confirmed to have changed from frank breech to vertex position via an ultrasound done by her OB/GYN.

The patient came in a total of four times and received the exact same adjustment each visit. 

The patient went into labor within 48 hours after her last adjustment and gave birth to a baby girl through normal vaginal birth. There were no complications. (2)

Chronic headaches in a six-year-old. 

A 6-year-old boy had been suffering from chronic headaches for two years. He experienced these headaches every day or every other day. reported experiencing headaches described as stabbing and intense. 

Medical doctors could find no cause and prescriptions for ibuprofen were ineffective.  The pediatrician subsequently referred the patient to the nearest children’s hospital for further medical workup. 

The child was given an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and a CT scan (computer tomography) to access the cause.  All findings were negative. Referrals were also made to a “concussion specialist” and a neurologist without much help. The patient and his mother returned to his pediatrician who suggested chiropractic care. 

At the chiropractic office, subluxations were discovered in the child’s cervical spine (neck). The subluxations were corrected (adjusted). The child had10 visits over a 2-month period. After his 5th visit, his headaches disappeared and did not return.  10.6% of children experience headaches and few ever know about or receive chiropractic care. Most are placed on drugs and the cause (the subluxation) is never addressed. (3)

Do you know someone with any of these issues?

Please encourage them to make an appointment with us!

(517) 627-4547

  1. Bielke S, Britt J. Reduction of Essential Tremors in a 75-Year-Old Male Following Chiropractic Care: A Case Study & Review of the Literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ May 24, 2022 ~ Volume 2022 ~ Pages 71-78
  2. Poirier N, Loranger C. Resolution of Breech Presentation Confirmed by Ultrasound Following Webster Technique: A Case Report & Review of Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ May 13, 2022 ~ Pages 51-56
  3. Olsen R, Alcantara J. Resolution of Chronic Cervicogenic Headaches in a 6-Year-Old Male Following Care Directed at Vertebral Subluxations: A Case Report. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. Vol 2014, # 4. Pp. 81-86. Dec. 12, 2014

Are MRIs accurate?

Do you think MRI findings are reliable and accurate?  Think again. 

Your MRI (as well as CT scan, X-ray, and lab work) shows something suspicious. However, you are fine. You got a “false positive” and it’s surprisingly common. (1) 


Chiropractors may hear a patient was told they need surgery because they are in pain and their MRI shows spinal degeneration or disc herniations. The surgeon is sharpening his scalpel. 

But MRI findings may have nothing to do with pain. It may be a coincidence. An MRI may reveal back, disc, or hip degeneration but no pain. Conversely, an MRI may show a normal spine, but the patient may have lots of pain. (2) 

And yes, people with terrible-looking MRIs can have lots of pain but that doesn’t mean the pain is due to what the MRI finds. It may be coincidental, not causative. That is why approximately half of spinal surgery fails (FBSS – failed back surgery syndrome). 

One research paper concluded: “False positive MRI scans may lead to unnecessary surgery.”  Recent research reveals that nearly 70% of all body MRI interpretations have at least one discrepancy (diagnostic error). (3,4)

What do we suggest?

No matter what the MRI, CT or other examinations show begin chiropractic care immediately. Many times, patients who were told they needed surgery responded beautifully to chiropractic adjustments and were saved from surgery and drugs.

Remember, your body has a powerful self-healing ability. Let us help open your healing channels and get your functioning as close to your ideal as possible so your body can heal itself. 

Call us today to make an appointment!

517-627 4547

1.Chambers S, Cooney A, Caplan N et al. The accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting meniscal pathology. J R Nav Med Serv 2014;100(2):157-60.
2.Brinjikji, W, Luetmer, P. Comstock, B., et. al. Systematic literature review of imaging features of spinal degeneration in asymptomatic. populations. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 36(4), 811-816. 2015.
3.Kostrubiak DE, DeHay PW, Ali N. et al. Body MRI Subspecialty Reinterpretations at a Tertiary Care Center: Discrepancy Rates and Error Types. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2020;215: 1384-1388. 10.2214/AJR.20.22797.
4.Palmer, WJ. Discrepancy Rates and Errors a Bigger Problem with Body MRI Than Realized. October 16, 2020.5.5. Cod Liver Oil: The Number One Superfood by Krispin Sullivan, CN., JANUARY 4, 2021https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/cod-liver-oil-the-number-one-superfood/

Chiropractic Discovery: Where did modern chiropractic come from?

We say “modern chiropractic” because spinal care is thousands of years old and found in cultures all over the world.

But this natural, drug-free, powerful, and yet safe healing art was, as happens too often, lost amidst the sands of time. Mankind then became infatuated with drugs, chemicals, and surgery.

Spinal care was rediscovered in 1895 by Dr. Daniel David Palmer who practiced in Davenport, Iowa. DD Palmer was a magnetic healer (energy healer), scientist, and researcher who “accidentally” restored a man’s deafness by adjusting his spine. This discovery was the seed from which modern chiropractic grew.

This newspaper ad, “Are You Sick and Disheartened”, was one of a series of broadsides from the turn of the century. Dr. Palmer describes his old/new discovery and invites the public to discover for themselves this amazing drug-free, natural, safe, and powerful healing art, science, and philosophy. The list of people suffering from nearly every condition who benefitted from his “hand ministrations” (his original name for chiropractic) was impressive. Many people traveled far and wide to experience and benefit from DD Palmer’s discovery.

Dr. Palmer opened a school to teach others; soon his students spread to all parts of the US, Canada, Europe, and beyond.

This made-in-America healing art has brought relief, health, and healing to millions of people from infants to the elderly and everyone in between. Please tell your friends and relatives that there is a safe alternative to drugs and surgery that has no side effects – except satisfaction!

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is the most popular drug-free, non-surgical, natural, scientific, and philosophical healing art in the world. Millions of people, from infancy to the elderly, have found their health restored by chiropractic care.

Imagine healing without drugs and surgery! Your body has an amazing healing ability; the job of your chiropractor is to ensure that your healing potential is as close to 100% as possible by freeing your body of deep stress – the subluxation. 

Subluxation is a physical distortion of your spine and structural system that stresses your nervous system and weakens your muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and discs. Sometimes subluxations result in pain and stress, and sometimes subluxations are pain-free. Chiropractors spend thousands of hours in chiropractic school learning how to locate and correct (adjust) subluxations. 

Do you have any subluxations in your body? Do your children? Does your spouse? Come in for a chiropractic evaluation and discover why millions of people visit their neighborhood Doctor of Chiropractic every year.

No Pain Means I’m Healthy?

Sometimes I think it’s a shame

When I get feeling better when I’m feeling no pain

Sometimes I think it’s a sin

When I feel like I’m winning when I’m losing again

Gordon Lightfoot’s “Sundown”

Using Painkillers

It’s sad when people are dependent on drugs, especially painkillers. While a blessing to those who are suffering, painkillers do not correct the cause of the pain, can cause addictions and can have serious side effects and adverse reactions.

Pain, per se, is the result of tissue damage. Getting rid of pain with drugs does not deal with the cause of the pain. 

Chiropractors are famous for telling people that their body is the world’s greatest drugstore. That means that when functioning properly, with life energy flowing and communicating to all its parts, the body will make all the drugs it needs – and it’s all for free! Of course, it’s important to give your body good raw materials (good nutrition) from which to make your internal “drugs” (chemicals). 

It is for that reason that people often say that DC stands not only for “Doctor of Chiropractic” but also “Doctor of Cause.” 

Chiropractors are known for helping people with (neuromusculoskeletal or MSK) pain. Let’s break up the word – neuro (nerve) musculo (muscle) skeletal (skeleton) pain. In lay terms, we’re describing back, neck, hip, arm, leg, hand, wrist, knee, and many other pains.

Why wait until you have pain or feel sick? 

Chiropractors specialize in locating and correcting (adjusting) a condition that weakens the muscles, joints, ligaments, discs, spine, and other body parts. It’s called a subluxation and it’s a “silent killer”, painlessly and slowly undermining your body’s integrity and health. Like termites, subluxations can undermine your health even if on the surface you are feeling “okay.” Your energy may not be ideal, your sleep may not be restful, and your digestion and elimination may not be what they once were – why wait until pain occurs?

Even though you are pain-free, don’t assume your body is subluxation-free. Chiropractors can locate the hidden subluxations that are undermining your health now before obvious symptoms occur. if you are not feeling 100%, get thee to a chiropractor to ensure you are free from subluxations. 

Getting checked and adjusted for subluxations will help you and your family stay healthy your entire life.

Call us to make an appointment today!

(517) 627-4547

Chiropractic for the Entire Family?

Absolutely! Infants, babies, pregnant women, young, old, athletes, students – everyone can benefit from chiropractic!

It’s easy to see. Walk into the waiting room of a busy Doctor of Chiropractic and you’ll notice a surprising variety of people coming in for care; people suffering from nearly every condition under the sun.  

You may meet a woman telling you her headaches, migraines, or menstrual problems cleared up or that chiropractic helped her with fertility. You’ll meet others whose neck and back pain, digestion, and elimination were helped.

You’ll hear parents tell you their child’s asthma, ear infections, dyslexia, allergies, attention deficit disorder, or other conditions improved or completely resolved!

Others may tell you their athletic workouts are easier, and they have better balance and coordination. (Note: That is why many professional athletes including golfers, tennis, football, soccer, etc. Chiropractic improves their game, helps prevent injuries, and speeds recovery from injuries.)

Why do so many varied conditions respond to chiropractic care? The reason is that chiropractors do not treat individual conditions. Chiropractic works on your entire body to release deep stress from the nervous system. The result: your body functions betters, your brain works better, you heal quicker, have more energy, and are more connected. It’s been said that DC can also stand for “Doctor of Cause” as well as Doctor of Chiropractic.

Now you know why chiropractic has become the most popular drug-free, non-surgical healing profession in the world today. Most people notice positive, even dramatic changes after their very first visit. If you feel no change that does not necessarily mean you are not receiving any benefit; healing may be occurring under the surface. 

Millions of people visit their neighborhood Doctor of Chiropractic for hundreds of different reasons. Is anyone you know missing out on this safe, effective, and gentle art, science, and philosophy? Please have them contact our office. 

Call us to make an appointment today!

(517) 627-4547

Researching Chiropractic – High BP & Poor Posture

There seems to be no end to the conditions that respond to chiropractic care – physical as well as psychological conditions.

That is because chiropractic does not “treat” a particular condition. Chiropractic care “corrects” a serious interference to the brain, nervous system, and energy function known as the subluxation. 

No matter what condition you or a loved one may have, you and they will always function better when free from subluxations. Chiropractors are uniquely trained to locate and correct subluxations. Enjoy this month’s cases and see more next month. 

High blood pressure, pain, and loss of smell after auto accidents.

A 58-year-old woman developed high blood pressure as well as right shoulder, right shoulder blade, and mid-back pain after a car accident a month before her visit. The case history revealed that she also had lost her sense of smell (anosmia) nine years earlier, after a previous auto accident. 

She was under chiropractic care for six months during which time she had 84 visits. Her sense of smell returned after five months of chiropractic care. In addition, she reported a significant decrease in pain from her original chief complaint of right shoulder, right scapular, and mid-back pain since her previous auto accident. (1) 

Poor posture in an 85-year-old man.

An 85-year-old male patient presented to a chiropractic office with a chief complaint of difficulty walking and poor posture. He had difficulty standing up from a chair with no arms and was also unsteady on his feet. The patient was receiving medical care from various physicians for pre-existing health problems. 

Various chiropractic techniques were used to analyze and correct subluxations found in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. Over the course of chiropractic care, the patient was able to get up from a chair with ease and had noticeable improvements in posture, gait, balance, and coordination. He was able to decrease his prescription medication usage. (2)

If you know anyone who may be experiencing these issues, please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us. Call 517.627.4547 today!

  1. Carney CL, MacCarthy M, Girdis DC. Resolution of post-traumatic anosmia following Network Spinal Analysis care: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. February 27, 2017:8-14.
  2. Moseson N. Improved gait, balance, and coordination in an 85-year-old male undergoing subluxation-based chiropractic care: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. February 9, 2017:1-4.