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Eating Beef Kills More than Just the Cow

FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION….HOW A BURGER KILLS MORE THAN A COW…from one of my vegan websites as they calf-362170_1920invite people to consider going meatless for a month.

It’s obvious that our food choices directly impact our health but they affect it in some less obvious ways, too.

 One of the biggest drivers of deforestation is agriculture and, because animal products need a lot more land than plants to feed the same number of people, it’s animal agriculture that is hungriest for available land.

 As global demand for meat increases, forests are increasingly destroyed to make way for farming, and the wild animals who lived there are displaced or killed. Humanity has wiped out 60 percent of all animal populations since 1970¹ and scientists warn that the Earth’s sixth mass extinction is underway.²

 The damage does not end with the felling of the trees. Without the canopy overhead to protect it from sun and wind, the soil becomes fragile and can be washed away during periods of rain. Deforestation can render once-rich landscapes utterly barren, and animal agriculture is one of the leading causes.³

 Does this actually affect us? Yes! Trees play a vital role in our survival by removing about 25 percent of harmful CO2 emissions from our atmosphere and giving us back the oxygen that we need to survive. And we need healthy soil to grow our food.

 We can play our part in protecting trees, forests, wild animals, our climate, the soil and our own oxygen supply by cutting down/eliminating meat and dairy products from our diet.

Nourishing Foods

How often are you eating Nourishing Foods?

ONLY 27% of Americans cook on a daily basis even though 98% say they prefer meals prepared at home. Home cooking is the best because you have control over the ingredients. fresh-orange-juice-1614822_1920

Eating at restaurants means you are often eating GMO grains, rancid oils (such as canola, corn and other cheap vegetable oils) and weird chemicals such as artificial sweeteners and MSG.

At home we can have real sourdough bread, good oils and healthy fats.

We recommend you make it a habit to start batch cooking (pre prep that can be done on the weekend – think of chopping the veggies all at one time-making a sauce that can be used at least twice in different ways through the week – planning for leftovers by cooking a double batch that can be presented in a different way later in the week ( like chile as a lasagna ingredient/over baked potatoes/as the base of shepherd’s pie).

Make use of your slow cooker to cook while you are at work…and if you pre-prep on the weekend…you can grab a baggy of precut up seasoned goodness and just throw it in the slow cooker, press start and head off to work!!


Check out our most recent recipe: Chickpea Artichoke “Bliss in a Dish”

Nourishing Traditions – The Good and the Bad

All traditional cultures consume lacto-fermented foods. 

These foods supply enzymes that help digestion and beneficial bacteria that support good intestinal health and immune function. With that knowledge in mind, here’s another study showing the benefits of eating fermented food.

The Good – fermented dairy products may help prevent heart disease

Researchers in Finland found that fermented dairy products such as:yogurt

  • cheese
  • yogurt
  • quark
  • kefir
  • sour milk 

may lower the risk of incident coronary heart disease in men. Conversely, the researchers warn that a very high consumption rate of non-fermented dairy products, like milk, could have the opposite effect and increase a man’s risk for heart disease. (1)

The Bad – fried foods 

Consumption of fried chicken, fried fish or fried shellfish at least once a week (as compared with no consumption) is associated with a significant 12%-13% increase in cardiovascular mortality.

The type of oil used may be a factor. Cooking with olive oil, animal fats and coconut oil is preferred over corn, vegetable, soybean, safflower and canola oils. (2)

fried foods







  2. Sun Y et al. Association if fried food consumption with all cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality: prospective cohort study. British Medical Journal. 2019;364-k5420.

Are people under chiropractic care healthier?

Answer: Not only healthier but happier too!happy man

Making chiropractic care a regular part of your life will help you and your family on many levels. Keeping your spine and nervous system free of subluxations (nerve interference) is good for your brain, organs, and entire body and mind.

Studies reveal that people under chiropractic care experience wellness in many areas of their lives. For example, chiropractic patients in two studies reported improved physical and mental/emotional health, better ability to deal with stress and more life enjoyment. (1-2) 

Another study revealed that chiropractic patients reported improved physical functioning, less bodily pain, improved general health, greater vitality, better social functioning and improved mental health. (3) 

Chiropractic has been especially effective with improving the life of the elderly. In one study of people 75 years of age and older, those under chiropractic care enjoyed better overall health, fewer chronic conditions, less days in nursing homes and hospitals, more mobility and were less likely to use prescription drugs than non-chiropractic patients. 87% of chiropractic patients described their health as excellent compared to just 67.8% of non-chiropractic patients. (4)

What can YOU expect?happy woman

Chiropractic care is individualized; the care you receive will be unique for your body and needs and the benefits you receive will be unique for you. Be sensitive to your body and communicate with us – tell us what changes you experience after your visits.

  1. Marino MJ, Phillippa ML. A longitudinal assessment of chiropractic care using a survey of self-rated health wellness & quality of life: a preliminary study. JVSR. 1999; 3(2):1-9.
  2. Blanks RHI, Schuster TL. A retrospective assessment of network care using a survey of self-rated health, wellness and quality of life. JVSR. 1997;1(4):1.
  3. Owens EF, Hoiriis KT, Burd D. Changes in general health status during upper cervical chiropractic care: PBR report. Chiropractic Research Journal. 1998;V(1):9-16.
  4. Study associates chiropractic with better health in the elderly. Today’s Chiropractic. November/December 1996. Originally published by the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research. 

Coffee Is Good for You

Up to 25 Cups of Coffee a Day Is Safe for Heart, Says New Study

A British Heart Foundation funded study found that drinking five cups of coffee a day, and even up to 25, was no worse for your arteries than drinking less than one cup a day. Further, coffee won’t increase stroke or heart attack risk. (11) 

Drinking Coffee Could Lead to A Longer Life, Scientist Says

Whether it’s caffeinated or decaffeinated, coffee is associated with lower mortality, which suggests the association is not tied to caffeine. 

Drinking coffee was associated with lower risk of death due to heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. People who consumed a cup of coffee a day were 12 percent less likely to die compared to those who didn’t drink coffee. This association was even stronger for those who drank two to three cups a day – 18 percent reduced chance of death. 


Gunter M et al. Coffee drinking and mortality in 10 European countries: a multinational cohort study. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2017;167(4):236-247. doi: 10.7326/M16-2945

What Is the World’s Greatest Drugstore?

What would the world’s greatest drugstore be like? Well, it’ll have every drug and chemical you need to live a long, healthy life, free of You are the world's greatest drug storedisease, pain and disability. The drugs from this drugstore would never have a side-effect. This drugstore would be open 24 hours a day, never close and be at your beck and call – delivery would be instantaneous. Also, all the drugs would be free. 

Well, such a drugstore does exist! It’s your own body! 

Related: You are the world’s greatest drug store!

Yes, every drug and chemical you need to live a long and healthy life is made by your body, in the exact right amount, just when you need it, 24 hours a day. 

Your body makes drugs (chemicals) to raise your blood pressure and lower your blood pressure, relax you and make you hyper-vigilant (for example, when you are in danger); drugs to create inflammation and drugs to dissolve inflammation, painkillers and pleasure creators as powerful as heroin. Further, your body manufactures chemicals that create tumors and chemicals that dissolve tumors; chemicals to raise and lower your blood sugar; raise and lower your cholesterol and even … drugs to make you hungry, to make you feel satiated, drugs to build up bone, drugs to break down bone, drugs to build muscle, drugs to break down muscle, drugs to stimulate you as well as drugs to depress you. 

These drugs are perfectly designed for your unique needs, your unique genetic expression – and they have no side-effects or adverse reactions. 

Further, these drugs are made in the exact right amount and delivered to the exact part of your body that needs them at the exact moment it needs them. Some of these drugs are unique to you – no one else has them. No man-made pharmacy can do that. 

Yes, get your body working at its full potential and it’ll provide you with all the drugs you need, in the right amount and tailored to your unique body – and all these drugs are natural and organic!

 Americans and Canadians spend millions of dollars on tons of synthetic (unnatural) drugs each year. Every prescription and OTC (over-the-counter) drug has the potential to cause a bad reaction. In fact, tens of thousands of people die from reactions to properly prescribed medications every year. They are taking unnatural drugs because their internal pharmacy is not working to its fullest potential.

 Chiropractic care, by correcting subluxations, helps to “wake up” your internal pharmacy so it will function closer to its potential. Subluxations are misalignments of your body structure that interfere with the energy and communication that travels over your brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. Without proper communications your internal pharmacy may not get the right information to give you everything you need at a moment’s notice in the exact amount.

 For your internal pharmacy to be working at 100% (or as close to it as possible) you need a body free from subluxations. For that reason, regular chiropractic care is needed by everyone!

 Is your world’s greatest drugstore working at peak efficiency? Make and appointment today and find out! 517.627.4547

Is This The End Of Diet Soda?

Huge Study Links Aspartame To Major Health Problems; Sales Drop

As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better diet cokechoices. As reported recently, Aspartame (the main sweetener for diet soda – check the labels) is regarded by scientists as one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, who have linked it to seizures and a host of other major health issues including fatal cardiovascular events. [1]

In a newly published study [2] (presented in 2014 at the American College of Cardiology, Washington D.C.), 60,000 women were sampled over ten years. It was shown that women who drink two or more diet drinks a day have much higher cardiovascular disease rates and are more likely to die from the disease.

“30% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke, 50% more likely to die from related disease…”

In the largest study done of its kind, The University of Iowa concluded:

“…Compared to women who never or only rarely consume diet drinks, those who consume two or more a day are 30 percent more likely to have a cardiovascular event [heart attack or stroke] and 50 percent more likely to die from related disease.

This is one of the largest studies on this topic, and our findings are consistent with some previous data, especially those linking diet drinks to the metabolic syndrome,’ says Dr. Ankur Vyas… the lead investigator of the study.

…The association persisted even after researchers adjusted the data to account for demographic characteristics and other cardiovascular risk factors, including body mass index, smoking, hormone therapy use, physical activity, energy intake, salt intake, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and sugar-sweetened beverage intake.

On average, women who consumed two or more diet drinks a day were younger, more likely to be smokers, and had a highdiet sodaer prevalence of diabetes, high blood pressure, and higher body mass index.” [3]

Soda sales slipping… Thankfully this study comes on the heels of reports of already slipping sales of diet soda, one of the largest aspartame markets.

According to Time Magazine’s 2014 report:

“One reason for the decline could be a growing awareness of the obesity epidemic in the US and growing health concerns surrounding sugar-sweetened beverages. According to Reuters, industry experts say the beverage industry is shrinking under the scrutiny. Even diet-branded drinks have suffered a loss of sales with concerns over artificial sweeteners.” [4]

Whatever the reason for the decline, this new study should only add fuel to the movement away from artificial sweeteners. There are plenty of natural sweeteners that people can choose that are regarded as much healthier than aspartame.







This article originally appeared on

How well do you know your body? What part of your body does this?

Do you know which part of your body does the following?

They are your natural shock absorbers.

They take the pounding of walking, running and even standing.

They are flexible and elastic and give you strength.

They are like a golf ball or a jelly donuts – lots of wrappings that surround a gel-like center.

They thicken during the nighttime and thin out as you walk and sit. That’s why you’re a little taller in the morning than you are at night. 

If they are stressed they might become brittle and tear.

What are they?body

If you said, “intervertebral discs,” go to the head of the class.

Discs are like pads that fit between your vertebrae. They help give your spine its curves. Except for the top vertebrae under your skull (your atlas), every spinal bone has a disc underneath it connecting it to and separating it from its vertebra neighbor.

The tough wrappings on the outside are called the annulus fibrosis and the inner gel-like center is called the nucleus pulposus.

If your intervertebral discs are damaged your entire spine can be thrown off-center, your nerves can become inflamed and you won’t have flexibility, strength and comfort. You may experience back pain, leg pain, sciatica and weakness.

Bone spurs and degenerative arthritis of the lumbar spine can develop and this is called degenerative disc disease (DDD). It doesn’t have to be part of growing older. To prevent DDD you need to keep yourself hydrated, stay physically active, and see your chiropractor to keep your discs free from stress!

Take care of your body

Don’t assume you need disc surgery merely because an MRI shows your discs are not well. Many people who have “normal” backs have MRIs that show disc herniations, degenerative changes and narrowed spinal canals. Just because you have symptoms doesn’t mean your disc is causing the problem.

Don’t just jump into surgery – always get other opinions – especially from a chiropractor or two.

In conclusion – get regular chiropractic adjustments to help keep your discs healthy.


Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease: A Quiz

A Cholesterol Quizcholesterol 3

Did you know that there has never been a direct, proven link between high cholesterol and heart disease, heart attack or stroke? All of the hype was, at best, based on conjecture (the fancy term for guessing) and, at worst, a conspiracy to get people to take expensive prescription drugs!

If you’re one of the millions of people who believe these “facts” about cholesterol, get ready for an education. Take this True or False quiz to see if you can separate fact from myth about cholesterol.

  1. Cholesterol is a vital substance necessary for good health. T / F
  2. The lower your cholesterol, the healthier you will be. T / F
  3. Having cholesterol levels of less than 150 significantly reduces your risk of dying from heart disease. T / F
  4. The lower your cholesterol levels are the greater your risk of dying from cancer. T / F
  5. Cholesterol plays a role in helping to protect the body against environmental toxins. T / F
  6. Cholesterol is important in maintaining fertility and sex drive. T / F
  7. Eating foods high in fat will raise cholesterol levels. T / F
  8. The use of statin drugs has lowered the incidence of heart disease. T / F
  9. Oxidative stress and inflammation are the root cause of cardiovascular disease. T / F
  10. High insulin levels are a greater risk factor for cardiovascular disease than high cholesterol. T / F

 Don’t Peak below until you’ve answered the questions. 

Answers to Cholesterol Questions


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True
  6. True
  7. False
  8. False
  9. True
  10. True

 Please share this with someone who needs to know!!!! 




winter exerciseOk, so we all know that we need to exercise to keep our body healthy on all levels, physical, chemical and emotional.  Yet somehow we don’t.  And what I have found over the years is that we generally don’t place enough importance on our own personal health.  We do not prioritize our own health.

If you are ill, sore, out of sorts/whack… you are probably not a ray of sunshine and probably not too much fun to be around.

We actually take better care of our cars than we do our bodies and the time has come to make some changes.

Ideally, we need to do some sort of exercise for 30 minutes each day…and before you say.. where will I find the time?… I challenge you to look at how much time you actually waste in any given day watching mindless TV, for example.  Set your DVR to record the programs you “cannot live without” and do one of several things.

Firstly, walk on your treadmill or ride your stationary bike that has been  gathering dust while you watch those same shows ( you can speed thru’ the dumb ads too!.. BONUS!)

Secondly, you can do simple workouts at home with little, if any, fancy equipment.  If you don’t have a treadmill/bike/elliptical…check out this website for some really simple exercises.

I must admit I have been known to:

  • walk up and down the stairs at home carrying weights
  • do push-ups on the landing
  • kettle bells squats in the lounge
  • step ups /stepping on the steps from the family room to the kitchen
  • crunches on the ball in the family area 
  • more mountain climbers on the ball/steps than I care to think of

All of this to the befuddlement of  Sally cat..who wants to play along

Thirdly, join a gym to work out at…it does mean you can have “you” time which is wonderful and should not be considered a chore.  (Yeah, I know there will be groans, but these days you can have access to all the equipment you need for as little as $10.00 a month (2 less lattes’ & 1000 calories saved!)

Remember too, that walking is a wonderful exercise and make every effort to enjoy the winter weather at the same time!

Ray does Tai Chi daily and I do yoga and teach yoga 4 times a week and power lift 3x week  AND in this day and age there are countless wonderful videos on line or for sale that will give you a good workout on those days when staying home is preferable…but vegging is not!

What I am saying is that if you care at all about yourself,…you can and must make the effort and if you need the moral support, share your decision with a friend/ us to help keep you honest

There a plenty of ways to include mini workouts into your day…take time to share your faves with us.