Tag Archives: babies

Babies Heal their Mothers

The birth of a child is miraculous; there are miracles we are discovering from that miracle. A more recently discovered “miracle” is the discovery that the unborn baby can help the mother heal while the mother is growing the baby inside her. This win-win relationship has been named “mother-fetal microchimerism”.  

This is how it works: during pregnancy, cells from the fetus cross the placenta and enter the mother’s body. These cells become part of her breast, thyroid, brain, lung, thymus, and other tissues and will remain there for decades. The baby leaves a permanent imprint on the mother. 

This occurs with every child, even if a baby is stillborn, or if the mother has an abortion, those baby’s cells are still in her.

Benefits to the mother benefit to the baby

Baby’s cells were identified in healed cesarean section scars which indicates that the baby participates in the mother’s wound healing.

It’s more than just wound repair. If a mother’s heart is injured, for example. fetal stem cells will rush to the injury site and transform into different types of cells that specialize in repairing the heart. The child helps the mother repair, while the mother builds the child. Obviously, mother-fetal microchimerism is good for both the baby and the mother.

Some fetal cells have stem-like properties that may allow them to provide maternal benefits…We predict that microchimerism should be associated with enhanced maternal health where there is potential for the fetus to enhance maternal health at low or no cost to itself, such as in the transmission of fetal stem cells that might provide a benefit for somatic maintenance (i.e., maternal tissue repair or replenishing stem cell niches). (1)

This may be the reason why some diseases fade away during pregnancy. 

When a mother says they feel like, “my children are still a part of me,” long after they’ve been born…she’s right!

  1. Boddy AM, Fortunato A, Sayres MW, Aktipis A. Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb. Bioessays. 28 August 2015.

Do babies benefit from chiropractic care?

Absolutely – all children (including babies) benefit from a chiropractic check-up, and, if needed, adjustment/correction. What can cause a child’s spine to have subluxations? Let us count the ways: first, there is the stress of being in the womb. If the mother’s pelvis is not properly balanced the baby may not be able to turn and a breech presentation may occur. That’s why pregnant women find that getting chiropractic care can help turn the baby, so it is in the best possible position for a healthy delivery.

Then there’s the trauma of birth. Some deliveries are not as natural as they can be. Sometimes forceps are used or too much stress is placed on the baby’s spine. Chiropractic care should be employed immediately after birth.  

Of course, there’s the stress of learning to walk, falls, accidents, and life’s bumps – childhood can be a very traumatic time. For these and many other reasons, all children need chiropractic care. Why wait until adulthood to correct their spinal subluxations?

Chiropractic and Your Infant

How do infants benefit from chiropractic care? 

Chiropractic for infants? Do they have low back pain? Hardly-yet infants need chiropractic care to ensure that the stress of labor and delivery hasn’t damaged their spines and delicate structural systems. Other stresses they receive can involve falls-statistics tell us that nearly half of all babies have had a fall from a height (off the changing table, off the bed, etc.). Chiropractic care will help ensure a healthy baby with better resistance to disease and better ability to discharge toxins. Also, correcting subluxations may help a baby who is ill return to health more quickly and more comfortably. 

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There are many case histories of chiropractic helping children with all kinds of conditions-asthma, colic, difficulty breastfeeding, ear infections, autism spectrum disorder, vision and hearing disorders, constipation, neurological conditions-no matter what conditions babies may have, chiropractic care can help them grow into healthy, happy children. (1-4)


A note from Dr. C We can tell you many stories of how wonderfully children respond to care..ask us!  (some stories involve celebrating poopy diapers!)

  1. Cuhel JM, Powell M. Chiropractic management of an infant patient experiencing colic and difficulty breastfeeding: a case report. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. 1997;2(2):150-154.
  2. Harris SL, Wood KW. Resolution of infantile Erb’s palsy utilizing chiropractic treatment. JMPT. 1993;16:415-418. 
  3. Toto BJ. Chiropractic correction of congenital muscular torticollis. JMPT. 1993;16:556-559.
  4. Gutmann G. The atlas fixation syndrome in the baby and infant. Manuelle Medizin. 1987;25:5-10.

200 Infants a Week Being Saved Thanks to Lockdown

A silver lining to the lockdown?

Approximately 700 infants die each week in the US. Recently researchers Mark F. Blaxill and Amy Becker discovered something shocking.
Infant deaths have dropped to under 500/week by mid-April and throughout May. Ironically as deaths in nursing homes have increased all over the country, approximately 30% fewer children have been dying.

This is incredible, over 200 babies per week that were expected to die did not. Was this a protective effect of school closures? No, because school-age children or adolescents showed no such benefit. The evidence indicates that as less babies were brought to pediatricians for well-baby visits, including childhood vaccines (given at 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 months, etc.) less babies have been dying from Crib Death or SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

From the paper: SIDS deaths are one of the two largest causes of death among infants aged 1 month to 1 year.
U.S. mortality rates have declined among young people during the lockdown, especially among infants. These trends have gone largely unnoticed and remain unexplained.

[Coincidentally] public health officials are bemoaning the sharp decline in infant vaccinations as parents are not taking their infants into pediatric offices for their regular well-baby checks. …the reduction in expected deaths is highest in infants…the lives of over 200 infants per week were saved during the month of May. Combining the number of lives saved in infants and children aged 1-4, demonstrates a smaller but comparably large and beneficial effect: roughly 145,000 life-years saved among children under 5. (2-3)

