Tag Archives: adjustments

What part of your body does this?

It deactivates drugs – without it, a few ounces of alcohol could keep you drunk for life; a moment’s adrenaline rush would go on and on; pharmaceuticals would never stop altering your body chemistry.

It helps life-sustaining nutrients to get to your cells.

It converts food into nutrients.

It stores fats, sugars, iron, and vitamins for later use by the body

It is the most amazing juggler in existence – creating and balancing over 13,000 chemicals and hormones.

It keeps your blood sugar levels within a safe margin and balances vitamins and minerals so your bones will stay strong and won’t deteriorate.

It clears out inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed (through the skin) toxins, chemicals, and pollution. Without this constant detoxification of waste and toxins, you’d be dead in less than a day.

It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and doesn’t take off for holidays.

With the exception of your skin, it is the largest organ in your body and performs more than 500 functions to keep you healthy.

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If you guessed your liver……… go to the head of the class.

When your liver is not functioning properly you may feel sluggish and possibly nauseous. Many of your organs are affected by an unhealthy liver – your eyes can be bloodshot, you can have bad breath, abdominal bloating, poor digestion, fatigue, a coated tongue, a sluggish metabolism, excessive body heat, sugar cravings, and inability to lose weight. A sluggish liver stresses the kidney, heart, and brain.

This is one very important organ.

An important way to keep your liver healthy is to make sure your spine is healthy. Why? Because your liver, as well as your other organs, needs constant communications from your spine. A subluxation could block essential communications between your brain and body, potentially affecting liver function.

Please share this article with someone who may need this information!

Questions and Answers about Chiropractic Oct 2021

Q: Why stay subluxation-free?

The chiropractic profession that was founded by Dr. DD Palmer in 1895 is based on the fact that internal structural distortions called subluxations can cause serious health problems.

A: Subluxations stress your nervous system and interfere with communication among your organs, glands, muscles, and other body parts – including your brain and your immune system.

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Subluxations can be caused by any trauma: difficult birth, falls, accidents, emotional upset, chemical toxicity, overwork, or a combination of factors (i.e. physical, chemical, or emotional stress while you are tired, overworked, malnourished, etc.).

People sometimes ask how chiropractic can improve their health. The answers depend on whom you ask. For example, a woman now free of monthly pain may say, “Chiropractic is for menstrual problems.” A pregnant woman may say, “Chiropractic is for a comfortable pregnancy.”

A mother whose child was helped may say, “Chiropractic is for ear infections (or fevers or asthma or colic).” A teacher may say, “Chiropractic is for dyslexia, vision, and learning disorders.” Another person may say “Chiropractic is for headaches,” while still others may declare chiropractic is for backaches, hearing problems, disc problems, arthritis, high or low blood pressure, or a host of other problems.

Others use chiropractic as a way to maximize sports performance, improve overall health, and enhance balance, strength, and fitness.

In addition to all of the above, chiropractic can help everyone live a drug-free, healthy lifestyle.

Subluxations are epidemic in our society; most people have subluxations and don’t know it. For that reason, everyone needs periodic chiropractic checkups.

Q: Do I need to see a chiropractor for the rest of my life?

A: No, only for as long as you’d like to remain healthy.

That might seem like a coy answer but life is constantly giving us stress – whether it be from gravity, emotional issues, or toxins in the environment. In order to deal with these stresses, we need to be functioning at our optimum. A balanced body structure, free from nerve pressure (subluxations), is essential for you to live your fullest.

These stresses quietly build up. See your chiropractor for a “stress-release” from subluxations and you and your family will be healthier.

Make an appointment today!


What Happens When You Receive a Chiropractic Adjustment?

The chiropractic adjustment or correction is a procedure performed by your chiropractor using his/her hands or a special instrument. The purpose of this procedure is to correct a condition or abnormality that is called a subluxation.

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A subluxation is an unhealthy state of your body reflected in your spine, structural system, muscles, and nerves. Some people refer to the subluxation as a blockage, others as interference, others as stagnation of energy.

Subluxations may be caused by physical, emotional, and toxic stress. They are very common and are found in every age group. They may be found in newborns due to birth trauma, in children (from falls and accidents), and in fact, in anyone who lives on a planet with gravity (that means all of us).

Because of the many things that can cause a subluxation, the moment your subluxations are corrected (adjusted or released), hundreds, if not thousands, of body functions and activities may be affected.

At the moment of the adjustment, trapped physical, emotional, and toxic stress is released. Imbalanced energies and nerve impulses in your brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, and spinal nerves begin to flow in a more balanced manner. Millions and even billions of nerves and body parts begin to re-establish new patterns of function. In addition, your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and discs begin rebalancing; your internal organs are now functioning closer to ideal.

Because of an adjustment, your entire body has more energy to rebalance, renew and rebuild. Now you know why chiropractic care has become the most popular drug-free, non-surgical health care profession in the world because of the power of the chiropractic adjustment that corrects subluxations.

Call us to make an appointment today!
(517) 627-4547

You are the world’s greatest drug store!

You are the world's greatest drug storeYou create your own drugs (No, I don’t mean illegally!)

The greatest drug store in the world is your own marvelous body, as long as your body is functioning properly.

Your body manufactures:

  • antibiotics
  • insulin
  • painkillers
  • blood pressure and heart drugs

Your body also creates hormones and chemicals that regulate:

  • brain chemistry and mood
  • digestion
  • elimination
  • growth
  • blood chemistry
  • hundreds of other drugs, many still undiscovered

That’s where chiropractic care helps

Chiropractors help keep your internal drug store functioning optimally by locating and correcting a very common condition that causes your body to malfunction. That condition is called a subluxation. A subluxation is usually found in your spine and although it often causes pain, it may also be painless.

Want to keep your internal drug store (the World’s Greatest) making and delivering all the drugs you need for your whole life? In addition to a nutrient-rich diet, make sure your body is free of subluxations – that’s the specialty of your chiropractor. Come in for a chiropractic checkup. Your internal drug store will thank you for it.

Researching Chiropractic: Menstrual cramps, failure to thrive, acid reflux

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seems to be no limit to the health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? 

Probably most of them.

Painful menstrual cramps, shoulder pain, and poor sleep. Untitled design (28)

Painful menstrual cramping (dysmenorrhea) affects the majority of women some time in their lives. This is the case of a 37-year-old woman suffering severe menstrual, shoulder, and low back pain who sought chiropractic care.

Chiropractic analysis found subluxations at the atlas or C1 (top of the neck and base of the skull), T8 (mid-back area), L1 (upper lumbar area), and sacrum. She had care three times a week for three weeks, then two times a week for 14 weeks. 

She reported better sleep as well as a reduction in low back and shoulder pain almost immediately. After a while, she stopped having debilitating menstrual cramps and no longer had to take days off from work. Her cycle, which had been five days, decreased to three days. (1)


Failure to thrivepremie

A 13-day-old baby boy was brought in by his distraught parents due to failure to thrive, which can be fatal. He had lost 27 ounces since birth and his parents were providing around-the-clock care to keep him alive. He was crying most of the time. When the mother attempted to nurse him, the baby would detach from the breast or would fall asleep quickly. The mother described her son as lethargic and with a very weak cry. Medical doctors had nothing to offer.

Chiropractic care consisted of upper cervical (neck) adjustments and a left hard palate adjustment. His sacrum was also corrected. After the first visit, his mother noticed that her baby was able to nurse for a full 45 minutes without “popping off.” She cried due to overwhelming emotions when she explained that the pain she had been feeling was gone and she felt hope for the first time since her child was born.

After three months of care, his weight had doubled, exceeding the standard set by the Mayo Clinic of doubling birth weight by five months old. (2)


Acid reflux, feeding difficulties, and sleep disturbance in an infant. crying baby

A 7-week-old prematurely born baby boy had been born by Caesarean section. He had acid reflux, problems swallowing, difficulty sleeping, problems latching, and was spitting up after feeding. Subluxations were located and corrected. He received nine chiropractic adjustments over 11 weeks to the cervical (neck), thoracic (mid-back), and sacral (lower) regions of his spine. The acid reflux, feeding difficulties, and sleep disturbances were resolved by the second adjustment. (3)

Please pass this info on…

Do you know anyone who is suffering from any of these symptoms or issues? Please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us.

Call to make an appointment:  517.627.4547

  1. Wozniak J, Schultz K. Resolution of dysmenorrhea in a 37-year-old female following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. January 20, 2021:1-8.
  2. Santos J, Alcantara J. Resolution of failure to thrive in an infant following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: a case report & review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. January 6, 2021:1-4.
  3. Paris A, Bako S. Resolution of gastroesophageal reflux disease, feeding difficulties, & sleep disturbances in an infant following chiropractic: a case report & review of literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. November 16, 2020:46-49.

When is The Best Time to See a Chiropractor?

Now is the best time.Untitled design (27)

If you are alive and breathing you are under stress and you may have a painless condition increasing in your body called a subluxation.

What is a subluxation?

It is a blockage or distortion of your spine and skeletal system that can irritate your nerves, discs, muscles, joints and even block the energy to your internal organs.

Subluxations prevent you from functioning at 100%. You may have many in your body right now, undermining your health.
Fortunately, there are chiropractors. For over 125 years chiropractors have been the healthcare professionals that specialize in the location and correction (adjustment) of subluxations. The effects of chiropractic adjustments can be powerful.

That is why chiropractic has become the largest drug-free healing profession in the world.

Since subluxations are usually painless, you never know for sure if you have one or more. Come in for a chiropractic checkup and bring the kids and grandparents to get everyone’s subluxations located, analyzed, and corrected.

Are you coming in to get healthy while your family is at home waiting to get sick? 

The beauty of chiropractic care: we are able to locate and correct subluxations before you get sick or have symptoms.

Call to make an appointment:  517.627.4547

Is That a Snake Down Her Back?

We often like to show you the picture of the woman on the right. snake down her back

People have asked, “Is that a snake on her back?” “No, it’s her spinal column (backbone)” we say.

We’ve also been asked:

“What’s with the chiropractic fascination with the spine?”

“How does the back make me sick?”

“How does the chiropractor working on my back make me healthy?”

Good questions. Let’s answer them:

Your brain controls your body. How? Your brain has a marvelous communication system-the nervous system. Billions of nerves leave the brain in a bundle known as the spinal cord and travel down your spine.

Millions of nerves from the spinal cord branch off between your spinal bones. 

Your spinal cord and nerves send your brain’s messages to all your internal organs: heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, etc., and all your muscles, joints, glands, blood vessels, and more! 

For you to be healthy your spinal bones (vertebrae) must be in a healthy alignment or your nerves may be irritated and that can cause a lack of proper communication between your brain and your body. 

That’s where your chiropractor comes in. Your Doctor of Chiropractic locates distortions where the nerves are impinged or stressed (subluxations) and corrects or “adjusts” your spine to relieve this distortion. 

For a healthy body, for ideal function, for a strong terrain, you need a healthy spine. A healthy spine helps ensure a healthy nervous system. That’s the role of your chiropractor.

Click HERE to make an appointment or call 517.627.4547

The Power of the Adjustment

Nearly 125 years of chiropractic success shows that when the nervous system is free from obstructions (subluxations) the body can respond more effectively resulting in improved overall health. There are thousands of published cases (and many millions of non-published cases) describing people suffering from nearly every known disease healing after chiropractic care.

Chiropractor treating a patient

The chiropractic adjustment is so powerful because it releases stress from your many systems including your nervous, muscular, skeletal, lymphatic and immune systems. 

We refer to separate “systems” only for convenience. You are one complete organism and all your systems are interconnected. There is no true separation. For example, your skeletal and respiratory systems create blood for your circulatory system, and your brain drains into your lymphatic system. Your brain is directly connected to all your immune system organs such as your lymph nodes, spleen, etc.

Your nervous system guides your immune system cells to go where help is needed to keep your resistance to infection high and to keep your body detoxifying, digesting, eliminating, breathing and moving properly.

Regular chiropractic adjustments ensure that all your “systems” are talking to all your other “systems” without interference from subluxations. That’s why anyone with any health condition or challenge can benefit from chiropractic care. Remember, miracles do occur and chiropractic journals are filled with them. Adjustments help you function at your peak-you’ll be the super you! (1) 

Contact us   517.627.4547 to make an appointment.

  1. Cohn A. Chiropractic and the neuroimmune connection. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. September 30, 2008:1-5.

Why do chiropractors spend so much time working on my back?

Because that’s where the nerves are.How many joints are in your spine?

There’s a common misconception that because chiropractors work on the spine their care is limited to spinal pain and spinal problems such as backache, disc problems, sciatica, hip or neck problems. 

But that is an incomplete way of looking at things. We chiropractors locate and release spinal nerve pressure. Your body functions in a more balanced manner, with less stress on the entire system especially your internal organs. So you can heal yourself, no matter what the condition.

That’s why you’ll see children in our office with asthma, allergies, ear infections, pneumonia, colds, flu-and adults with immune conditions, headaches, migraines, infertility, menstrual problems and more!

Check out our series of Case Studies to learn more about all the ways Chiropractic care can help you and your family.

We work on your spine, because that’s where the nerves can get irritated and interfere with the information going to (and from) the internal organs. That’s why we give you adjustments there.


Researching Chiropractic: Migraines, Torticollis, & Tic douloureux

How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care? Probably most of them.

Migraine and hypnic headachesheadache

A 59-year-old woman suffered from chronic migraines and hypnic headaches (headaches that wake people from sleep) along with nausea and skin rashes. Migraine has a global prevalence of 10% and is the seventh leading cause of time spent disabled. Hypnic headaches are less common.

The patient’s migraines began 15 years prior and significantly affected her quality of life. During that time, her care consisted of RelpaxT, a prescription drug, massage and TylenolT. Her headaches continued unabated. She also recalled that her mother had migraines that began around her menopause.

Chiropractic care of two visits a week for 3 months and then once per week for 6 weeks resulted in resolution of her headaches as well as additional health benefits. (1)

Torticollis, cranial distortion and difficulty feedingbaby-303068_1920

A 13-day-old boy and his twin sister were brought in for chiropractic evaluation and possible care. The boy had torticollis, difficulty latching to his mother’s left breast and cranial distortion. The parents reported that the baby was very gassy and seemed uncomfortable daily. The pediatrician could offer no options. 

The parents reported that the boy was in the head down position for most of his time in utero with the weight of his sister on top of him.

After analysis for subluxations of his spine and skull, the boy was adjusted while he was lying on a pillow on his back or on his mother’s chest while she was lying on her back on the chiropractic table. 

The child had seven visits over 6 weeks with continued improvements. He was able to latch onto both breasts, the gassiness had decreased and the torticollis had resolved. Improvements were noticed by his third appointment. (2)

Tic douloureuxperson-2438587_1280

Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as “tic douloureux,” is a chronic nerve disorder characterized by intense, persistent and often debilitating shooting sensations of pain in the face. The pain is so intense people have killed themselves and for that reason it is sometimes called the “suicide disease.” 

A 62-year-old woman came to a chiropractic clinic with a chief complaint of chronic right-sided facial pain of 2 years’ duration which she said felt like stabbing and throbbing, “like a bunch of pitch forks.” 

She had experienced three separate automobile accidents over the past 27 years but had no residual symptoms. The pain began four months after she had had a dental surgical procedure, either a filling or root canal on a wisdom tooth on the right side of her face. Over the course of two years, numerous prescription drugs and alternative supplements had been prescribed by multiple doctors and specialists. She had spent over $9,000 in personal funds seeking relief.

Over the course of six months, the patient received 26 chiropractic adjustments. As a result, she experienced significant reductions in frequency and duration of pain. (3)

  1. Niddery E, Alcantara J. Resolution of chronic migraines and hypnic headaches in a 59-year-old female: a case report & review of the literature. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. September 2, 2019:117-126.
  2. Green S, Alcantara J. Resolution of torticollis, breastfeeding difficulties & cranial distortion in a twin infant undergoing chiropractic care for vertebral subluxation: a case report & review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic. July 10, 2019:78-81.
  3. Cramer J, Persky A. Reduction of chronic trigeminal neuralgia following upper cervical specific chiropractic care: a case report & review of the literature. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. September 9, 2019:56-62.