Researching Chiropractic: Correcting issues in toddlers

Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. How many people suffering, on drugs, and facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?   Probably most of them.

Autism in a 3-year-old

The child was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. He had delayed developmental milestones, an inability to eat solid foods, was unable to gain weight, and had a limited vocabulary of a few words. Additionally, he had an aversion to being touched, had sleep deprivation, and suffered from constipation. Past history included a difficult pregnancy, labor, and delivery for the patient’s mother. The child was fully vaccinated. 

Vertebral subluxations were found upon examination and corrected by the chiropractor. 

By his third chiropractic visit, he was comfortable with the doctor touching him and his parents reported that he is not usually comfortable with even his grandmother touching him. His parents reported that he had been trying to say his first words and had improvements in constipation, behavior, and sleep habits.

Adjustments continued and over a 2-month period, the child continued improvements in sleep patterns, behavior, sensitivity to touch, expansion of vocabulary, constipation, and retained primitive reflexes following chiropractic adjustments. The patient continues chiropractic care. (1)

A two-year-old boy with Developmental Delays and Otitis Media

A two-year-old boy was first brought in for chiropractic care because of an altered ability to crawl and developmental delays. He also had a middle ear infection with effusion (OME). His birth had been traumatic and he had been fully vaccinated.

Positive responses to care began after six visits. His mother reported he began climbing a lot more and that he also had started using pronouns. He began pointing to things and tried to say the name of them. His vocabulary had exploded since beginning chiropractic care. The child’s speech and movement improved after being adjusted over a two-year period. His ear infection resolved. (2) 

A Five-Year-Old with Sensory Modulation Disorder and Constipation

The patient is a 5-year-old girl with a history of birth trauma, developmental delays, sensory processing, sleep difficulties, and other functional disorders.  The child had been fully immunized.

Following chiropractic adjustments, the patient’s nervous system was able to function at a higher level, resulting in improved bowel function, mood, ability to concentrate and engage with her environment, less-fragmented more-restful sleep, improved mood, and ability to focus. (3) 

Dr Charmaine here: recently had a 2 yr old girl come to the office for digestion and sleeping issues. After her second adjustment, her mom was reporting that she was a much happier child and the initial issues were now resolved.

Do you know someone with any of these issues?

Please encourage them to make an appointment with us!

(517) 627-4547


  1. Drew R, Scupham EM. Improvement in a 3-Year-Old Boy with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Undergoing Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, Volume 2023 Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ Feb. 1, 2023 ~ Pages 7-13
  2. Adams-Sajdak T, Resolution of Otitis Media & Developmental Delays Following Chiropractic Care in a Boy with Birth Trauma: A Case Study & Review of the Literature Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, Volume 2023 Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ February 21, 2023 ~ Pages 14-20
  3. Yoshimura R, Lathrop JM. Improvement in Sensory Modulation & Functional Disorders in a Female Pediatric Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. May 5, 2015, Pp 108-118.


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