Tag Archives: back pain

Low Back Pain- Chiropractic Secrets for Thriving This Winter

Winter brings unique challenges for the body, particularly when it comes to activities like shoveling snow and enduring colder temperatures. Chiropractic care, rooted in the principles of DD Palmer, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy nervous system to ensure the body functions optimally during these demanding months.

back pain in winter

Low back pain is a common complaint during winter

Low back pain is a common complaint during winter, especially after shoveling snow. The repetitive bending, lifting, and twisting can strain the lumbar spine, causing discomfort or injury. Chiropractic adjustments help by addressing spinal misalignments that disrupt nerve flow, allowing the body to recover naturally and efficiently. Keeping the spine aligned not only alleviates discomfort but also enhances the body’s ability to respond to physical stress.

Cold weather can also affect the body. Muscles tend to tighten in response to lower temperatures, increasing the likelihood of stiffness and strain. This natural reaction makes it even more critical to maintain spinal health. A misaligned spine can exacerbate tension in surrounding muscles and restrict movement, making everyday activities more challenging. Regular chiropractic care helps keep the spine balanced, reducing the risk of injury and promoting better mobility.

Beyond physical alignment, chiropractic philosophy teaches that the body is self-healing when free of interference. Cold weather can weaken immune function, and a healthy nervous system supports the body’s ability to adapt to seasonal challenges. By ensuring the spine is aligned, chiropractic adjustments support overall resilience during the winter months.

A patient once shared their experience of dealing with recurring back pain every winter. They struggled with basic tasks like shoveling the driveway without discomfort. After incorporating regular chiropractic care, they noticed a significant improvement not only in their back pain but also in their overall energy and ability to enjoy the season.

DD Palmer’s wisdom reminds us (1) that health is about allowing the body to function as intended, without interference. Chiropractic care offers a practical approach to staying active and healthy throughout winter, addressing the physical and environmental challenges this season brings.

Give us a call today!

Start feeling better and endure the winter with so many aches and pains.

517) 627-4547


1.Palmer, D. D. (1910). The Science, Art, and Philosophy of Chiropractic.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is the most popular drug-free, non-surgical, natural, scientific, and philosophical healing art in the world. Millions of people, from infancy to the elderly, have found their health restored by chiropractic care.

Imagine healing without drugs and surgery! Your body has an amazing healing ability; the job of your chiropractor is to ensure that your healing potential is as close to 100% as possible by freeing your body of deep stress – the subluxation. 

Subluxation is a physical distortion of your spine and structural system that stresses your nervous system and weakens your muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and discs. Sometimes subluxations result in pain and stress, and sometimes subluxations are pain-free. Chiropractors spend thousands of hours in chiropractic school learning how to locate and correct (adjust) subluxations. 

Do you have any subluxations in your body? Do your children? Does your spouse? Come in for a chiropractic evaluation and discover why millions of people visit their neighborhood Doctor of Chiropractic every year.

No Pain Means I’m Healthy?

Sometimes I think it’s a shame

When I get feeling better when I’m feeling no pain

Sometimes I think it’s a sin

When I feel like I’m winning when I’m losing again

Gordon Lightfoot’s “Sundown”

Using Painkillers

It’s sad when people are dependent on drugs, especially painkillers. While a blessing to those who are suffering, painkillers do not correct the cause of the pain, can cause addictions and can have serious side effects and adverse reactions.

Pain, per se, is the result of tissue damage. Getting rid of pain with drugs does not deal with the cause of the pain. 

Chiropractors are famous for telling people that their body is the world’s greatest drugstore. That means that when functioning properly, with life energy flowing and communicating to all its parts, the body will make all the drugs it needs – and it’s all for free! Of course, it’s important to give your body good raw materials (good nutrition) from which to make your internal “drugs” (chemicals). 

It is for that reason that people often say that DC stands not only for “Doctor of Chiropractic” but also “Doctor of Cause.” 

Chiropractors are known for helping people with (neuromusculoskeletal or MSK) pain. Let’s break up the word – neuro (nerve) musculo (muscle) skeletal (skeleton) pain. In lay terms, we’re describing back, neck, hip, arm, leg, hand, wrist, knee, and many other pains.

Why wait until you have pain or feel sick? 

Chiropractors specialize in locating and correcting (adjusting) a condition that weakens the muscles, joints, ligaments, discs, spine, and other body parts. It’s called a subluxation and it’s a “silent killer”, painlessly and slowly undermining your body’s integrity and health. Like termites, subluxations can undermine your health even if on the surface you are feeling “okay.” Your energy may not be ideal, your sleep may not be restful, and your digestion and elimination may not be what they once were – why wait until pain occurs?

Even though you are pain-free, don’t assume your body is subluxation-free. Chiropractors can locate the hidden subluxations that are undermining your health now before obvious symptoms occur. if you are not feeling 100%, get thee to a chiropractor to ensure you are free from subluxations. 

Getting checked and adjusted for subluxations will help you and your family stay healthy your entire life.

Call us to make an appointment today!

(517) 627-4547

Researching Chiropractic: GERD, Low Back Pain, Sleep Problems

How many people suffering, on drugs, or facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?   Probably most of them.

Eight-month-old with GERD, sleep disorders, torticollis, and more…

An 8-month-old boy who experienced birth trauma was suffering from severe gastrointestinal disorders (GERD), constipation, torticollis, plagiocephaly, developmental delays, and abnormal sleeping patterns after a traumatic delivery. Medical care and physical therapy had failed to help.

Chiropractic care was applied to correct vertebral subluxations.

The patient’s mother reported complete resolution of his GERD. He was able to discontinue the use of Zantac and Prilosec. His sleep problems and constipation were resolved. In addition, he had complete resolution of his torticollis with a full neck range of motion. He began to reach his developmental milestones. (1)

Low Back Pain, Radiculopathy, and Concomitant Depression

The patient is a 44-year-old man with low back pain and nerve symptoms going down his legs. His symptoms occurred after a fall 6 months prior. 

After six weeks of care, all lumbar radiculopathy symptoms resolved. (2) 

Sleep Problems, Digestion, Behavior, and Allergies in a 5-year-old girl

A 5-year-old girl with a CASK gene mutation presented for chiropractic care complaining of poor sleep, allergies, poor digestion, and other issues.  The patient was under care over the course of three months and her mother reported:

“[Her] sleep improved very soon after we started to care. Prior to chiro care, she was waking 2-3 times per night…soon decreased to less than once a night within the first month of care…digestion improved; bowel movements previously occurred 3-5 times a week and within the first month or so they began occurring daily… would crumble to the floor in absolute despair, and if left to ‘cry it out’ would last upwards of 45 min…the episodes were shorter, less dramatic, more manageable, and less stressful for the whole family… [her] allergies [were] so bad…she was not able to blow her nose or clear her sinuses, and would have an open mouth just to breathe, allowing for drool…allergy attacks have been completely manageable with a couple of days of allergy medicine, natural remedies, and adjustments. No more need for bibs….”

Both subjective and objective improvements were observed in our patient progressively throughout her care plan and guided the practitioner in his application of care. (3)

  1. Boman C, Allen J. Resolution of Severe Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Chronic Constipation, Sleep Disturbance & Developmental Delays Following Chiropractic in an Infant with Birth Trauma: A Case Report & Selective Review of the Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ July 14, 2020, ~ Pages 18-25
  2. Gianopulos SG and Harris J. Chiropractic Care of a Patient with Low Back Pain, Radiculopathy and Concomitant Depression: A Case Report. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ April 20, 2015, ~ Pages 39-42
  3. Bronstein D, Clifford C.  Improvement in Sleep, Digestion, Behavior, Allergies, and Gait in a Child with a CASK Gene Mutation Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Study. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ February 4, 2022, ~ Vol. 2022 ~ Pages 1-5.

Researching Chiropractic: Back pain, developmental delay, constipation

There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?

Probably most of them.

Pregnant mom with back painpregnant case study

A 28-year-old mother who was 31 weeks into her 2nd pregnancy visited a chiropractor complaining of low back and right sacroiliac joint pain. She said her pain began one week after picking up her 2-year-old child. She was cared for once a week for 3 weeks. Her low back and sacroiliac pains disappeared and she also showed improved hip and spine mobility. (1)

Developmental delay

A 15-month-old girl had lack of muscle tone and developmental delay. She was unable to pull herself up to standing, walk unassisted or communicate appropriately for her age level.  After eight months of chiropractic care the child was able to pull herself up to standing, walk unassisted and had become more verbal using words appropriate for her developmental age. (2)



A 3 ½-year-old girl suffered from chronic constipation. Subluxations were located in her cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back), lumbar (low back) and sacroiliac (hip) regions.  The girl received chiropractic care. Within three weeks, she experienced complete resolution of the constipation and was fully potty-trained. (3) 


Do you know anyone with the above issues?

Please refer them to us. We can help! 517.627.4547

  1. Snyder J, Alcantara J. Resolution of low back & pelvic pain in a pregnant patient utilizing the Webster Technique: a case report & review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. Dec 18, 2019:139-143.
  2. Throp I, Shaw Y, Cade A. Improvement in developmental delay and hypotonia in a 15-month-old female following chiropractic care for reduction of vertebral subluxation: a case study. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. Jan 16, 2019:144-147.
  3. Babinski K, Alcantara J. Resolution of chronic constipation in a child undergoing chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations: a case report & review of literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. Oct 18, 2019:122-128.

Should I Get Back Surgery?

Many people who have back pain get back surgery-a big mistake in most cases. Studies show that back surgery has a high failure rate and that patients are left in as much or even more pain in time after the operation. A second or even third back operation is often done. Recently The Economist described the problems with the surgical approach. 

Back Surgery = 87% still in severe pain

back surgery

The prevalence of chronic back pain provided a huge expanse of fertile ground for the deceptive marketing and poor prescription behind America’s opioid epidemic… Spines are injected with cement-like mixtures or fitted with various types of medical hardware. Vertebrae are fused together, discs excised or tampered with in various ways… there is a growing body of evidence that the benefits… to most patients are limited or non-existent…

In 2015 there were roughly 85,000 [spinal fusion] surgeries in America… Two years after treatment 87% of customers were still in pain severe enough for medication or some other treatment; 15% had more surgery. (1)

Please share this with anyone you know who is contemplating back surgery or having medical procedures. If only everyone experiencing back pain first explored chiropractic care, there would be much less back surgery, less drugs (including opioids), less expense and happier patients.

By the way, chiropractic may help those who already have had back surgery and prevent them from having more surgery.

Contact us today! Call 517.627.4547


  1. Cheetham S. Backs to the future. The Economist. Jan 18, 2020:17-19.

Researching Chiropractic: Solutions to Common Problems

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?  Probably most of them.

Lower back pain after deliveryhypothyroid

A 33-year-old woman presented for chiropractic consultation and care with chronic low back pain. The pain began after a pregnancy approximately three years prior, after she had a C-section.

X-ray analysis showed subluxation/displacement of her pelvis (sacrum). She had two chiropractic care visits. After the first sacral adjustment the next X-ray revealed a 72% correction of the sacral subluxation and she had complete relief of her symptoms. (1)

Bedwetting and ear infections

A 12-year-old girl had years of bedwetting and recurring ear infections (otitis media). Five sets of tubes (tympanostomy) were placed in her ears with no benefit.

Her chiropractic examination revealed subluxations of the upper neck (C2, C4), mid back (T5-8), hips and sacrum.

After two chiropractic adjustments, she woke to use the restroom during the night, which was unusual. After 1½ months and nine adjustments her bedwetting was less frequent. Additionally, she hadn’t had an episode of ear infections in the 1½ years she had been under care. (2)


A 49-year-old man with neck, back and shoulder pain began chiropractic care. Three years earlier his MD diagnosed him with hypothyroidism and prescribed Synthroid®.

His spine was analyzed and adjusted using chiropractic techniques and although there were no changes in his lifestyle, diet or exercise levels his blood tests revealed his thyroid TSH blood levels returned to normal range. His need for synthetic thyroid hormone decreased. His cervical curve additionally improved and his neck, back and shoulder pain resolved. (3)

  1. Hoying M, Alcantara J. Improved health outcomes in a woman experiencing chronic post-partum low back pain. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. 2017;3:128-132.
  2. Marko S, Marko J. Resolution of otitis media and nocturnal enuresis in a 12-year-old patient following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations: a case study and selected review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. April 2, 2018:13-25.
  3. Fuller D, Douts B. Improved thyroid function following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: a case study & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. March 19, 2018:57-67.


If I’m feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care?

Questions and Answers About Chiropractic

Question: If I’m feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care?

Answer: More than ever. Why? If I'm feeling fine do I really need chiropractic care

By the time a person has symptoms they may have been in a weakened, dis-ease state for a long time. Don’t wait until you have serious symptoms; chiropractic can locate hidden blockages or interferences to proper function (subluxations) now before they become more obvious and painful or disturbing later.

It’s sometimes helpful to think of chiropractic as you would dental care. For example, you may have dental cavities, an infected root canal or other dental infections and yet you may feel no pain. All the while, there is a problem silently festering, sometimes for years, that may be affecting your entire body and can ultimately ruin your health. You get your teeth checked periodically – what about your spine and structural system? That’s where chiropractic comes in.

You can also think of chiropractic care as similar to good nutrition – always important to maintain good health and absolutely necessary if a person has a health problem.

Want to make sure you are healthy?

Visit your chiropractor for a checkup on a regular basis.

So even though you might be feeling fine you may be carrying in your body serious stress causing dis-ease preventing you from functioning at your potential.

So, do you really need to come in for chiropractic care if you aren’t in pain or suffering from a disease? Absolutely. Don’t wait until there is long-standing stress and possible damage. Make an appointment today.

517-627 4547

Tell your friends too!

What causes back pain (subluxations)?

Questions and Answers About ChiropracticWhat causes back pain?

Question:  What causes back pain?

Answer: Back pain is usually caused by subluxations in the spine.

Have you ever developed back pain and had no idea what you did?

The following things can contribute:

  • A difficult birth or delivery
  • An auto accident
  • A fall no matter how long ago (even as a toddler)
  • Bad posture
  • Eating junk food (chemical stress)
  • Using the same body position over and over at work or play (repetitive strain injury)
  • Emotional tension
  • Pushing yourself too hard
  • Being a couch potato
  • Dental work
  • Drug use, medications
  • Working in an awkward position
  • A mild jar when you’re unprepared
  • An emotional shock when your energy is low
  • Long car rides

If y0u are experiencing back pain or have any other of the above listed things occur please call us today. We can help!

Vacations and Back Pain: NOT FAIR!

Subluxations Don’t Take Vacationsvacations and back pain

A very interesting thing happens on vacations –we may do lots of things that we don’t usually do.   There’s nothing wrong with this at all.  Actually it is a very good thing   In my humble opinion, it is always a good idea to try and play outside of your regular comfort zone even if it is just for a week.

 Vacations and Back Pain: Give me a break!

One of the things we tend to do differently during vacations is that we change our healthy habits… especially eating and drinking.  Before you think that isn’t true for Dr. Ray and myself, I will tell you it is true for us as well. While we made every effort to stay fairly close to our normal eating patterns, and we were blessed with a fabulous Farmers Market in Boyne City where 80% of the offerings were organic, it did not stop us from eating stuff like ice-cream and chips, and maybe more bread than normal.

All things that are more of a chemical stress on the nerve system and could trigger more subluxations.   Given our involvement with our grandchild and all the activities we got involved in, our usual regime was all over the place.  We were blessed tho’, in that we traveled with 3 chiropractors in our group, so we did get checked virtually daily….and that was priceless but not the norm for most people.

Maintain Healthy Habits to Avoid Back Pain on Vacation

Creating health is about eliminating negative values like spinal subluxations, pesticides and toxins, lack of sleep, lethargic lifestyle choices, sugar and artificial sweeteners.  And at the same time making sure positive values such as reducing subluxations, consuming good clean water, getting good fuel into your body and moving your body daily,  are a major emphasis in your life.

The less stress there is on the body, mentally, physically and chemically, the easier it is to express a better quality of life.

Remember no matter how good or bad you feel, subluxations don’t take vacations.

Come to our office and get adjusted BEFORE and AFTER a vacation.

What’s so bad about spinal back surgery?

Spinal back surgery, also referred to as spinal fusion, is used to relieve back pain. Surgeons fuse the bones together in an operation that can last up to four hours.

The Dangers of Back Surgery back surgery

Spinal surgery is very dangerous, it can cause blood clots in the legs that may travel to the lungs. It can also cause:

  • infection
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • damage to your spinal nerves
  • pain
  • loss of sensation
  • weakness
  • trigger more problems later on

But what’s even worse is that back surgery rarely cures chronic back pain. (1)

Chiropractic should be explored before anyone considers back surgery.


Statistically the odds of a repeat surgery goes up as structures that are somewhat mobile become fixated after surgery, and areas above and below have to take up the slack…look at Tiger Woods…he has just had his fourth back surgery!!!


  1. Whoriskey P, Keating D. Spinal fusions serve as case study for debate over when certain surgeries are necessary. Washington Post. October 27, 2013.