What Does a Chiropractor Do?

Chiropractors find the hidden stresses in your body. We do this by analyzing your body structure for imbalances, distortions, and blockages causing nerve interference (stressing your nerves). The distortion causing nerve interference is referred to as a subluxation. 

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Subluxations can be caused early in life by a difficult labor and delivery (vacuum extraction, forceps, etc.) from falls, sports, accidents, even minor twists, and turns. Subluxations are very common – most people suffer from this often-painless condition. Yes, many people go to the chiropractor because of back, leg, hip, neck, shoulder, and other pains, but that’s only a small fraction of those who have subluxations and don’t know it!

Think of subluxations as dental cavities. They are painless but slowly deteriorating your health.

Doctors of Chiropractic spend years studying how to locate and correct subluxations. 

There are many different procedures or techniques chiropractors use to correct or adjust subluxations. They all have the same goal: to free your body from deep stress, create balance, reinvigorate your energies, and ultimately improve the function of all your internal organs, muscles, glands, joints, and ligaments.

Call us to make an appointment today!
(517) 627-4547

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