Tag Archives: children


In the early 1980s, a Harvard University biologist named Edward O. Wilson proposed a theory called biophilia: that humans are instinctively drawn toward their natural surroundings. Many 21st-century parents, however, would question this theory, as they watch their kids express a clear preference for sitting on a couch in front of a screen over playing outside.

The national panic about kids spending too much time indoors has become so extreme that the crisis has a name: Nature deficit disorder.


While calling it a disorder might be merely rhetorical, it’s clear kids spend significantly more time inside than outside. This shift is partly due to technology: Richard Louv, author of the book Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder, tells the story of interviewing a child who told him that he liked playing indoors more than outdoors “’cause that’s where all the electrical outlets are.”

Increasing parental fears about diseases and the dangers of playing outside — despite evidence to the contrary — are another big factor.

And as suburbs and exurbs continue to expand, nature is parceled off more, and kids seem less inclined to spend time in a fenced-in yard, let alone jump the fence into a neighbor’s or walk in the woods. Instead, indoor activities can seem easier (no sunscreen necessary!), safer, and even more sociable for kids who are growing up with multiplayer video games and social media accounts.

Why go outside?

Recent studies have exposed the benefit — even necessity — of spending time outdoors, both for kids and adults. Some argue that it can be any outdoor environment. Some claim it has to be a “green” environment — one with trees and leaves. Others still have shown that just a picture of greenery can benefit mental health. These nuances aside, most of the studies agree that kids who play outside are smarter, happier, more attentive, and less anxious than kids who spend more time indoors. While it’s unclear how exactly cognitive functioning and mood improvements occur, there are a few things we do know about why nature is good for kids’ minds.

  • It builds confidence. The way that kids play in nature has a lot less structure than most types of indoor play. There are infinite ways to interact with outdoor environments, from the backyard to the park to the local hiking trail or lake, and letting your child choose how they treat nature means they have the power to control their own actions.
  • It promotes creativity and imagination. This unstructured style of play also allows kids to interact meaningfully with their surroundings. They can think more freely, design their own activities, and approach the world in inventive ways.
  • It teaches responsibility. Living things die if mistreated or not taken care of properly, and entrusting a child to take care of the living parts of their environment means they’ll learn what happens when they forget to water a plant or pull a flower out by its roots.
  • It provides different stimulation. Nature may seem less stimulating than a video game, but in reality, it activates more senses — you can see, hear, smell, and touch outdoor environments. “As the young spend less and less of their lives in natural surroundings, their senses narrow,” Louv warns, “and this reduces the richness of human experience.”
  • It gets kids moving. Most ways of interacting with nature involve more exercise than sitting on the couch. Your kid doesn’t have to be joining the local soccer team or riding a bike through the park — even a walk will get their blood pumping. Not only is exercise good for kids’ bodies, but it seems to make them more focused, which is especially beneficial for kids with ADHD.
  • It makes them think. Louv says that nature creates a unique sense of wonder for kids that no other environment can provide. The phenomena that occur naturally in backyards and parks every day make kids ask questions about the earth and the life that it supports.
  • It reduces stress and fatigue. According to the Attention Restoration Theory, urban environments require what’s called directed attention, which forces us to ignore distractions and exhausts our brains. In natural environments, we practice an effortless type of attention known as soft fascination that creates feelings of pleasure, not fatigue.

So while screen time is the easier, more popular choice, it’s important to set aside time for outdoor play.

How can chiropractic care enhance childhood development?

D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, posited that many health issues stem from misalignments in the spine (subluxations), which can impede the flow of innate intelligence or the body’s natural healing capability. For children, ensuring that the spine is properly aligned is believed to support the body’s natural development processes and overall health. Traditional chiropractic care aims to correct these subluxations through specific adjustments, thereby enhancing the nervous system’s function.

One of the primary ways chiropractic can enhance childhood development is by improving nervous system functionality. A healthy spine is crucial for a well-functioning nervous system, which in turn is essential for the growth and development of children. The nervous system controls and coordinates all the body’s organs and structures and plays a key role in developmental milestones such as walking, talking, and fine motor skills. By ensuring that there are no spinal misalignments, chiropractic care can support the optimal functioning of the nervous system, facilitating better health and development outcomes for children.

Additionally, chiropractic care has been associated with improvements in specific childhood issues such as colic, asthma, and ear infections, which can affect a child’s overall development and quality of life. A systematic review published in the “Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics” highlights the potential benefits of chiropractic interventions in reducing colic symptoms in infants, suggesting a positive impact on early developmental stages (1).

Furthermore, research documented in the “Chiropractic & Manual Therapies” journal indicates that chiropractic care may improve behavioral and emotional health outcomes in children, pointing to its holistic benefits on childhood development. These studies underline the significance of a well-aligned spine for general health and development, echoing D.D. Palmer’s foundational principles of chiropractic care.

Make an appointment with us today. 517-627-4547

[1] American Chiropractic Association. “What is Chiropractic?” Accessed April 2023. This reference provides a foundational understanding of chiropractic care, its principles, and its practice, highlighting the importance of continued care for overall health and wellness.