The Latest from Charmaine: January 2019

April 2018Well.. we made it to 2019 and we are flirting with a winter which cannot seem to make up its mind whether we are actually going to a have a REAL winter.  Oh well, the weather will do its own thing and we are just going have to live with whatever Mother Nature deals us.

As we move into this New Year, let’s decide that this is the year that we will actually make those changes we want to make…but we are going take it one month at a time and one project at a time.

In my last newsletter I suggested that we make small changes and work on one change per month.  This month the topic is exercise.  Check this out for more info on that.

Just picked up the mail and of course it is that time when all the gardening catalogs are coming in. We can sit comfortably in a warm snug house with a cup of tea/coffee and drool/fantasize about what we would like to do in the garden. Time to seriously think about having a veggie patch, just for the pure “groundedness” that tending a garden offers and the benefits of you own homegrown wonderments that will be sooooo much better that anything store-bought.

Meanwhile, get out and enjoy the snow(?) as much as possible (the Norwegians say there is no bad weather.. just bad clothes!).  Dress appropriately and think about all the health benefits of getting out and exercising and being in nature…(makes winter go quicker if you are not a fan of winter).


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