Researching Chiropractic – High BP & Poor Posture
There seems to be no end to the conditions that respond to chiropractic care – physical as well as psychological conditions.
That is because chiropractic does not “treat” a particular condition. Chiropractic care “corrects” a serious interference to the brain, nervous system, and energy function known as the subluxation.
No matter what condition you or a loved one may have, you and they will always function better when free from subluxations. Chiropractors are uniquely trained to locate and correct subluxations. Enjoy this month’s cases and see more next month.
High blood pressure, pain, and loss of smell after auto accidents. 
A 58-year-old woman developed high blood pressure as well as right shoulder, right shoulder blade, and mid-back pain after a car accident a month before her visit. The case history revealed that she also had lost her sense of smell (anosmia) nine years earlier, after a previous auto accident.
She was under chiropractic care for six months during which time she had 84 visits. Her sense of smell returned after five months of chiropractic care. In addition, she reported a significant decrease in pain from her original chief complaint of right shoulder, right scapular, and mid-back pain since her previous auto accident. (1)
Poor posture in an 85-year-old man. 
An 85-year-old male patient presented to a chiropractic office with a chief complaint of difficulty walking and poor posture. He had difficulty standing up from a chair with no arms and was also unsteady on his feet. The patient was receiving medical care from various physicians for pre-existing health problems.
Various chiropractic techniques were used to analyze and correct subluxations found in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. Over the course of chiropractic care, the patient was able to get up from a chair with ease and had noticeable improvements in posture, gait, balance, and coordination. He was able to decrease his prescription medication usage. (2)
If you know anyone who may be experiencing these issues, please share this article with them and encourage them to make an appointment with us. Call 517.627.4547 today!
- Carney CL, MacCarthy M, Girdis DC. Resolution of post-traumatic anosmia following Network Spinal Analysis care: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. February 27, 2017:8-14.
- Moseson N. Improved gait, balance, and coordination in an 85-year-old male undergoing subluxation-based chiropractic care: a case study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. February 9, 2017:1-4.
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