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Maple-Cream Cheese Frosting

Makes about 3/4 cup, enough to frost one average-sized cake

1/2 cup vegan cream cheese
2 to 3 tablespoons maple syrup, to taste
2 tablespoons rice milk or other plain nondairy milk

Combine the ingredients in a food processor. Process until creamy and smooth. Use a flexible cake spatula to remove from the work bowl. Spread on the cake once cooled to room temperature.

Roasted Cauliflower and Rice Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette

4 or more servings
This salad is so delicious it can make a cauliflower-lover out of almost anyone. The secret is roasting the cauliflower—a technique that brings out the best in many vegetables, but perhaps most remarkably so in cauliflower.

3 cups small cauliflower florets
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 cups cooked or 1 (15.5-ounce) can navy beans or other white beans, rinsed and drained
3 cups cooked brown rice
1 fresh ripe tomato, chopped
1/2 cup minced red bell pepper
2 celery ribs, cut into 1/4-inch dice
2 tablespoons green onions
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Spread the cauliflower on a lightly oiled baking pan and drizzle with 1 tablespoon of oil. Season with salt and pepper and roast until tender and lightly browned, turning once, about 15 minutes. Set aside to cool.
While the cauliflower is roasting, combine the remaining 1/4 cup oil, vinegar, mustard, sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and black pepper to taste in a small bowl. Mix well and set aside.
In a large bowl, combine the rice, tomato, bell pepper, celery, green onions, and parsley. Pour on the reserved dressing, add the roasted cauliflower, and toss gently to combine.
Serve warm…. yum!!!!!!!!!!

Spinal Column – December 2009

Lanjopoulos Family Chiropractic
309 E Saginaw Hwy, Grand Ledge. 627- 4547

Greetings all!!

Well, we made it through another year. Erelong we will be dating our check 2010!!!!!

This has been an interesting and challenging year and we are grateful that you have stuck with us. We trust 2010 sees more glimmers of hope in the economy.

As the snow starts to make it’s presence felt in our lives….. make sure you take adequate and sensible precautions when shoveling and embarking on trips in the car. Keep an emergency kit in the car that includes water, power bars/nuts and blankets.

When shoveling….don’t try and do it ALL at once, twist equally to both sides if you have to or get one of those fancy shovels that you essentially push the snow with. Remember twisting under load is where the damage happens.

Jessica is recovering from her deer encounter and continues with her schooling through Sienna Heights. Erica has been accepted by Cornerstone University for her Masters in Marketing, which hopefully will start in January.

Ray and I continue to teach Tai Chi and Yoga and I will be starting my training for a ½ marathon walk in the New Year.

Make a decision this coming year that your health and that of your family’s is important and consider bringing the family in if they are not currently under care. (read page three for some thoughts to ponder on)

Everyone stumbles over the truth from time to time, but most people pick themselves up and hurry off as though nothing ever happened……………- Sir Winston Churchill

Your chiropractor’s goal

Your chiropractor’s goal is to assist your body to regain optimal functioning by removing blockages and deep stress so that balance and harmony among your body’s systems can be restored. That is especially important for children.

Throughout your children’s lifetimes – from infancy into adulthood – chiropractic care can help ensure your child’s physical and emotional health. Over a century of success in helping children regain and retain their health has made chiropractic the healthcare of choice for millions of parents and their children throughout the world. Chiropractors are specially trained to locate and release blockages commonly caused by tiny misalignments of the structural system. These blockages (called subluxations) create dis-ease (disharmony) which can lead to lowered resistance to disease, organ malfunction, poor posture, pain, and physical and emotional illness. Chiropractors have helped babies suffering from nearly every condition imaginable: colic, vomiting, sleeping problems, tonsillitis, vision and hearing problems and many, many others. It is not unusual to hear parents state that since starting chiropractic care their children get sick less frequently, less severely, have less or no ear infections and take less (or no) antibiotics and other drugs. Many conditions such as asthma and allergies have responded to chiropractic care as well.

Academic Performance
Both clinical reports and research have reported chiropractic’s success with dyslexia, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), lack of energy or “low mental stamina”, anxiety and behavioral problems.

Sports Performance
Improvements in coordination and athletic ability have also been noted as a result of chiropractic care. Chiropractors are “team doctors” for athletes in all kind of sports from tennis, swimming, golf and track-and-field to football, basketball, baseball, ice hockey, handball, rugby, soccer and Olympic and professional teams. Chiropractic care help athletes function at their peak to maintain their “competitive edge.” Chiropractors can help prevent injury by keeping your child balanced and functioning free of spine and structural stress. Chiropractic care can prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones, without the use of drugs or surgery.

Chiropractic care for children makes a big difference no matter what their age. Keep your children healthy, ensure their natural self-healing ability functions at its peak and help them grow into their physical and emotional potential with chiropractic. If we had a dollar for each time we’ve heard, “I just don’t believe in Chiropractic” or “I’m not sure I believe in Chiropractic”, we would be one of the Fortune 500. We want to go further with you today with some very simple questions:


…that there is an inborn wisdom in your body that controls and coordinates all function and healing?

If you answered anything but ‘yes’, then explain how a cut on your leg heals without you or a doctor helping it.

If you answered anything but ‘yes’, then explain why cutting your spinal cord in half at the neck would cause every organ in your body to die.

…that the spinal bones surround and protect the Brain Stem, Spinal Cord, and Nerve Roots? If you answered anything but ‘yes’, simply look at any anatomy book and you’ll change your answer.

…that if a spinal bone shifts out of it’s normal alignment and stretches, irritates, or damages a nerve or the spinal cord, it would affect how your organs function? If you answered anything but ‘yes’, talk to someone who has had this happen (if they are fortunate enough to be alive), someone like Christopher Reeve (the actor who played Superman that fell off his horse and damaged his spinal cord).

…that a large man wearing a red suit riding a sleigh driven by reindeer delivers presents down the chimney to all the kids of the world? If you answered anything but ‘yes’, just for the heck of it, say ‘yes’ anyway ANYTHING’S POSSIBLE!!!!!!

As you can see, everyone BELIEVES in chiropractic, however, not everyone UNDERSTANDS it. It’s the most misunderstood, and ironically, the most POWERFUL thing available in Health today

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on vaccination
This is a great interview that is worth watching all the way through (both segments).

Chiropractic Research

Still more reasons to show that all people, no matter what their health, need chiropractic care. Asthma & bedwetting. In May 1987 at the age of 22 months, this male child was medically examined and diagnosed with asthma. In an attempt to control the asthmatic symptoms, two medications were prescribed. On May 20 1988 , at two-years and ten-months-old, the child was seen for chiropractic examination and evaluation and, from that date to August 3, 1991 , the child received 28 chiropractic adjustments. Dramatic improvement of asthma and enuresis followed the series of chiropractic adjustments.

Lung (pulmonary) function and chiropractic. It is known that abnormal posture of the head and neck influences breathing and other bodily functions. A study of 11 patients was designed to test the effect of chiropractic adjustments on neck curve, forward head posture and pulmonary function. In addition to chiropractic structural analysis, patients’ lung functions were also analyzed including lung capacity.

After 3-6 months of care the subjects showed improvements in (neck) cervical curve, reduction in forward head posture and improved lung function. ANOTHER HAPPY PATIENT”S TESTIMONIAL Jack R says…” I wake up ready for the day…not sluggish or tired. I just feel better, I have more stamina and my energy comes back quicker after a hard day’s work.”

Good fat, bad fat

Avoid bad fats
Bad fats are linked to heart disease, cancer, arthritis and many other chronic illnesses. If anything in your refrigerator or pantry has any of the following bad fats in the ingredients do yourself and your family a favor and dump them in the garbage:
Hydrogenated oils
Partially hydrogenated oils
Cottonseed, soybean, canola and vegetable oils
Especially avoid margarine or butter oil “spreads” or “blends”

Partake of good fats
Good fats promote health and healing. Good (saturated) fats include:
Butter (especially from raw milk and grass fed cows)
Oliver oil (virgin and cold pressed)
Coconut oil
Fish oil (smaller fish such as herring, sardines etc. are best)

Remember – good fats are good for you and bad fats can kill you. People that use good fats are thinner, have more energy and are healthier.

Words of wisdom

Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad name. – Henry Kissinger

A “gaffe” occurs not when a politician lies, but when he tells the truth. – Michael Kinsley

A politician will always be there when he needs you. – Richard Smolik

Fluoride and hypothyroidism

One of the reasons there is so much thyroid disease is all of the chemicals in our environment that have been linked to hypothyroidism. Fluoride was found to cause thyroid damage and contribute to thyroid disease. For more information see Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison at


1. The roundest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.
2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian .
3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.
4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption.
5. No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
6. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.
7. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.
8. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
9. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
10. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.
11. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
12. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, ‘You stay here; I’ll go on a head.’
13. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
14. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: ‘Keep off the Grass.’
15. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, ‘No change yet.’
16. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.
17. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium-at-large.
18. The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.
19. A backward poet writes inverse.
20. In democracy it’s your vote that counts. In feudalism it’s your Count that votes.

Mark says “ that being able to maintain a healthy pain-free back has been the greatest benefit of chiropractic care to me. My body is more flexible and since I started Tai Chi with Dr Ray I have noticed more productive days.”

Cranberry-Carrot Cake with Maple-Cream Cheese Frosting
Maple-Cream Cheese Frosting
Roasted Cauliflower and Rice Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette

Ok, so that’s it for this year…..hope you enjoyed them as much as I had fun putting them together. Feedback is ALWAYS welcome

Pasta with Fresh Tomato Sauce

The Italians insist upon fresh food, freshly cooked, letting the quality of the ingredients make the flavor of the dish.

3 large local tomatoes, stem end removed, chopped smallish
2 tbs olive oil
2 cloves peeled sliced garlic
fresh herbs to your taste: thyme, marjoram, oregano, flat-leaf parsley, rosemary, basil, etc.
salt and pepper to taste
Spaghetti, regular or gluten-free
Fresh mozzarella cheese

Start boiling water for pasta.

In 1 tbs olive oil, saute one of the chopped tomatoes for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Put into blender and quickly puree.

Start the pasta cooking.
Wipe out skillet, start again with another tbs olive oil, the other two tomatoes, and the fresh herbs. Saute over medium heat as the pasta cooks. The tomatoes should not lose their essential character. After they have sauteed for 5 minutes or so, stir in the puree. Check the seasoning.

Pour sauce over freshly cooked pasta, decorate with small thin slices of fresh mozzarella. Ciao!

Potato, Corn, and Cherry Tomato Salad with Basil Dressing

2 tablespoons white-wine vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
1 cup packed fresh basil leaves
2 1/2 pounds small red potatoes
the kernels cut from 6 cooked ears of corn
1/2 pound cherry tomatoes, halved

In a blender or food processor blend together the vinegar, the oil, the basil, and salt and pepper to taste until the dressing is emulsified. In a large saucepan combine the potatoes with enough cold water to cover them by 2 inches, bring the water to a boil, and simmer the potatoes for 15 minutes, or until they are tender. Drain the potatoes, let them cool, and quarter them. In a large bowl combine the corn, the potatoes, the tomatoes, the dressing, and salt and pepper to taste and toss the salad gently.

Spinal Column – August 2009

Lanjopoulos Family Chiropractic
309 E Saginaw Hwy, Grand Ledge. 627- 4547

Happy August Everybody,

Enjoying the Dogdays????? (what Dogdays????? )(They snuck up on us!!! 8/12)

How are your gardens growing? The Farmers Markets are in full force now and I go to three different ones, Portland, Grand Ledge and East Lansing. I also went to the statewide Farmers Market on the east Lawn of the Capitol this last month”.OH YUMMY!!!!!!!!. There will be another Sept 17th, I believe. A feast for the eyes and the palate.

As we put this newsletter to print, Back- to- School time is upon us. Even as you stock up the kids with clothes and goodies, remember TO CHECK THEIR SPINES to make sure that they are ready and well aligned to function at their best for school. And for those of you with kids in sports, consider asking Dr Charmaine to teach a stretching workshop to the coaches and athletes. Incorrect stretching is almost as bad as no stretching at all. Continuing Education: as the year draws to an end, we will be filling in some gaps in the continuing education package that is required by for Chiropractic (for both of us) and yoga (Dr Charmaine). We will keep you posted if there is any impact to our office schedule. We donated $520.00 to the Food Bank in July for all the new patients referred to our office in June. Keep in mind to that before you know it, Stuff the Bus Saturday Nov14th, will be upon us. The need is even greater this year than ever before.

Asthma and chiropractic

There are possibly millions of asthmatic children who are destined to a life dependent upon medication; these children may never have the chance to see if chiropractic spinal adjustments can help their asthma and provide them with a better quality of life.
– Peter Fysh, DC, researcher

Asthma, a once rare disorder, has exploded in incidence and is now the most common chronic disease in children. It causes more time lost from school than any other pediatric disorder. Asthma was almost never a fatal disease, but now it’s attributed to up to 5,000 deaths a year. Childhood vaccination is increasingly implicated as the reason asthma is increasing.

For over a hundred years sufferers of all types of respiratory conditions have sung the praises of chiropractic care. Typical among case histories is that of a 6-year-old girl with three years of uncontrolled asthma. She was on several different drugs daily. In 30 days of chiropractic care she was off all medications, and upon subsequent visits to the pediatrician she demonstrated a marked increase in lung volume.

A study involving 385 chiropractors in seven countries found significant improvement in those patients with asthma and other diseases. The longer the patients stayed under chiropractic care, the more improvements they noted.

In a study of 81 children, 73 showed significant improvement after chiropractic; 25 of them voluntarily decreased their medication by an average of 66.5% and 24 had significantly decreased incidences of attacks by an average of 44.9%.

Anyone with asthma, bronchitis, emphysema or other chronic lung conditions needs to ensure their lungs and bronchi are receiving uninterrupted nerve communication from their brain and spinal cord. Chiropractic is a healing art dedicated to keeping the nerve passages in the body open and unobstructed.

***************GLOWING TESTIMONIAL. Jill says that in the 2 months since she started in our office, she “is using less and less medication to control her asthma and is feeling better overall”*************************Kudos- Jill!!!!!!

It’s OK to worry

We all want to live lives of peace, joy, and happiness so why are fear, wariness, caution and worry such a common part of life? Fear, worry and other uncomfortable feelings are necessary emotions, protective mechanisms that serve a purpose – they keep us aware of danger and help protect us.

Watch a bird at a birdfeeder. It may have been there once, twice, a hundred, or even a thousand times and yet it is always on guard, always listening, always alert and ready to spring at the slightest hint of danger. Like birds at a feeder we are always on guard. Our eyes are always scanning the path we are on for danger – and for opportunity.

We watch our children to make sure they are safe and protected. We worry about them all the time. And we worry not just about our children – we also worry about our business, our job, our health, our grades, our future.. But when the danger is over we relax – or do we? When our children are safe at home, when we lock up the business after a hard day’s work, when we clock out we can stop worrying – or can we?

Worries, fears and concerns have a place – but for so many they don’t stay in their place, they are all over the place. Our protective mechanisms keep us safe so we can enjoy life but we have to be able to turn them off. Too many people are so obsessed with protecting themselves that they cannot enjoy life. Ironic, isn’t it? Lost in our fears and worries, we can forget the good stuff of life: the joy, wonder, awe, excitement, beauty, peace and happiness that are also a part of life. We need them; we need the perspective they give us so our lives are balanced.

So it’s OK to worry.. Worry about the kids but be happy you have kids and reflect on all the joy they’ve given you and all the lessons they’ve taught you.

Be concerned about the future, but feel the awe and promise in each sunrise. Be wary of economic downturns, but remember we live in a world of abundance, opportunity and potential.

Be concerned about your health, but know that too much worry about your health can make you sick. Never forget that your body is an amazing creation, full of wonders and mysteries with a marvelous healing ability that has the potential to cure any disease, from the common cold to cancer.

It’s ok to worry, just don’t beat yourself up. Don’t risk closing the door to the health and happiness that is closer to you than you may realize.

Chiropractic Research

Ear infection, Neck Pain, Headache & Sinus Infection. An 8-year-old girl with a 3-year history of ear infection, head and neck pain and sinus infections had bilateral ear tube surgery twice, antibiotics and sinus surgery with no improvement. She was brought to a chiropractor who found that she had subluxations in her neck. After chiropractic care she reported a dramatic decrease in headaches; sinus and ear infections; and ear, head and neck pain

********GLOWING TESTIMONIALS – HOW WE HAVE HELPED OTHERS ON THE ROAD TO HEALTH. Megan came home a beautiful baby with a broken clavicle, who had been induced as they were worried she maybe getting too big. “The doctor said that lots of babies are born with broken bones and it would heal” She seemed to be fine “if you call a 2 year old fine that could only sleep about 4 hours a night, had over 20 ear infections, severe allergies requiring the use of a nebulizer and two exhausted parents. She never wanted to be held or snuggled, was very particular about things touching her and being touched”. Eating out was a nightmare, driving in the car unthinkable, going grocery shopping/ to the mall out of the question. We started seeing Drs Ray and Charmaine after getting favorable recommendations”.WOW what a miracle! She slept 10 hours after her first visit and has not had an ear infection in about 7 weeks, an all time record! And sure enough her behaviors have changed “my husband and I have noticed a definite increase in snuggles, hugs and love she has to share.***Megan’s Mom

Words of wisdom from Voltaire
All history is little else than a long succession of useless cruelties.

Common sense is not so common.
He who is not just is severe, he who is not wise is sad.

Perfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time.

Prejudice is the reason of fools.

Sunlight prevents many different cancers

We’ve got to remind you: Now’s the time to get your vitamin D injected into every pore of your body using a special high tech device called SUNLIGHT.

Yet another study found that a high level of vitamin D in your blood is associated with “substantially” lower rates of colon, breast, ovarian, renal, pancreatic, aggressive prostate and other cancers.

The authors predict that increasing vitamin D levels would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year Other researchers have reported that sunlight lowers the risk of melanoma as well.

Get lots of sun, just don’t burn.


Italian pasta diet – it really works!!

1. You walka pasta da bakery.
2. You walka pasta da candy store.
3. You walka pasta da ice cream shop.
4. You walka pasta da table and fridge.
You will lose weight!

And another happy client

“The most obvious difference Chiropractic has made in my life is that I sleep better and my neck gets fewer “kinks”…”Bill (a skeptic who want wanted to check us out to see if chiropractic was “legit”)

How observant are you?

There are 29 questions about things we see every day or have known about all our lives. How many can you get right?

These simple questions are harder than you think – it just shows you how little we pay attention to the commonplace things of life. No cheating! Can you beat 18?? (The average score is 7.)

1. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?
2. How many states are there? (Don’t laugh, some people don’t know.)
3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty’s torch?
4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell’s soup label?
5. What two letters don’t appear on the telephone dial? (No cheating!)
6. What two numbers on the telephone dial don’t have letters by them?
7. When you walk does your left arm swing w/your right or left leg?
8. How many matches are in a standard pack?
9. On the United States flag is the top stripe red or white?
10. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
11. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?
12. Which way does a “no smoking” sign’s slash run?
13. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
14. Which side of a women’s blouse are the buttons on?
15. On a NY license plate, is New York on the top or bottom?
16. Which way do fans rotate?
17. Whose face is on a dime?
18.. How many sides does a stop sign have?
19. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
20. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
21. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
22. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who’s missing?
23. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
24. On which playing card is the card maker’s trademark?
25. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord that adjusts the opening between the slats?
26. On the back of a $1 bill, what is in the center?
27. There are 12 buttons on a touchtone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?
28. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
29. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise?

Answers: 1. Bottom 2. 50 (please tell me you got this one!) 3. Right 4. Blue, red, white, yellow, black, & gold 5. Q, Z 6. 1, 0 7. Right 8. 20 9. Red 10. 88 11. Counter (north of the equator) 12. Towards bottom right 13. 12 (no #1) 14. Left 15. Top 16. Clockwise as you look at it 17. Roosevelt 18. 8 19. Left 20. 5 21. 6 22. Bashful 23. 8 24. Ace of spades 25. Left 26. ONE 27. *, # 28. 3 29. Counter


So what’s this all about?

It’s our Wellness Orientation Workshop..that’s what.

It’s a chance for us to teach you a little about diet, exercise and attitude and to let you discover whether you are on the edge of a health crisis, heading in that direction or .”and most optimistically” whether you are so far away from the edge you are doing great!

Bring a friend, take time to share this info with your spouse or significant other. This health information is unlike anything you will get anywhere else.

Our next Workshop is scheduled for Saturday August 8th at 9..30am OR Thursday August 20th at 6.30pm It lasts an hour and we have a chance for you to share this gift of health with a friend thru’ gift certificate program. Ask us about it!!!


Steve, who was in a nasty auto accident in 1977, reports’ physically the weight of the world has lifted from my shoulders’ as the greatest benefit he has received in the 10 visits he has had to the office.

“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it more fully in your heart.” -St. Francis of Assisi

Pasta with Fresh Tomato Sauce
Potato, Corn, and Cherry Tomato Salad with Basil Dressing

Summer Salad Dressing with Sesame Salt

(Recipe serves 4)

2 tablespoons olive oil
Juice from 1/2 a lemon or 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
Bragg Liquid Aminos (or tamari) to taste
1-2 teaspoons nutritional yeast flakes
Sesame Salt (Gomasio)

Dry roast sesame seeds in a frying pan with a dash of sea salt.
Stir frequently until seeds are light brown.
Let cool, then grind medium fine in a cuisinart or coffee grinder used just for nuts and seeds.
Place washed lettuce in a salad bowl. Add all dressing ingredients and toss. Add sesame salt (gomasio) for additional flavor and nutrition.

Make every effort to support your local farmers market. Out now Épotatoes, lettuces, beets, some strawberries and asparagus, onions, garlic and other wonderful yumminesses(?).

Note that on July 23rd there will a BIG Farmers Market Bash on the lawn of the Capitol.

Also visit the City Market and go see The Grain MarketÉMy friend Scarlett has her products up for sale. BUY LOCAL!!!!!

Spinal Column – July 2009

Lanjopoulos Family Chiropractic
309 E Saginaw Hwy, Grand Ledge. 627- 4547

Summer is upon us, although many of us may be questioning…. What Summer?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers on the recent passing of my Mom. I am SO not getting on a plane for a journey longer than 3-4 hours anytime soon!…Of course it was winter in South Africa, which was chilly and yet refreshing and given that we were having 90F+ days as I was about to leave and the morning temps in SA were close to freezing… what a difference! After the funeral and tying up the loose ends, my daughter and I had the chance to visit a Lion Farm… the lions are white… a genetic mutation and as they will not survive in the bush, they are kept on this farm. Had a chance to play with and pet 3 month old cubsÉ that was a blast.

This past month Erica’s son Ayden turned 2…. Happy Days ahead!!! Jessica starts Sienna Heights University in August. Daughter Damaris goes into 11th of 14 quarters and the last but one academic quarter. Then 2 quarters working in somebody’s office getting hands on experience “in the real world” Brenda has almost completed teaching her first on-line class at LCC. She teaches special needs massage and business application for massage therapists. In the fall she will be teaching the National Certification Exam prep class.

Also in the news… we donated $500.00 to the Food Bank this month in recognition for all the new patients who started care in our office in June and to celebrate our 20 years in Grand Ledge. Thank you all for your referrals!

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei

Stressed out?

The economy, business, jobs, investments, expenses, bills, the future – there are so many things that can stress us out.

But let’s be honest. These stresses are nothing new – they might be a little more intense today than a few months ago – but we have always had to deal with financial challenges, with bills, with an uncertain future.

That we live under stress is a given. Yes, life is stressful. Can you escape stress? It’s impossible! To be alive is to be under stress. But stress doesn’t have to eat you up inside; it doesn’t have to be the kind of STRESS that damages your physical and mental health.

This brings us to what chiropractic can do for you in these trying times. Chiropractors get such good results because they release pressure on your nervous system and body structure. Chiropractic care helps you manage stress better.

So don’t let yourself tighten up into a mess of stress. Come in for a chiropractic checkup and adjustment to de-stress your system before you start to develop serious health concerns.

Other things to do when under stress: exercise (it really does make a difference), eat nutrient dense foods, avoid junk foods (they affect your nervous system and weaken your physiology), make sure you get sun (good for your endocrine organs and mood) and take a break from your usual routine and go for a walk, take a vacation or engage in some relaxing activity.

To this we can add meditation, prayer and staying connected to teachers, mentors and friends who can give us advice or at the least, just listen.

Don’t just sit there and fall victim to stress. Do something! First and foremost take care of your brain and nervous system – please don’t ignore yourself. You need chiropractic care now more than ever.

Have more energy – get chiropractically balanced

Most people get their tires balanced, realigned and checked for leaks. If they don’t there’ll be increased wear and tear and wasted energy. But what about getting your body balanced? If you use it you’ve got to make sure it’s still in alignment. Otherwise you’ll waste energy and have increased wear and tear.

When does a tire start to wear down? After 5,000 miles? 10,000 miles? 20,000 miles?

The answer: It starts to wear down the moment you start driving.

It’s the same with your body. If you are alive, you are using it and it’s getting worn.

Make sure you’re healthy – make sure your body’s structural system is aligned and balanced. You’ll have less wear and tear – in other words, you’ll age slower and stay younger longer.

What our patients are saying after several visits to this office

Avoided back surgery- my surgeon is very pleased that he did not have to do surgery. I am able to resume my normal activities, i.e. housework, walking, Curves, working in the yard, etc. I AM THE ENERGIZER BUNNY OF THE FAMILY!!! ….Mary
****** Mary had two herniated discs in her low back.

Sharon BÉ. I had awful headaches and really was a mess. The nerve pain is gone, in fact most pain is gone. I stand and walk straighter, sleep better, have more energy and exercise more…. I feel better all over. I know that if you follow through with the directions and exercises…. the results are wonderful!

Sunlight protects older people from heart disease and diabetes

In a new study it was discovered that older people can reduce their risk of developing heart disease and diabetes by spending more time in the sunshine.

Sunlight boosts vitamin D in the skin and older people are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency due to the natural aging process and changes in lifestyle.

Researchers found that vitamin D deficiency is significantly associated with metabolic syndrome, a combination of medical and metabolic disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common. The researchers found 94 percent of people in the study had a vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) deficiency or insufficiency.

The amount of sunlight it takes to make enough vitamin D is always less than the amounts that cause reddening or burning so it should be possible to get the benefits without the worry about skin cancer or skin damage.

Elderly people (and everyone else) can also boost vitamin D levels by eating foods such as oily fish, liver and eggs.

Ironically, as we get older and need to spend more time in the sun, we do the opposite – we spend less time outdoors – and cover ourselves up with clothing.

Do it now. Your body can store enough vitamin D in the sunny months so you’ll have enough in you to stay healthy all winter.

When faced with a health problem, how often have you said any or all of the following?????

Maybe it will go away………… Are you willing to take the chance?

It comes and goes………… Why wait until it becomes a constant problem.

It’s not that bad!…………………….Compared to what?

Why change now?………… Do you have so little respect for your body? Remember it has to last 80+ years)

I don’t have any symptoms………… First sign of a heart attack in 57% of the time is DEATH

I don’t have the time………… Can you afford to be out of commission?

I know what my problem is………… And your solution is………… ?

I was told I have to live with it………… Don’t give up on you body or your body will give up on you!

They couldn’t find anything………… Isn’t it time for a different approach?

I don’t want to know!……………What you don’t know can hurt.

It’s because of my age!…………Why do some people age better than others?

I can’t afford it………… You can’t afford not to!

Such thoughts could prevent you from enjoying the benefits that millions have successfully experienced thru’ safe, gentle chiropractic care.


Isn’t it time to start on your own health journey?
Think: How your past decisions have affected your health.
Evaluate: The quality of your present health.
Choose: To control the quality of your future health.
Change: Your thoughts, actions and decisions today which will determine the quality of life tomorrow

Chiropractic research

Acid reflux and colic. Sixteen infants were diagnosed by their physicians with acid reflux (9 infants) or colic (7 infants). Ten of the 16 mothers reported difficulty in their child’s birth (mechanical forces) that could have caused upper cervical (neck) injuries, such as the use of vacuum extraction or the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the infant’s neck.

In every child, trauma-induced upper cervical subluxations (spinal distortions causing nerve damage) were found.

In every case, the acid reflux and/or colic (all 16) resolved after the child received chiropractic care to the upper cervical area.
Meniere’s disease. Classic (typical) Meniere’s disease is the term given to the condition having the following four symptoms: hearing loss, rotational vertigo (a form of dizziness which feels as if the world is spinning around you), tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and a sense of air pressure in the middle ear, as if descending in an airplane. Some people suffering from Meniere’s also report forgetfulness, memory loss, confusion and disorientation. “Brain fog” is a term used by many Meniere’s disease patients.

Medically, the cause is unknown. People suffering from this condition may become disabled.
In one study ten individuals suffering from Meniere’s disease were placed under chiropractic care. In all ten cases there was a history of neck traumas, most from automobile accidents, resulting in undiagnosed whiplash injuries.
Chiropractic care for the reduction of subluxation was undertaken. All ten individuals responded favorably to chiropractic care. They were all adjusted in the upper cervical (upper neck) region of the spine.

And now a word from another happy patient
Sleeping better, moving better than I have in a couple of years. That makes a great difference in my “duties” as a mom to 3 ……..Lisa
****** Lisa came to us with lower back spasms that were incapacitating.

Did you know? There are 1,000 species of bacteria on your skin(and even more inside your gut!!!!!!!)

The average adult has 19 square feet of skin and it is inhabited by 1,000 different species of bacteria. How many is that in round numbers? About 100 billion individual bacteria live on your skin.

And that’s on healthy people. They are supposed to be there, living in harmony with you and performing many necessary functions.

A National Institutes of Health study should give us pause in our attempt to kill all “germs.” We need them. If they go we go. That’s why antibiotics are so dangerous – they indiscriminately kill everything. It’s in the name: anti – against, biotic – life.

Inside of you are billions more bacteria and without them you couldn’t live. In one study mice bred to be entirely germ-free have smaller hearts and are unable to digest food properly.

Words of Wisdom

All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.
– Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher


A little girl was watching her parents dress for a party. When she saw her dad donning his tuxedo, she warned, “Daddy, you shouldn’t wear that suit.”
“And why not, darling?”
“You know that it always gives you a headache the next morning.”

WeÕd like to take this chance to clear up any misconceptions you may have about food and diets.Ê(Thanks to my bother!!)

Q: Doctor, I’ve heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?
A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that’s it… don’t waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that’s like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and Êvegetables?
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn and what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficientÊmechanismÊof delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.Ê

Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine,Êthat means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more f the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms up!

Q: Aren’t fried foods bad for you?
A: YOU’RE NOT LISTENING!!! ….. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they’re permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you? Ê

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?
A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?
A: Are you crazy? HELLO!!!!!!!! Cocoa beans! Another vegetable!!! It’s the best feel-good food around!

The Underwire Bra — A Cancer-Causing Device?

Far worse for your health than tight or ill-fitting bras is the most popular type of allÊ– the underwire bra.

It’s important to realize that nearly all underwire bras contain metal underwires, coated with plastic. And it is the metal that could ruin your long-term health.

In his 1975 article, Chinese Lessons For Modern Chiropractors, “” Dr. George Goodheart Ð known as “the father of Applied Kinesiology” — explained what he calls the “Antenna Effect.”Ê Essentially, he discovered that by taping a small metal ball over an acupuncture point, you could achieve longer-term stimulation to that point in question. This discovery led to what are now known as AcuAidsÊ– small magnetic patches that are used by thousands of doctors across the world.

However, just like a small metal ball, any metal constantly applied to any given energy channel or point on your body can have the same stimulating effect.

As described by John D. Andre, D.C., N.D., below your breasts are two important neuro-lymphatic reflex points. The one below your right breast corresponds to your liver and gallbladder. The one below your left breast goes to your stomach.

He goes on to say:
“These reflexes, like all acupuncture points, follow the Law of Stimulation. In the beginning of stimulating a point, it is stimulated – often causing an increase in associated function. Later on, this continued stimulation causes sedation of that point and a subsequent decrease in its associated function. It’s a mechanical thing.

If a woman keeps the metal underwires on top of those reflex points, over time that WILL mess up the functioning of the associated circuits: Liver, gallbladder, and stomach.

Bottom Line: It will likely make her sick; slowly and quietly.”
In addition to that, the metal wire can also act as an antenna attracting electromagnetic fields, which can also increase your risk of breast cancer.


From the White Lotus Kitchen ,Santa Barbara, where I took a course several years ago.

Texas Caviar
Summer Salad Dressing with Sesame Salt

Texas Caviar

…………………… way delicious!!!!!!

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup olive oil
3/4 cup white cider vinegar (I used Red wine vinegar)
1 green yellow pepper, orange and red pepper, chopped
1 red onion diced
1 can white corn (drained)
1 can black eyed peas (rinsed and drained)
1 can black beans (rinsed and drained)
I added a can of small pinto beans…………….. Mix well and enjoy!!!!!

Spring Greens Salad with Endives and Oranges Serves: 4 to 6

6 or so cups washed and torn mixed greens (see note)
2 Belgian endives, thinly sliced
1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion
2 to 3 small seedless oranges, peeled and sectioned
1/4 cup sliced or slivered almonds
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons white balsamic or white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons orange juice

Combine all of the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss together. Serve at once.

Note: Use a mild lettuce such as Boston or butter mixed with any combination of sorrel, arugula, watercress, and tender Asian greens such as mizuna in small quantities.